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<br />_�,. _ GG:,�b—KL01'P�Tc BAI�T7.I�ITT CO.,Printinp,Litiaogrdphinp and G'ounty Supplies�Ornaled. __ . . _.:..�_..�-:___.���_�__-�__.._-�__, ,-_._ �<-,.__. __.�:� __.__�, _..��,_,::_ __.:=
<br />— . __ _, __ . --_. -,.._ -:_ — ----_-.---:.�,-_ _- ��_ ._,-,:,r. _. --
<br /> r'R�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ✓1�'umerieal
<br /> __ _ _ Index and filed for record this_____________lg_______day of_____aCtOber__________
<br /> �, L �1. D., 19---��---, at--- _ -- -- - -- - - -� -------o'clock �=.�
<br /> -------- ------!�,C_._HU_��o�_ �=- y,�if's --- -- Warranty ,
<br /> TO Deed. � , �
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<br />�, --- ------ -----
<br /> ���:����--------------- ------------------
<br /> Re�is r of Deeds,
<br /> I' ---- -- ---------- �--._�._�~�.e_�1ir�-- - --- -----�----------- .
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<br />�' ----------------------- --- ----- ------ -- - --- - - ------ putz�.
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<br />, �.�o� �.YY �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br />�'�, ����-------�1-�,---u...�,Hu�L_on__ancl__bnna_.�_.-Huat on, (--husbanct--and--v�if_e----�-- ------------ --------------- ----�------------------- --- - ---
<br /> ;` ' . 'T _________.__Grantor__�______, inconsideratiora
<br /> of the Count� of_------- h311 -- ---u-rad A�t��,te of- - --- �,_��xs'���a --- --- ---- - - ----- -
<br />'�, of the sum of_----------Flft_e_eY2------ --- ------------ - ----------------------------.DOLL�RS,
<br />'I in hand paid, do_ h,ereby GR�dI�'T, B�RG�IJV', SELL, .qND CO.N'VEY'urzto__�_.�_•HG I�.�Tl.�._______________.____________
<br />,' -------------------------------- - -:- --- --� - --- ---- ---------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------- --- ----
<br />' of the Count�J o�---------ri311 - --- --arcd State of_--- -T1P=ti_t__A�l�d-- - ----- -- - - - ---- __- - ---- ----,Uran,t,ee.-------, the followin�
<br /> - -
<br /> --
<br /> III described premises, situated in th-e County o/'___ _ ___________.'x�ll_.__ __________________________._._._____ari-d State of JV'ebr��ka, to wit: '
<br />'' ---•-----Lot---�;ui��'uer.._Fi.Y.e.._.f5.�...._�.n--Fs.lo_�� -i�,�;:.:p�r_..FivQ- l5-)-�----�a.cker.._ana__F�rr!.s....A��c..i�ion---�o --�ran�i- Is1.�indT._.- -- -
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<br />''� _...-------------------------- - - --- - --- ------- ---- - -- -- ---- -- - -- - --- ..._..--- - - ---- ---- -
<br /> � - - - -- ---------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarzces thereunto belon�in�, arcd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do7�;er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�__,and of eithe,r of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> I
<br /> �0 ���1C �TY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�'rantee__.___.and to____.h1S_____________ laeirs
<br />', and assi�ns forever. �4nd_____yY_e_______.hereby covenant..____with the said Grantee____.__.that_.____'ti�(_�________.__._____._ hold_____.______said premises by�ood and
<br />� perfect title; that_______._Vfe___ _haV�___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and eonvez� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br />��
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------_---_--------__--_------------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
<br /> I ----------------------------------------------- - -- --- ----------------- - ------------ -- - -- -- --- - --------- ----- - --- - ------------------- --------------------------------- ------- -----
<br />�� - -- - -- - - ---- -- -- -- ---_ -- -------- -- -- ---
<br />�', .,4nd_________________.____yY�_______________________ _._-----___-_ covenant________to wccrrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br />, whomsoever--------- -- - - --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...---- --------------------- ----------------------- _�--------- ----
<br /> Dated the---- --FOUTt i1.--------------------da� of- - __�e�;�'L1a�X- --- -- - - -�. D.,19.Q5-----•
<br /> I W'ITNESS -----,.�_._C_._Hl].S'�_4S1.---------------------- --------------------- -
<br />'� ------ -- ___�------ ---------�T_._L,_�l_ll----------------- ------------- - ------- -----Anna---R._Hus_tctn------------------------------------------ - '
<br />'� ----------------------------------'-------------------------- -
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.qSK'.1,
<br />� �ss.
<br />' --------------------------�-i��.�,----------__Count On this------------------��.�'.�_
<br /> �, ----------da� �f---------�eUrL?ary----------------------------�. D., 19__Q5 __ , befoTe me,
<br /> cor_.r..issior.ec:
<br /> I', the undersi�sned, a.N'otary Public_____________.__________________within and for said County,personally came_________._________________________________._______.___________.
<br /> ---------- ----A_._C_._��_�,t�n---�nd__Anxi�__A_..H�.st-Q-� ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -----
<br />' to me peTSOnally known to be the ider�tical persor�__S.._____whose name_&__�_�__________________________.afj'ixed to the above
<br /> ��EAL) instrument as �rantor..�._., and_____..____���y______._____.___severally acknowled�ed the same to be____�heiZ______voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein e�pressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my rtame and af}"ixed my ofjiciaZ seal at__.___________ __________
<br /> _______�_�_�I'�Ci__���.s.Z1C,��____���'�?r____ ______________or� the dcate last above written. �.
<br /> ---------------------�T_•_E_1_�_�_�--�------------------------------------------
<br /> Notarz�Public.
<br /> .M� commzssion expires------------ --- - - -- -- ---�„1��--1��h---- ----------�.�C3�-----•
<br />