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<br /> afii��U---RLOPP&BARTI.ETT CO.,Printing,I itJinyr�phing avzd Coztnty 5upplies;Or�iaiaa. "-` . -�. ��. . _ _ _ — —
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<br /> FRO� I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered vro :Numerical
<br /> _ Index and filed for record this__...___�.�_____________.day of_.___Q�_�_4�?_@�__________
<br /> --------- -- - --s�3Il�__���'%i�1.111Y.'�; -�11L:i�;'1� --- Warranty �. D., 19---��---, at--- --- -_ -�-.30- -------o'elock--- P�_.M.
<br /> TU � Deed. �
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<br /> Re iste o Deeds,
<br />'' -----Ri.cY���__L,�;c�i�u�.�i-nr-- Elizabsth-------
<br /> B�-------__ ------ - -- - ---- ----- --------------------- -
<br /> ----�'°-�.n_-ax��__Anna__�._c�,�ull.i_n -- -- - -- -- Deput�.
<br /> �.�o� ��� �e�. �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� :
<br /> �✓���----- I -r -s��71.�._1's�C�i111.11-21! -.2t._:,1�i�yY�-- -- --- - ------- ------------------- ---------------- ----- .
<br /> '� ----a-rad Stat,e o --------l��:t�r?.��ka-------------------------------------------------------------C�rantor----------, in consideratiora '`
<br /> of the Count� �f---------��_zll--- - - -- - -- �
<br /> of the sum of.---------GT�e_�S?_l.l_�.r--ana--otli�_x.__y_��,uaUle--con�ir�er_a�_�.or� -- ---------------- - - ----- -------------- ---- --------------�,
<br /> in hand paid, do____._.._________h,erebz� GR�1.N'T, B.�RG.�I.N, SE7L, .�ND C,O�'VEY"unto._�'�?-ch�d_L.F�er�iulli_2�____Elizabeth Doan___ar.d__
<br /> ------Ar�n.�.._I�1G��u11i-n---------------- - - -------------------------------------------------- - --- ------- ----- ---------------------------------------�-------------------------------- ;
<br /> ------------ -------------- ---- ---
<br /> of the Count�J of---------H�11 - -- -- - --and State of_----- --�`'e:uT 3:k�.--------- - ----- -----,C�rarzt.ee--6---, the following !'
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_.___ ________�:�11__________________________________________.___a,n,d State of JV'ebr�c�ka, to wit:
<br /> ---An---unu�vic�ec�...one...�hird._.of---tr.e.._F�Ut---h�lf_.of__.tre---�o�u_th�.���;st---qu�r�er,..af__.c_e_cLion...T:'ur:?_1�er---Ten_...(1G_)_.._.._.
<br /> ._.in..�o�,rnsl�;i�:..��w:�'�Qr_i�i_ne _(��_} i�orth___of .Far�e ..2,ur. er , _'ine___ (_�)_;__. tr:e. .East___half._ of___the___TTo.rthe_ast__ ._.,_
<br /> .._qua�'t.ex---ana----tx�e._ �.a�-�---�.alf...of....�xe_._��_�auh�.a�t..--�kw��_e.x--o-�'---�ec_t_�on...2�;�r'�er---Tr�o----��- i------
<br /> � in___To?rrnshi�__________. ;
<br /> ...�,Turii��r.._��f_���..._�-�),-,-.i1ax_�.h..o�__.�ang..�.._iyur�'�-�-x----���?_._(�7,Q-)--�------�.�.�---�Tcr�2?.---h.alf---°f---t-he---So_uthwe.st__..quart_er---arci--- '
<br /> II ...tr��...i�arth-.-h_alf----o.f----t_lie----Sout��us'�--.s�uax.t.e_r__o.f---���_�.i.Q_n...l!.ur��4��.x__.T�?a,x�y---'�wQ----.��.h'�-r----�,I1.._T�.��!I1�Y1.7.�__�11UI:t�l�er...
<br />�', Ten (lU), _i or-�h of..Ran�e _1�Tuni'��r i�ine .(�),�___.�.nc�unuivideu ons triird af the unciiviued cne ralf
<br /> - -- ^-----� --- - --�- - -----------�--.... ..._� --- - ------- � -- ---------------------------�--------- --
<br />�', ..--°-f.--tlie...i�;c,_r�he.���_..�u�r.�e�__o�._.Sec_t.�on..?_Ttu��k;er_.._'�.�e_lva__..�1�-)�-----i.?Z...To_vyrship...iau�ri'�er_-T�1ine.---(��-,-----r7orth---°f--- `
<br /> ..r,�n�;�---Tv'wnb�r._i;ine---�`��- � -a11--�eSt- _o_f.__t.he -oLh--P_.l;a, - - -------- ----- - -- - - --------�-----------------------------------�--------------------------------------------- ;
<br /> To�ether with all the tertementsshereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dorver, �
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demar�d whatsoever of the said Grarztor._______,and of either of them, of, in, oT to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�1C �ltb t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee.:B____and to___._th�_lr_________ heirs `
<br />' and assi�ns forever. �lnd___I_._________._hereby covenant________with the said Grantee____S_that_____________I.________.__________ hold___________said premises by�ood artd
<br /> perfect title; that.._______I_________.__._______ha�t_�.__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------- ------ - --------------- ------ -------------- -- - ---- ------------ ---- -- ----- ----------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------ ---- '
<br /> �1rzd________________________I_._________________ ..__..____________._ covenant_______.to warrarot and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful cZaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever---------- - - ----- . . - - - - - --------- -----------------------------•----------------------------------------
<br /> ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
<br />' ------------------------- ------ --- -- --- -- ----------_ - - ---- ------ ----- - - -
<br /> -- ----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------------------
<br />', Dated the----------------2oth----------------da�J �f -----Aug-- - -- -- - 11-----•
<br /> - - -- - -.�. D.,19---
<br /> W7TNESS Jane b�cJ�iullin
<br />�' ------------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------- -- ----
<br /> ,
<br />�'� �i.I;.Funk ---------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- •
<br />,
<br /> ST.lTE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br />� ss.
<br /> ��u��---------------County, On this--------------26th---------------daJ �f--------------At1gU6t---------------------------.1. D., 19__11._ , befoTe me,
<br /> ------------------------
<br />'' the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie________._________________._-____-_wathan and for suad County, personally came_______.__.__________________________________________________
<br /> I�' ----------Jane--L�ic�,iulli-i�-- -a_;�viclotv-------------------------- ------------------------------------------
<br />' -- -------- ------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorz____...____whose name._____________1 S________________.ufj'ixed to the above
<br /> instrument as�rantor--------, and--------ShB_--------------------�e'�7��acknowled�ed the sarrze to be---11�T_---------.voluntary
<br /> ) act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> (S�AL
<br /> IN W7TNESSWHEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my of)ieial seal at__________________________
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------_ora the date last above written.
<br /> ------ --------------H_,_E_,Fu.nk---------------------------------------
<br /> Notarr�Public.
<br /> .My eommission expires------- -- - ---------------- ----- -----��------1-7----- -------��3-------•
<br />