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� � � <br /> _ D�C�D [���O�D �Joo ��� <br />� _ � __ _ . ___ __ _ _ <br /> _ _ __ .e� � _. . <br />�- 5fiae4l-KLOPP cE BAIiTLETT CO.,Prtinting,Lithopraphinp and County S'uyp2iea;Ornuha. . _, � <br /> , _ ___—. �:r.__..__..______� _�� <br /> F-- _ ,_. _..._._. �--- ...__--= _�_.�..._ e_.—__-- <br /> FRO.M I hereb� certify that this instrument was eratered on Numerieal <br /> ----- ----------- ------------- ------------ --------- - - -- <br /> __ Index and fcled for record this___.________��_________day of____._.a�_�9b2�'______ <br /> ---------Fred__Lo_�s_CY��-x--�.--�yif E;- - -- - .f1. D., 19__1�---, at_-- - -- 3___40 __ -- -- -----o'elock------P��12�. <br /> --- Warranty <br /> �.0 Deed. � <br /> - ---- -- - --- -� - - -- - -- ---------- -------------------- - <br /> Re�sis r of Deeds, <br />', ;.- r <br />, --- --- ---=--�rr1_a�_Loes�a:.ex-- - __ - - - --------- -- <br /> B�-------- _--------------- - - - ------------ ---------------------- <br /> - <br /> ----- -- - - .------- Deputy. <br /> �.�oi� �Y� �e� �p �C�je�e �re�e�ct�: <br /> ���t_____Frzd__Loescrier___and__Loui sa__Loes crier�__,_husb�nd___arc�__T�r_if e_____.___.____ <br /> ---- ---- --------- ----- --- -- --------- --- _ -- - - <br /> f J f ---a.rad AS'tccte of---.------?`TA ' -----------------Grantor-g------, in coresideration <br /> o the Count o ------ - - -�_1�1.1 - - --- bx�..Sk-�--- - -- ---- ------ ------------ <br /> of the sum of_.___�l�;li�__��t1riCt�'��:i.___��c___ri4__ _____._____ -�-------- _DOLL.IRS <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- - ----__--------- -- ------------------------ <br /> - -------------------- � <br /> in hand paid, do_____._______hereby GR.gNT, B.<lRG.lIN, SELL, ✓1ND CONVEY'unto._._______Herman_.LOB_�Ch6r__.___________________________ <br /> ---------------------- --------- ----------- ---- ------ - -------- - ----------_...-------------------------- ----- - -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------ - � <br /> ------------------ ---------------------------- - <br /> f J � �T ----and State of_------- -- ----- i1e'pra��a. ------------ ------- -- -- -- ----.__,Grantee,-------, the followirc� ' <br /> o the Count o ------------,�-,.�.11 - - <br /> �; <br /> described premises, situated in the County of____._______�111__ ________________________________________.__and. State of Nebr�Y6cka, to wit: ' <br /> ------L-°--t---N���i�e�_.��.�,�x.__�s��----ix�---��.oc'�---1`?ur:�i�tr--F�ve---(��_..of._.Evan��rand---Islanc�---- <br /> I'� .......T�e.�.;r_a�ka....�.s....�Y�_q:kxt.n---by--t.n:s---xe�c��u�c�---�7��t...o.�'...��ici---Adc�ition__no-� <br /> I -- --��_e.�_._.o.f._�ssrls---��t-Y-•---�------------------- - -� - - ------- ----� --.....---------------•------------ ----------------------------------_..---..._. . <br /> I -----------�--�----- ----- - --------_._._._..----- - --- ------ -.... - ----� ----- -.....------ --.._---------------- --------�---......---�------------------•-�--�---....-- �--�--- ----- - --------------------�-- ------------------------------- - ' <br />�'� --------�--�- -------- - --- -- ------....._....------�- - --- ------�---�---�------- -_.--------------�-------------------- --...-------- ------�----- - ----._._.....-------------�� - �---- ---- --- -- ---------------------------- ------------------- <br /> ---_......__.....--�-�-- ----�.... ...................--------- - --- - ----- ------ -�--_��_-�-�- -� ----�--- ------ -.._..--------.. -�--- -------------..------------�------�-----�-----------�- -��--�------� --- - ----- - ----- <br /> ---------------------------__......------ - ------- ------ - ---- -- - ---� --- ----- -- ----- -- ------- -- -- -- ---- - - --- - - - - -----...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozve�•, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S__,and of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />�,'I . <br /> �CD �A�1E AIY� t0 �OYI� the above-described prem,ises, wath the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee________and to____hl_�____________ heirs <br /> I� and assi�ns forever. �4nd.__?=f°________hereby covenant._______with the said Grantee_______.that_____________�`�!�____._________, hold________._._said premises by�ood and <br />'I peTfect title; that.______`�`l�__________.______havA__�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens ' <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever_______._�3cCe?:>�.i71�___'�ax_G's___fOr__t17B__y_e�r___1�'1� <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------- -- --- - ----------------- ------ ---------- - -- --- --- -- - ------- -- - -- --- ----------------------------------- -- -------------- -------------- ' <br /> --- -------- - -- ._ - - - --- - ----- -- ---- - -- -- --- -- --- - -- ---------------- --- ------ -------------- ------- -- ---------------------------- ------------------ <br /> �nd______________________ZY_B_____________.______________________ covenarct________to warrant arcd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persorzs <br /> whomsoever------6����t ��-�.�9V�--��u��-�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- <br /> Dated the----------�-� ol- --OC_tQ��T------- ----- -------.l1. D.,19--��---• <br /> ► <br /> WTTNESS --•---T're�.---LoesCher-------------------- -- --- ------- ----- <br /> --- - ------------------- - J_,_I,_._G�._�_ar-Y------------------------------- - --- ------Loui_�_�__Lo es cher---------------------------------------- - <br /> ST.qTE Ob' NEBR.gSK'.I, <br /> ri211--------------------County, ss. on th�s-------22nu--------------------da� �f------C_ctober------------------------------�1. D., 19a.�-- - , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public______________________________.______within and for said County,personally came__.______.____________________.___.________________________ ____ <br /> ____.__.Fred _Loescher___and_.Loui�a___Loe_scher______________________________ <br /> ---- ---------- ----------------- ----------------- - -- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- <br /> to me personallr� known to be the identical persorL__F3___.__whose name__S___�lrB__.__________________..____af)ixed to the above '. <br /> (uEAL� instrument as�rantor___13__, and______t.C'��y__.________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____t�=_�_7�r_____voluntar� � <br /> aet and deed for the purpose ther°eis2 ex�ressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�cxed mz� ofj"icic�l seal at_______________________ <br /> _____._:�_-r__ur__ci___I s lanu P1e Nr. _______________on the date last above written. <br /> -- �------------------- <br /> -------------------J-�L•-�-lg-��------------------------------------ -- <br /> �N'otarz�Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires------ - - - -- - - ----- -A�r-i1-----1�-"-- -------1917------• <br />