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� �\.� <br /> D��D ���O�D �loo �0� <br />— ` �6:,�O-KtOPP&BA2tTLETT CO..Printinq,Lithographing and County�Yupplies;Omaha. - '� ' <br /> FR�✓� I hereby certify that this instrumertt was entered on JV'umerical <br /> • _ __ _ Index and filed for record this_____.___._�_�Yl_.___._.__day of_r�QY�rA%.tQ�7C_________ <br />' -----------�' •E_.Di11_.�.nd-=Ata.��- �nc�- --- - <br /> r. _G.rI1ts�USl_ �.Tl.C1__�Gllf @ - �. D., 19--��---, at------ - - - _ _ -2 - -----o'eloek,----F_._,M. <br /> ---------"'� - - -- ---- Warranty <br />� <br /> TO Deed. • <br /> - --- -- -- ------------ ----------------------- -- <br />', R ister of Deeds, <br /> I ------ --------- ---r�ose--�?-i_rh9�---- ------ - -- ---------- <br /> I8�-------- _ - -------- -- ---- - - --- -- - ---------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �r�o� �ZY �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�: <br /> ��J��---- `r1 ei-- �J•�.�_i_ll---�n�. -�I_s_s_�i-e--�_._Dill -h.i_�--i'�ri.f e---�x�c�-�_._C_._h�a��o�i -�-nc�__.A�na._A�Hust_on_.hi s--�`ti i e,_ <br /> T. � <br /> of the CountJ �f_------- riall.-- - - - - a-rzcl ,Ctate of-----.13e_�raska---- ----------- ---------------------- -._._- --- - ------Grantor--s --- -, in consideration- <br /> of the sum of_------Z�V-0.--Hlz�?dr-AG-- ��--X10/1C-Q - --- - - ------------- -- ----- --- ------------ ------ --- --------_.DOLL.IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do--------------tzereby GR.�1NT, B�RG.f1IN, SELL, .gND CONVEY'urcto----Ro�e---B%ShOtS------------------------------------------------ -------------------- <br /> , f " , � -------- _ -------------.,Grantee--------, the followira� <br /> of the CountJ�f-------- �.all- -- -- - - - ------and State o ------ --iv�_DS_.���s1--- ------ --- ----- ---- - <br /> described premises, situated irc th�,.County of____.__._____"��11._________.____________________________.____and State of Nebre6�ka, to un.t: , <br /> --------------�,e�..__5�:�'�.e�---uix----�u-)..._in._.t�.lo_c�L_lTu�.b1s- �e.ven 1-�-)----anc�..I��_�._.l�ur;;1.�_�.x.---�'�.�....��0�....-�-�---Elo�k---1•'umk�er---TVro--- �2) <br />' --------------�Qt�'�...:a.�-a.-r�g--.in_..1�i11.--�'---Hu.s_Lan`--�.---A�lsaa.ta.ox�----�o---Gr-�nd....I.�1:�,nc�,----T��ebrasl:a---as__..�ur�re-ye_d:-----?�l�tte�.---ard-- <br /> -�x c1e�. - --------- ---------------- � ----------------------- -�-------- -- - ---- - - -_..___... - ------------------._..._.....--------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -- <br /> -----_------------------- - -- - - ----- -- ---•-- - - ----...--�-------� -----�--------�--�-�---------------..............-._. -�__._..---- -�---.....---------....._..----------------- ------------- ----------------------------�---�------------ <br /> ------- -�.............. . .... - ----- ------- - - --------- --- ----- ��-- --�- �------ --..------ --------------------..._.....-------�--------------��----�� -�---....._.-------------------- -----�--�----------�------------------------- <br /> ------------ -----� ---- ------- -----�---�------ -- ---- ------------- --- -_----------.........------------------...-----------------� ------ ---------------�-------------�---�---------.......... - ......---------------�----- ----------------------- <br /> ------------- --------- -�----- ------- - - - -- - -- -- ----- _- - ---- - -- -------- -------- - - -- - ------- - --- - - ----...------ ------------�-------------------- ---------------------- <br /> ' <br /> To�ether with all the te�iements, �zereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do���er�, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoeT�er of the said Grantor.8___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �d�1C Al�� t0 �OYb the above-described prem.ises, with the appurtenances,urcto the said grantee______.and to.______h8r._____.___ heirs ! <br /> arid assi�srzs forever. �nd__��e_________hereby covenarct___�._with the said Grantee___.____that____._�`f�_______________________ hold._____.____said premises by�ood and 4; <br />' perfect title; that_________�'�!e_____ _ha__V_@_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all liens <br /> c ,_.. �, � , , � _ <br /> and irocumbranees whatsoever_______uuu„e_ct_ to___t_�e_s___for_._1.,.1�___a_r_.u___suuUequent <br /> --------------- ------ -- -------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> I', �qnd__.._________________��r�_______-____�______ _-_______________ warrant and defend the said pTemises a�ainst the Zawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-- ------- -exC�}�:t---aS ab_fl_�L6._._St���s�-•----------------------------------•--------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------ -- <br /> Dated the------2o�h------- - ----------------.da�J ��- -CCtOber------------ -- - ---�1. D., 19___12---• <br /> W7TNESS -------�-,C-•-HU S t 011-------------------- <br /> --- <br /> - ---- ---r�-ayaxsa'.---�i,_Paine----------- - ---- ------_Ann�--A._Hus_�_Qn------------------------------------------- <br /> -------�T._�...Di1-�------------------------ - ---------- -- <br /> - ------- --------- - --- <br />�', -------------------------- - - ------�'_�_s_sie---r-�Da._1.�------------------------------------ ------- <br /> ST✓1 TE OF NEBR�SK.g, <br />' �ss. ' <br /> �� y f �ctober f <br /> ------------------i-'-��1-------------------County, On this._------------�$�h---------------da o ------------------------------------------------------------�. D., 19__l�__. , be ore me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr�Public--_---_--__--__-_______-_--_--within and for said County, Aersonally eame------_-_-__-__-_____---- --__--.-___.___--__-___-__---- <br /> ____.__J._E_,_�i,�l__�nc�__wif$__J e s�s_�e___r,Di�l__�nu___S._C.Fiu,et on___�nci_wif e�____Anna__A.Hust on <br /> -- - ------- ------ - - -- --- ----------------- --- ------------ ---------- --- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�__.___.whose narr�e_8__��"ixed to the above <br /> �c.EAL� instrument as�rantor__S.__, arcd_____________the_X__________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be____.th8ir__voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW7TJV'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed my ofj"icial seal at______.__________________ ; <br /> T , . - <br /> _�T�T1C�._._I_S.lan_d�_____T`�G�r.______ ______________on, the date Zast above wrctten. <br /> --------------------R�y_ar cl__H.Pai ne--------------------------- <br /> dV'otarz�Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires----- - - ---- -- -- --- --- �?c V---�Q------------------19--��-----• '! <br />. �: <br />