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<br /> FR��T I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical
<br /> T � Index arzd filed for record this_____________�_____._____da�of_�QSt�3I11�;�T_______._
<br /> --------J--._�.1�_i�1.--&--�yvifs--��nc� ----- _.- - - ---�_
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<br /> -------�-�_._�.Hus�Qn__£�__kvife--___ -- -.__ -- - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. ------ ------����,�.����/�'_/�__�___'� ------------- -
<br /> Re�ist of Deeds,
<br /> -------- - -----I-,_J ._CorLett------- - - -----
<br /> B�---- --- ----- - -- - ------- -- --- --- -------------- --------
<br /> De ut
<br /> ------ ------------ ---- - - - - - - -- - --- A �•
<br /> �.�o� ��r �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�ct�:
<br /> ����-------�t-e,---�T_.E._I�i_11----and_ �Yvi.f e__�I_es�i�._r.D.i11--�nd---�-•-�_.Hu�t_s�n---anci__t�i f er----�nna__A.Hzast-�-n---------------------
<br /> . - - -- - a-n,d bt,crte o ----- --- - N�=i�xr�S�� - - ------------------------ ----- --------Grantor--f�- ----, in consideration,
<br /> of the County of________�i_r'X.�,�. __. . ' f
<br /> of the sum of_---------T�ffO---HLi7.1(a.x-�-CL--ariS�--ri�140---- -- - --------------------------------------------- --- - - --- ------------------ --- -- --------DOLL.qRS,
<br /> irc hand paid, do------------hereby GR✓�NT, B�RG✓lIN, SF,LL, .,4✓l�'D CONVEY'urzto I_..�_._(eS?_z'6`i8��------------------------------------------ ------------------
<br /> of the Cour�tz�of_----------`tia.11-------------------------arcd State of_-------------1�?_�17rGFk3------------------------------------_._- ---- -----------,Gran.tee--------, the followin� .
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of'____._______H311______________________________.________.____an-d State of Nebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> �..............Lo�_�...�kun:aex---one.__�nc�--.��r.a..--��---�--�) in_k�lo.�.�.....5.�.�r.�-�----t"-).r--...i.r.�.__r.�,.��---�:..�„��ox�_'.�--.Q.��.�.t.�.on._..�.�_..r;x:�r.c�_.._
<br /> ------------ --��land,. -S�e'ar.aska,---as.__�ur.u�3-.ec1�_....�la_tted.--a.nci- -r_e_c_c�r_de.d...___...---..........- � ��--�---� --- --------------------------------------------------------- -------
<br /> --- -- -- ------ ------ - - - - - --- -- -----�--------------------- --�---�-------�- --- ----- ----- - - --- - - - --------- - ------�--------�------------------------.._.--------- ----------------- ------- ---..._ -
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<br /> --------------_-----------------. ---- - - -- --------- ---- ----- --------- - -------------- --- - - - ---- --- - - - - -------�---------------------------------------------------------._.--------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the said Grantor._S_.,and of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br />' �D �d�1e �lt� t0 �OYb the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee___.____and to__._hi_�__________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flnd.____;;C�_______hereb�covenarct____._with the said Grantee___.___that_____________r�8_____.___.______ hold__________.said premises by�ood and '
<br /> perfect title; that_._._____:�de____.___________haV�___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> ' � �11--and__su�sec�uent---tax.------------------------------------- ------------------------
<br /> and ancumbrances whatsoever______._.______�Ltl�'_ect__to__t�xP.s__for__1,;____
<br /> - - - - --- ------ ---..... - --...___ -- -- - --- - ------- - ------- ---------------- --- ---- - ------------ ---------------------- ---------------------------------- ------- --------
<br /> ✓lnd______,____________________________.________ __________________ covenant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawfuZ claims of all persor�s
<br /> whomsoever-------eXC_8�2�___�.� c^��'iQ�te - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- --
<br /> ------------------------- ------ - - - --- _ - -- - - - -- - -- ---- ------ - - -- - ----- -- - - -- --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
<br /> Dated the--------------�1 S�----------------------daJ �f�- - --- ---- -�e��t�m�e r- - -✓1. D.,19-��-----•
<br /> W7TNESS -----J_..E�1?ill----- --------------------------- ------------� �
<br /> -� ----J e s s i e---�_.D i 11----------------
<br /> ------------------- -r=a��'-a__�'�_�P_�ine---------------- -- -- -------------------- ------ ,:
<br /> �`.C.Huston
<br /> -- - - - -------- - " '
<br /> _'_____"""____________'________________"_'________"__"' "'_'Axlna"__�AH�.����_'"___'__"______________'__"___________________
<br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> h.�
<br /> ----------------------=�1�----------------°COlG72t7�, ) On this----- ----------��SS�,----------da� of--------tie�;?�G�---�-r------------------------✓�. D., 19__�� .. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public__________________________________within and for said County, personally came_______________________________________ _.
<br /> ----J_.E_,_Pi11_-�---wii'e---J�ssie---f�_!_L?i_ll__�nci_ _�.C_.Huston---8-._wife,.---_4nria---A.Huston_-_-------_ �
<br /> ----- ,.
<br /> -- ----- - -- -- - --------------------------- -- - --- ---------------- --------------------------------------- ''
<br /> to me personally krcown to be the identical person__S_______whose narne_____ ___�rB____________________u fj^zxed to the above
<br /> �i_E AL� irestrument as�rantor__�z_._, and_____.__._��1@y__.____. severally acknowled�ed the same to be___t_�'1_°7.�______voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'FIEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of)icial seal at_._________.________. ;',
<br /> ____�i_�T1U__��;l,��?��__._:�e�i��_ka_________.orr, the date Zast above written. ''
<br /> --------------------------n�.X_�.rc�._'t_t_._P_aine---------------------- -- �
<br /> ✓lr'otarr�Public.
<br /> �NIz� commission expires----------- - --- - ------- - - - -- --- - lT�v--�9 - ----- --- -1�.6-------•
<br />