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_ _ _ <br /> � � � <br /> D��D ��C�O�D �oo �On � <br /> F,G�iQ--KL01'p��AR1"LETT CO..I'rintinB,I.ithogr¢phing and G'o�inty Supplfes:Omaha. ' � � '^ � i' - -' � _ <br />_—. ..,! -. , _ . _ ..,._ -_:. ._ __ ._.�, , <br /> �—_,__,_..____:� _______�_ .:_, <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this ir�strument was entered on ✓l�'umerical <br /> ------ ---------- ---------- -- -------.__- ---- ----- ------ <br /> Index and filed for reeord this_______________1�___._____day of______�14I�@T.:.��x���T.___ <br /> ., . . .1. D., 19--�-�----, at--_ ------_ _____-- _�,.�Q---._..o'clock,-----�-...M. <br /> - - `-7_s..'�Tus�� 1�:_._�.-s11�tiQ2Z� sl?�g-1@. -- WAiiArity <br /> TO Deed. . � <br /> i --------------------- - - - --------- <br /> -- �;------ f------------- - <br /> Re aste Deeds, <br /> - ---------------���.�'�212__.�_�_GQX- --------- --- ----- . <br /> B�J------------------------------ - --- ------- ---------------------- - <br /> ------------------ ----------------- - -- --- -- -- - -- - -- ----- Deputy. <br /> �r�o� �YY �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t�.: <br /> �,���---- --�?_�mes___i'_._�ut.�oxa, - a--������- -- --- ------ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----- ' <br /> �' ?T �''' __.______Grantor_________, in consideration� <br /> of the CourttJ �f---- - ---=_.�1.1-- --- - ._.._c�rr,cl Stccte of-----�:�c�.�_�Sk-�-------- ------ ----- -------- ----------------- --- <br />' of the sum of_-----._Eflux._'�?u'^�rBd---('�_4DQ .�4} ---- ---------- -------- <br /> --------------------------- ---------------- - -- - <br /> ------------------- ----- -----------DOLL.IRS, , <br />�', in hand paid, do---------------hereby GR.1N.T, B.1RG.1IeN', SELL, .F1ND CONVEY'unto-------��_��.�.-�-c�SII---�-•-CQ-�-----------------------.------------------- ---------------- ' <br />' ------------------------------- ------------------- - ------------ -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------___._--------------------------------- -------------------------------- <br />', of the County of ��all _____and State of '''"'' "Cka • �' <br /> ---------- - ----- ----- ---- --- 1_���ru.., ------- -- ------- -------------------- - _-- - ----------,, the follounn� <br /> . . -- <br />� described premases, satuated in the C,ourctr� of__.___.____________��311___________________________________.._.__arr,d State of Nebrs�ka, to zvit: <br /> I �� • _• c = <br />' ------..UOr�t�ien���g__.��---"�_�,:�,_._E��.�:t.n---�a�t.---�v.rr�ex..o-f---Lo-t---i�so.._..Cne----�1��lack---t1-°-._.Fiy�....�5-}--.-of....the.....Till��e.__ <br />', -..-------O--f---L?�.ni�nan,-...-��.�.11--G_Q_un�`�',- --�?el�xaska,----s.urning- -�n�nce �r_e_�.�._..C_r�- -�T�.�s�xecl---�'�.�t.y.'----��.5G-�---.�'.�.�.��- --`h°.a�c.� <br /> . _:___.�rth 1'_�_ent_y_,T'iva ..(W�_) Fectr.:__��1ence...�.ast _Cn�;. %iuncirec�...Fift.y.__.�150.)____Feet, ___�hence___�outh _T_:r�nt_y__-__. <br />�'i .---. Five_ (�5� Feet --to- t .::- �1_ac� .of---E�egin.rir� -th;; _s�e._ l��eing th� �ot�+h---T ,Qn+�T Fi-v�---�'e-�t -of I�o_ts-- <br /> - ���------- - � -- <br /> --------�'-r°-- & - T:�'JO....11.._�'�=---�=�-- of._�.la_c�._Fi..Y.e.._t5) --of.-�='�e- ?Iilla��----°-f---�oni,�.iian�---.N���i��.raska. - -�------ --��----------------------------.. <br /> - ------ -- - -- ----- <br />' ---- - - --- - -- --------- ----- ---- --- ----------- --- ------------=-_•-------�---�--- ----------------------�------------- --�- ------ -----...----�-------------------�-------................-------------------- ------- ------------------------ <br /> I -----. ----------------- ------- ....- -- -�--. <br /> -- ------ -- - -- -------------- -- -- - --- _ - -- -------- �------ - -- -... - - ---- - ---- - - ---- -- ------- -- ---- ------�------------------...-------------------------------------�------------- ----- <br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtercarcees thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arzd Demand whatsoe,ver of the said. Grantor.___.__.,and of either of them, of, ir�, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> . _ hi <br />� <br /> Ii �A ���lE AIY� t0 �OYb the above deseribed premises, wath the appurtenances,urcto the said�rantee________and to___________�___._____ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. Jlnd._____I________hereby covenant_______.with the said Grantee________that__________________I___.___________ hold_________.said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_._______�_____._______.____ha__Ir@�ood ri�ht and lazvful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all Zien� � <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------�----------------------- ` <br /> --------=----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br /> I -- - ------- -- --- --._._. --- - -- -- ----- ------------ --- <br /> _----- --------------- -- - -- --- -- ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- <br />�', �nd______________.__________I_____________.______ _________.__________ coveraarct_____.__to warrant and defend the said premisQS a�ainst the lawful claims of all persoras <br /> . <br />', whomsoever------------- - ------ - ----- - ---------------------------------------------------------------=------------------------- ------------------.--- ------------------------- --------------------- <br />� ; <br /> ----------------------- - ------- -- ------ ------- - --- - --------------------------- ---- - - - - ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ; <br /> Dated the--------T-=�81vt_h--------------------daJ �1�--- --- --NG V�rlb 1 r--- -- - --- ---.,4. D.,19_1.�-----• , <br /> W'ITNESS �T�i:@B R.BL1ttOri <br /> -------------------------------------------�-------------------- -------- ------ < <br /> '' ._�._�1171�:_ ------------------------------------------ <br /> ST�1 TE OF NEBR�SX'.g, <br /> ss. - <br /> --------------------h'._all------------------County, On this------------------1_`_-��_th------------da�J of--------1'TOVB�:�k:_�r------------------------.q. D., 19--12-- , before m,e, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public----_-_-__-_--------_--}----_-___--within and for said County, personallz� eame---_-----.--_-_-------_-_---___---__-----_---__-__---_----_-_- ; <br /> _�T ar�_e-�--�-,-Fu�t o n�----a---s i n�I~--n-�-�n <br /> - - -- -s-----------------------------..------------------------------------------------- ---------------- <br /> -- - ----- ---------__--- -- --------------------------- -------- -------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person____._______whose name_________?.s__________________________afj'ixed to the above <br /> ��'EAL) instrument as�rantor.___.__., and_______n�____________________�fdir�acknowled�ed the same to be____�'i3,S____________voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'A�ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and ajj"'ixed my ofj"zeial seal at__.____.__.___._.______ i' <br /> • �-.,-.. <br /> _______�oTll??hai'� r!�i��'�.s�;�____ _______ _____on the date Zast above written. <br /> ---------------------------_�:._�._Eunk---------------------------- --- <br /> � Notarz�Public. <br /> .My commission expires------ - ------- - - -- --------- -- -- -----Anr-------1`7--------------------19--1'�----• " <br />