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� �� <br /> � . D��D ���O�D �0❑ ��n <br />—�__ __ _. _ ._ _ . . _ _ _ _ ___�___. ._ ___ ..._____.___ -__.- -- __ _ - - _ <br /> 5G�70—KLOPP cE BARTI.F,T?'CD.,Pri�ting,Lithograph%ng and County Supplies;Omaha. � " _ -� <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this irzstrument was entered ora ✓Y'um.erical <br /> ----- - ---------- --------------------- -- -- - -_ <br /> - - ---- - ------ Index and filed for reeord this-------------'��---------daJ of-----�-��.Ok?�-r---------- <br /> .,. . .R. D., 191�------, at--- - - 4 ._5 5.._. ._ - --------o'clock,. - -P_..M. <br /> -------r�ax_r_�t--�_.�inn---t--�i�1QYver_�_._ --- --------- Warranty <br /> To Deed. � <br />� - --- --- --------- - ----------------------- ----�;----- ---f---------------- � <br /> Re is T o Deeds, <br />� ---------- -Ch_ris--Rasx::us_s�r�---------- ----------- ----- <br /> B�------ ------ --- ----- -- - -------- -- ------------------------ <br /> --------------- - - ---- �------- -- - --- - - - - - -- --- Deputy. <br /> ��o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> . <br /> ' ���.t---- -Z,----��arr-y-�-.=N-ir��., --� -a--tixrzdoca�r---1 -- --- - ------- --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------�----------------- - ---- <br /> 'T _.______.___Grantor._________, in consideratiorc <br /> of the CountJ o�------ - Hull - -rcncl .S'i:nte of- - --- -i�ebra.�k3-- -- -- - ----- - - ------- --- - - <br /> ' ------- — --`_----_--, <br /> - ---- --� ----------.DOLL.IRS, '; <br /> of the sum of_----------- E1gY'it-8@A---kuT7.cirBd--�l-210�-- -- - -------------------------- -- - -- -- ----------------- ------------------------ --- --- <br /> in hand paid, do_e�___________hereby GR✓�NT, B.1RG.-4IN, SELL, ✓1ND COJV'VEY'ureto______CI?r2 S__Pa6TtiU�S_6T1______ '' <br /> --------------------- -------- -- - -- - -------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------- - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - <br /> T ------ -- - - -----,Gran,t,ee.--------, the followin� <br /> ;: <br /> of the Count�J of--------- ��'s��.�. - - -----and State of_-- - --- - - -- -- 2_�r1�-- a--- -- --- <br /> desctibed premises, situated ir� the (,�ounty of____ __ _______.N�11. .___._________________________._____._____arr,d State of Nebre«t�ka, to z�rit: <br /> --•---�'tu.��].o.��,�:_..L9�---�Tuzx.lG�-�-x----(�_�_..�..x�_F_x_�ct_�onal---B1-o-�-k--�T�,triiber---.One---Hunareu...Thirty_..--TT�r°----(132_} in._LTnion- - - <br /> ----._�'.3.cif_i.c...FiailNay--�cz�1��n.�r'-s---�e-c_a_nci...Aci�liti_on---�-o--_rr_anc�---Isl�n.d,----Neb.x.��.ka...and---i.t:�_._�.om�len:er�t-,-- ; <br /> .----.Erac�i�na1---Lo-t--TIut:�,�az--�ix--lG-)-- ._in_Fr�ctic�nal._.�ls�.�.k...?:?um'�?Ex...F.ive-----(-�-)--._s�_f.'.._Jo.1��._Y�a.�_�Q-!-�:---Aci.�.a,.�.i�_n.._.. ;: <br /> �----�t-o---�r_and--Ieiancls ...3;e=u-�as-ka,.... ......... ......__....---�-----�-------------------------------------- - - ---- -------- ....------�-- �--------�----------------------------� �--------------------------------------------- ': <br /> --.�------- �-�-- -------- ----- -- --- --- ---- ----------------- ------�--------------------�----------- ------------------------�--._.._......._..------------- --------------------------- --�- �--....---...------------------------------- -------------- <br /> '-.................................�-�-------�-�� ----....----�- ------ ---� - -�- -- - ----- ----�- - ----------------------._..._...._..-------------�----------------- ------------- ------------- ------�-�----.........--------�------------ -�-- -----� <br /> ------------ �-------------------------- - �--- ---------- - - - - ._. - -- -- _ .._._ . . . __.. .. - ---------------------------------------------- <br /> , To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, arcd appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Doiver, ;:' <br /> �i <br />, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor________,and of either of them, of, ira, or to the same, or any paTt thereof. !' <br /> � i! <br />' , �CO ���1E AIY� t0 �OI� the above-described premises, wath the appurter�ances, unto the said�rarctee.__.____and to______h1B_________ heirs : <br /> and assi�ns forever. d4nd._____I______.__herebz�covenant.__.__.with the said Grantee__..__.that_______.__I______________________ hold__________.said premises by�ood and „ <br /> perfeet title; that___.__________I____._____�ha___VP�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free arcd clear of all lier�s ' <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------�x�.�-��--�;�ZX�B---fS)x___t.r�@--�8�x---�Q�?---------------------------------------------•---------------------------------------- ,. <br /> ----------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ----------------- -- --- ------- ------ - -- -- -------- -- --- -- ----- - - --------------- ---------------------------------- - --- - -- ---- <br /> �; <br /> �4nd.__________________I___________________________ .___________. covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons � <br /> whomsoever------- �XC��2t_._.��__�1�QY@--�_�_2���t�.-�--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------- ---- ----------------------------- �;! <br /> ------------------------- -- - ------ --- ----- - --- - -- ---- ------ --- - - - - ----------------------- ------ -- ----------------------- � <br /> ------------------ ----- <br /> ;, <br /> Dated the--------------2��h------------ --da1 ��--- ---�����_er---- ------ ---- ---�1. D.,19-�----• ' <br /> W7TNESS ------F�c1TS_y_---C_._�Y121T1,------ ------------------------------ !. <br /> ------- ---- --- -----�.Fc..�sinin�e-�---------------- --- - -- ------------------------------------------------ <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�SK.Fl, <br /> �ss. . <br /> ---------------------�311-----------------Coun�y, � On this--------2��h----------------_da�J of---------Q�.�_Qb�-r--------------------------�_.q. D., 19---�.�__ , before me, ,! <br /> the undersi�ned, a JV'ota�y Public_________________________________within and for said County,personally came________________._____________________________________________._ ,� <br /> ; <br /> ------------- - -�-:arry_._C,_�inn-------------------------- <br /> � to me personally known to be the identical person______.____whose name___.________1.&______-__ a fj'ixed to the above <br /> twLAj,� instrument as�rantor___.____, and__.____r{_8________________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be___._____�?i�____.voluntary '' <br /> . act and deed for the puTpose therein ea�pressed. <br /> INW'IT.N'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mz� name and afj�xed my of�Lcial seal at_____________._________ <br /> �; <br /> ________________�raT1d___I_S_luZ1C�r___�T°�r_�__________on the date Zast above written. `' <br /> � , <br /> ;, <br /> ------------------------------L_,R_,.Rri ni ng Er-------------------- -- �� • <br /> ' Notary Public. <br /> . . . �F tt ii <br /> .Mz� commzssaon expires----- ----_ - -------- -- ------------'=�=-�.1-Ch-1 F-- ----------------19�.`r------• ;i <br /> s� <br /> ;i <br />_ i+ <br />