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<br /> �6��U—KLOPP�BART7 F,Tfi CO.,Printing,I,ithogr¢phinp a.nd Coasnty b"upplies:�r�trzJaa. " _ _ .. ___:.._ _ __...��.mYA_ _,_—- _�.
<br />_ _.._�_. . . _ __.�:. - _ :-� ;—.�, .��.._ _ . --
<br /> FRO.M I herebz� certify that this ir�strument was entered on �l�'umerical
<br /> --•- Irzdex and fided for record this----------19------------day of---�_��9�°Y'------------
<br /> Jl. D., 19--��----, at---- - _ - -_ - -3.40 -------o'cZock,------P_._,M.
<br /> ------The--�a_ss--Ir_,u-ewtr�z�n#�---�o----- --------- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. ' '
<br /> - ------ ---------- --- - - -
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<br /> Re ister• of Deeds,
<br /> ','ic'lU:c'xI1 �eier
<br /> BJ------------------- ------------- - - ----- -- -----------------------
<br /> _ Deputy.
<br /> � �.�.ob� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: :
<br /> ����----- ��ie noss- I_ny.e���len�__�o,--a--��_xro.r_atiQn_. _--------- - - --------------------------------------------------------�--- ----------- - - - .
<br /> of the CountJ of--iiul-l-------------------------r�rz,cl �S'tczte of-.------- s�8'�JrAEkc� _ _.-------..-----Grantor.---------, in eonsideratiori.
<br /> �
<br /> of the sum of_-----E��v_�_�,--�i1lIZ�x-u-d---�--x1Q�'_10-0- --------- --------- -------------- ------ -- --- ---------------------------------- -------- - ---- --------------_.DOLL.IRS,
<br /> irc.hand paid, do-�-�--------hereby GR.1.N'T, B.FIRG�IJI�, SELL,��1�'D CONVEY'unto------N���:�Sl---��-1-�3-r-------------------------------------------- ------••---------- '
<br /> of the Count�J o�------- -- _i_!�ll--- ----- -- ---and State of_--=--- -- ---7�1�-�x_�y I�1___- ---- --------. -------- -- -- -- - --------,Grccntee,--------, the followin� `
<br /> I �
<br />' described premises, situated in the C,ounty of_____ __________ ___rj�Il____________________.___________._.___and State of Nebrsaka, to wit:
<br />�� .._.....�Q.�...aitazri�_�_x��i---Eiva----��-)---.in_.�lo_ck--1'LUn�.��-r�Cl TWQ -�-��--..Qf.--Lak_�.V�.�.yY.._A�.�i'��.Ori._.�G?-••'�11�...C.�.ty�-Q�---r-x��iC� - -
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<br /> ------------- -------------- - - - -- ---- - ----- -� - - � -------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenernents, hereditamei2ts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest, � ;,
<br /> � � � ,Claim ared Demarzd whatsoer�er of the said Grantor____.___,��-eat�7e,er-ef-#�d9e��, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�IE All� t0 �OYD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�Srantee___.___and to.___.__h�S__________. heirs
<br /> said The Ross Invest�ient Co
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �Ind___�_Y�_�____n___herebz�covenarzt_8____with the said GrarLtee_.____..that_____________l�________________._ hold__�______.said premises by�ood arzd.
<br /> perfect title; that_______________l_t__:_.________ha__H___�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and cof2vey the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all liens
<br /> andincumbranees whatsoever---------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------- ------ -------------------- ---------- - -- -- - -- ------------ - ------- ----- -- ------- --- - ------------------------------------------------- -------- ---
<br /> ---- ------- ---- - - --- - - - - ---- - -- ------------ - --- - ------------ --------- ----- -------- ------ - - ------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------
<br /> , , __Investr:ent Co
<br /> �rcd___��.12___�_�l�__Tllfl__P�O_E�iB n:=' ":. _x;uvenar�ts____towarrantand defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever-----�-n--�_i tr.ass---J�-.�e r_e-o��----tlia---sai.d---Th.e---Rnsa---In�rest�ant�---C�--j----h�.s.--c-aus��t---t�he-s-e---pres�nt-s---t-Q--l�s
<br /> -----sig_r_._�d--!�y-�.��___Fx_e_�iciAn�-- anc�__i_t�--cox_�:o_r_�.t_e se�1�---?t_��cY�ecl__he_�e'�_o__----------- -- ------------------------ -----------------------------
<br /> < �;hi8 - _l��h--------------------
<br /> ----------daJ �f- ---C�t4��T ------------ --- - -- -✓1. D.,191u------•
<br /> W7TNESS The . Ross Investment Co.
<br /> --------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------------
<br /> c o rn EY-----F re d----"�-�-Asht o n-----------Pr e_s i�e nt-__--------_---
<br /> ---- --------- ------- ---i.�_.13ansen--------------------------------
<br /> ------- sea
<br /> Att e st------5_._DaRo_s-s-----------------------�-e_cre tar_X------------ '
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBRd4SK.1, ,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ----------------------H���---------------County, On this----------�-9th------------------da�J �f--------------OCt��eT------------------------Jl. D., 19--12-- , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie______________._______________________within and for said County, personally eame____�'�Ed---A-.-ASh'�4Y2s___P_r_g-S1u8ri'�____
<br /> ----s�f_The--Bo�s - �_n��_s�.men�----��-_:-------------------- ---------------------------------------.,----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- --------- - -- -- -----------------------------
<br /> - -------------------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------
<br /> tiie President ef s�irl Com��ny arc�
<br /> to me personally known to b�the identical persor�___.._____.whose name_______.__l_8__________._______.___afJixed to the above
<br /> ins ru erzt as rantor________, a d________ ____________ _____ _ s 7�ie owl ed t same to be__�1��____________voluntary
<br /> anc3� t�ie vo�ur�tary ac� anc� aeed- of �ne��a �ie �d�ss �nvestm�nt �o .,
<br /> act ar�d dee�for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> (�EAL� INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mz� name and afj"'ixed my of�'ieial seal at_________________________
<br /> ____sr�n�l__.I_�1�r.C�_____iTG'_'�T3Sk�__________,.ora the date Zast above written.
<br /> ----------------T-,J_.H�nsen----------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .My eommission expires-----------.------ - F'-�}�--1_7_. ----------19--�-�-----•
<br />