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D., 19-1�-----, at- - - - - _-- _- - 3--------o'clock_ P-•--�• <br /> , -------Art_iiu�--G_._,�_�.�7.�,----unt:�arri$�1--- Warranty <br /> , �,O Deed. . <br /> --- ------------ -- --------�---- ---f--------- - -- <br /> Re is r o Deeds, <br />' ------ - ----------S ar:lU�l--'�T_._i'G_z_l l_� _ <br /> 4 . <br /> B�- -- - - --- --- - - -- - - -- -------------- -- ---- <br /> -------. ----- -- ----- -- - - - ---- Deputz�. <br /> �r�o� ���_ �e�. �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> � � <br /> --- '�,--- Ar_�hzas__�_.-i9slls�___an--unz�ur-:c_i�d- ma ---- -------------- ------------------------- - ----------- -------------------�----------------- ---- -- - - <br /> ��ja�r_ � <br /> __crrzcl S'ta.te o ._---------r��i;�r_a51L�-------------------------------,---------------------Grantor--------, in coresideration <br /> of the County of-------Ii�ll--------.-------- f <br /> of the sum of--------rpllx�_Q_@_n__iitlnCir_8_Cl__�igh_t3�._ &---0-0�1GQ-----------=--------------------------- - ----- --- ------------------- - ------- -------.DOLL.IRS, ' <br /> in hand paid, do hereby GR�S(NT, B�RG.bfIJV', SELL, �ND CONVEY'unto____Sa?j?U°_l__N_,i?�e ll�.___._____________________________________ ______.___:________ <br /> -------------------------------- - - --- -- -------------- ---- -- ------------------- ----------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- <br /> of the Cou;zt�J o�----------- �I111-------- -- - -----and State of_----- --- ----- -- -Nebra�K� --- - -- ----- - -- '-----,Grantee.-------, the followir�� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of___________________?�.111____.___________________________._______and State of Nebrsaka, to urit: <br />�'� _.......--�--------Lot_---T17r ee-----�.�.}-�-----Qn---Is�.�:nci�--1n-Se�t_�.on -Tv�enty--f?�-Ve-----�2��----in---�Q��z�sh.�.�..??�,x�.�-----�9-).--.�Q.xth--n�.._R�rge <br />', --------------------�'..;��.�.va----(1,?.)---.��-1-S-t--o-f---t-ne----Six_���;...a�_c�-r.�ing---tQ_...Lhe_..tJri.t-s-d_...------.- <br /> - -------- --��tate s--sur�TOy -=�li3z'nof- i-T:h_a.r.�`.y-�.uv3n---�.3"� -�cres,-- r.��-•------------- <br />' ----------------�..............- -- - ------ --- - -- ._ - -- - _.__...._._.__....-- ...-----�-�-�---�--�--�-------------- --------�------ -- --�- ---� - -...-�--------- �-----�-------------------------......---------------------------�--------------- <br /> -�----------�---�--- -- -------------------�-----.... - - - - - -- ------�--.......- -- --................................._--------------��------------�-------•-�----... --------------�----------------------- ------ ------------�---------��--------..._. <br /> ----- -------�--- �--- ---- - --------------- --- - - -------------- - ---------------�------------------- ------- ....._--�--............. ---------------- -----------... --�----._.---4�- ----- -----------------....-----�------------------ <br /> ---�------ ----�---.._....----�--� -------�---- ---- �-- --- -- ----- --- - ......- --� ------ ----------- ----------...---�----------��----...-------------------------- -------------�-----��----..... --------- - ------�--- ---�------....... <br /> � <br /> ------------ __------------- ---------------- -- -�-- -- - -------- - ---� - - -------- - - - . . .. - -�-------------------- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozti�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor._______,a�sle��ea�af�J�e�e, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �CO �A�1C AIt� t0 �OI� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, urato the said�rantee________and to____.___h1S__._____ heirs ' <br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd._______I_______.hereby eovenant____.___with the said Grantee____.___that_______________I___________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and : <br /> perfect title; that___,__.___I__________________ha_Y°_�ood ri�ht and lc�wful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all Zier�s ;; <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever______________________________._._.-_ ' <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------_ <br /> ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------- ------- - -- ---- --- ---------- --- - ------- .------- -------- ----- --------------------------- -------------------- ---- ------- ' <br />' ----- ---- -- --- - - - - - - ----. _-- ---- ------ ----- - ----- --------------- -- ------- -- ----- ---------------------------------------- ------------ -------- ------------- <br /> ,�nd_ ______ _______ ________� ____________ __.__ _�________ warrant arzd defend the said premises a�CiE�st the lawful cZaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--------- - ---- ---- -- - - ' ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> ----------------------- -- ------ - - ----- -- ---- - - ----------- -- ------ ------------------------- ----- ----------------------- ---------------------- ------ - ----------------- - , <br /> �': <br /> Dated the---------------l���Z-------------------_da�J ��- -- - -JL1Tle-- ---- - - ---�1. D.,19--�7---• : <br /> tiv'ITNESS -------�rtlluT---C_�_��ells_ -- -------------------- - --------- ' <br /> --Fr ar�---�-._�g lls-----------------------..__ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- . <br /> --------------------------------------------- ------------- --- --------- - <br /> -- - <br /> """_____'_________.._____� .�i� � _4�:1���?_�_ �4 ���' <br /> -�________ _• �. <br /> ST.ITE OF NEBR.ISK.,4, <br /> �ss. ' <br /> ---------------------H;z1�.-----------------Count On this---------------1�'-n---------------- <br /> �J, ��J �f--•----J?�1��------------------------------------------1. D., 19---Q-�- , before me, <br /> C OrI1TT11 S 8]. r1 ` <br /> the undersi�ned, a JV'otary Publie----;l�l-J.�_--k--_-------_--_-_->z�it�i�E and for said Countz�,AeTSOnally came---------_-------_-------------------_----__----.-_-____-__--_-- -- <br /> ------------�lrth,�r--C.-�e11si.---an_.unt_�.��riea._r�an----•----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be'the ider�tical person______._._,whose narne_________:-___he_.________________afj"ixed to the above <br /> ��EAL � instrument as�rantor___.____, and_____________h@._____.________.severally acknowled�ed the same to be_}11fi_____________voluntary ` <br /> aet arcd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihayehereunto subscribed my name and afj"axed my official seal at__________________._____ ;� <br /> --------�food River i�euraska ' <br /> ----------------------------------------------- ---------------on the date last above written. <br /> i; <br /> - ---- ----------�eo---�,�qiller------------------------------- '' <br /> �l�'otarz�Public. <br /> JIIy commzssion expires------ - -- ---- -- ---- - -- ----- -- ------�TQY-�--�0�'__ --- --19---�-�---• <br /> i; <br />