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<br />— . :. �wiU-7fLOPF'Bc BA&TLETT CO.,Yrtintinp.Lithopraphinq and Counly 5upgliea;Omaha. _ - v' �� ` . __- - -- = _- ,__ ^ __
<br />. . : - - _�_—___ �
<br /> i;
<br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered ora JV'umerical
<br /> Index and fcled for record this----------1�?-_------_----day of---------0�.�912°�'-----_
<br /> .1. D., 19. 12---, at-- -- 11._._�Q - - -- -------o'cloek,- ------�',A1�.
<br /> -------�_�r�ie---��_._�ail--and--_F_ .�:_.��ail. --- Warranty �
<br /> �.� Deed. •
<br /> ---- ----- ------- -- ---- --- ----------�-------- �
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<br /> Re iste o Pe,eds,
<br />� ------�- J-._:�_,D_�._�1--�.--�._�_.I�us 4.nn--- - - - -
<br /> B�-------- - ------------ -- --- -- ----- --- -------------- --------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�oi� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�:
<br /> ����----- --�a,--Sac�ie.._�V..tSai1, fs�r_r.n�r 13� -��dis r1-•-�-a�h,-----ancl__husband E,�.i�ail-----------------� ----------- ---- '
<br /> of the Countz� of-----Fr�21k1121--------------ari,d Si;ate of-----------21�_px_3�k�--------------------_------------------. Grantor-8--------, inconsideration
<br /> of the sum of_----;;='�-•-O-Q--3TLC1--S,��_h�s---yaluaL-la- -�-o_nsir�ara�_io-n------------------------ -------- -------- ---------------- -- ------------------_.DoLL�RS, >
<br /> in hand paid, do--._.----- - hereby GR.StNT, B✓lRG�IJV', SELL, �ND CONVEY'ur�to--- ------- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ��
<br /> ------------------- ------- - - -------------- ------ J_.E_,Di ll-�=---�-�.C_,.Hu�-�on-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------�-- -- --- --------------- -- -- ;;
<br /> f J f - - -------and State of--- - - - ----- - --Ne'pT3Bka------ -------- --- -- -- -----,Grant.ee,---@---, the followirzg '
<br />', o the Count o ----------------Hall.------
<br /> I��, described premises, situated in the County of______ .,.___I��.1_�._ ____________._________________.______._______arzd State of Ne,bre�ka, to wit:
<br /> I'', ..._........All...of---ou�^__.unsl_�v���_�i...i.nt.�r�-�-�- �n -t.�.�--�vi_t_hi_n_..�les�r_�bA-�i--_.��Q�e�':�y....ta.-��i.�.:..----- ----------- -�--..................._._.- -- i,
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<br />� - -----�-Tovrnshi�a--�vumu.er__.�lever�.. �-�-�)-��-�a�;-e--T�_�}�'�_�.x.--�:?�_x�s..._�Q�_...'�°r.t_.__a�._..t.h�----�----�.�d-•---Hall---CQU.n��t-'�ebs.as.ka�,.
<br /> -------.._..co_�t.��.n�no.._Thix.tv._i�Iine---and_..�.e.vent-y---Eiye.._Hurdr.¢d:�hs---a�r�.s----(�°..75-).--.b.e.ing.._mo.re....Qr---1$s-a-----------------------
<br />' ----�-----ac c�rclin�...�o....t_ne r'ov�rnm_�n'�s._S�xv�y-•- -----�--�-.............._--- -------- _..----_....--�------�•-----------...- - �---- ----- ----------------------------------- ----- �...
<br /> .----- ----�--------�-�----- - - -------- -- ------ - - --- --�----------................................................-------------�----..._- - ----------------- - ---------------- - ----- -�--��-------------------------... ------------�-----------
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<br />' --------- - ------------------ ---- - ----- - -- --- - -- - -- - --- - -- ---- ----- -- - -- ----- - -- - -- -- ----.....--- ------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanees thereunto belorc�irc�, arzd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,DnTVe,r,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor._�___,arcd of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any paTt thereof.
<br /> I', �0 �A�1C �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenafzces, unto the said�rantee__8.__.and to________t_YlQ_Ir_____ heirs
<br />', and assi�ns forever. .flnd______,it@..______hereby eovenant__.____.with the said Grantee_�.__.that_________.____LY8______________ hold__________._said premises by�ood and
<br /> II perfeet title; that._________tid_4_______.________ha_V_Q__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same, that they are free and elear of all liens
<br />'' and incumbrances whatsoever-------------------�tll��_°��----�-o----tax�.a--f_o-r--1p1�-•----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br />' ----------------------------------------------- ---- - ------------------- ----- -- ---- _--- --------- - - - -- - ----- - --- ------------------------- -------------------- --- ---------- ------ --------
<br /> ✓lnd___________________._____tive__________________________________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever-------- .@�:�_�_�t__..�� _3b.QV�__S�-a.�-6_d.----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------- ---------------- - --
<br /> ----------------------- --- ----- -- - - ---- - - -- -------- ------ --- --------------- - ---- - -- - --- - ---- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the-------SeCO71C�--------------- ----da�J �f - - -J�1Iy-- -- -- --- --- -- -�. D.,I9.�.�.----•
<br />', W7TNESS -----�adie---�l_,rlai 1-------- - ------------ ----------------
<br /> --- --
<br /> -----E_.M.��ai1------------------------
<br /> I ---i1a_R.�larrn�r---------- -------------- ------- ------------------------------------. ,
<br /> ------ ----- - --F_�_r_^�_,�F3_x�.-�t-o n-- ------------ --- - -- . . .
<br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR.gSK�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> •-------------�'��Tl�s.�.�..�1.-----------County, � On this------��C_OZ1S�-----------------da�J of--------•-----,,TLlI�--------------------------------.1. D., 19--1`' - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a JV'otary Publie.______._____________________________within and for said County,personally came______________________.___________________________________________
<br /> -------Sauie !�-s21ai�,----�--�'a�m9xly_---5_�.c�ie---��-•-�-���----�----�n�.---hus�ancl---�',_a_,?�ai�- ----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_S___.____whose name___S_____8x�________________________a�"'ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL) instrument as�rantor__S____, and__________�hs�______._______severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_____th@lr---volurctary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereirz ex�ressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"axed my of}'aeial seal at._______________.______ ''
<br /> ___.___R�._Y_�1_�_Q_T�____I_18 ar�Ska____ ________________orz the date last above written.
<br /> � -------'- ----"---'-'----'-'--�Ta i'a_al+i_Q�,i�QJ�------...--'-"-'----------- �
<br /> Notary Public. �
<br /> ,My commi.ssion expires--------- -- ---------------._- -------- ---------Jllly---1`7-- -----------------19-14-----•
<br />