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i <br />' � 4...�' ';� r,:, <br /> ,� D�C�D C��C�O�D �oo �do <br />_- . . a6�i0-KLOPP c�BARTLF.TT CO.,Prxnting,Lithograph,inp ari<d County SuppZies;OniuTeu. ' . _ � — — -- -- -- — _- _ _-- -_ <br /> FR�� I hereb� certifz� that this instrument was entered orz JV'unaerical <br /> ------__J-��_.��11---c1I7.CL-_:11f�__c121C1---- ----- Index and fi,led for record this-------1�-_..----------day of----Ce�-�fl'���---------- � <br /> , �Fl. D., 19- -�-�----, at-- -_ __ -- 11.. ___- ------o'cZock------A:-,M. <br /> --- -- �:_�_.k�?1si.On ar',�. �tif6 _-- -- - - - ---- Warranty <br />, l,p Deed. ' � <br /> --- -- - - ---- -------- <br /> --- - ------- --------------------------- - <br /> �ister of Deeds, <br /> -------- --- -Aif-�_�cl_L.�She���-�- - --- - - - <br /> B�------- - ------ _--- - - ---------------- ---- <br /> De ut <br /> -- -- ------ -- --- P J• <br /> �.�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�: <br /> ���.t.----'•'�a- J.L-��i11-8�-i�ri:f-�-�- J_essi�__s.Di-lly- -�--ti_..C_.H?�st s�n �--.�i.f e--Anna--A.HustQn-�-------------- - --- - <br /> of the County of---I�clll_-----------------------a,r�d AS'tate o�-------------NG�r38k�i_----------------------------------------------------Grantor--s-----, in consideratiorz <br /> of the sum of_---------- Qn�_Iiunclr_8�1--&-n0/100--- - ------- -------------------------------------- ---------- ------ - <br /> --- -------- ------- ------ ---.DOLL.�IRS, , <br /> in hand paid, do Tiereb� GR✓1NT, B�RG./IIN; SELL, .gND CONVEY'unto______A1fT_Bd___I�.,ShHl��_ri.___..______________________.____.___._______ ` <br /> ---------------------------------------- -------- - - ----- ------------------------------------------------------ - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> } �J f T -- ---and State of---------N@Ur 3S�,a.------ ------------- - -- - --- -----,Gran,tee-------, the followin� <br /> o the Count o -----------------i�ll---------- - <br /> described premises, situated in th,e County of.____.__.__H311_____________.________. _____._.___and State of Nebrae4ka, to wit: <br />, .___._.__Lot___:n_urnber_._Thr.eo_._.,�3�.___in__I31ock_.nur�Uer_ Five.._(5.)_.__in_._�ill.__t�___Huston's._..Adcli.:�_ion_._�o_..�r.a�nct__Islanc�______ <br />� ------�--�:T�:►�r.a��_a,...._as.._.s.ur.��.;�sd---�alat.�:a�l---&�rcl��l................. ---- -- -- <br /> --------------�--�-�--.......----- - -- ----- ----------------�----------------�-------------- ----�--- ---�------.... <br />'� <br />�' ---....-................�------ - -- ---- - ---- --- ------- ----------------------�---�------�------ ------� --�- - --- -� -- - -----------�- ------ --._......__...--------------------- -----------------....------- ------------------ <br />, �------�--------�------- ------...._.. . .-- -.... <br /> I' ---------------------- �------�-----------------------� -- ---- --__....-- - - .,.- ---..._- --- ------- --�-- - -----------..._...---...----- - -------------- ..__ <br /> .. - ---�--�- - -------------- --------------------------......------------------..._. , <br /> ._._......._-----------�-------------------�-�-�- - �-- _.---�- -- - ------�-- ------ - - - --- - -�----------�------ - --------....--�---- � �---...-------------------------�-- -----------------_._._.......-�-----� -�--------------------- -- --- <br />�' -- ------- --- - ------------------------ -- - -- - --------- ------- - --- ----- - - ----- ----� ------�--------- - ---- � ----- --- -- -- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�irc�, and all the Estate, Ri.�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��Pr, ' <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said GrarLtor__5..._,and of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �A�1C Al�� t0 �0�� the above-described premises, with the appurtenarcces, unto the said�rantee____..__c�i2d to______.�1_�_�________ heirs <br /> and assi�rts foreveT. .,4nd.__yY_s________hereby covenant_____._with the said Grantee_______that___________.�,IS___.___._____.__ hold____________said premises by�ood arzd - <br /> perfect title; that_._____.��e___.___________.ha._VQ�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and convez� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens ' <br /> � i <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------a�l��?�@Ct---t-S?----'���__�s'��8-�----�0-�---th8---y8-3�---191�__&__�LibsQq�i8T2�-�---------------------------- ---------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------- ---- --------------- --- - - - - -- ---- ------ - - - -- ------------------------- ------------------------------- ---- --- ----- ' <br /> �Ind___________________._._________�6__________--_-___ _-_-----__- covenant__.____to warrant and defend the said.premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons � <br /> whomsoever------- `�X�_@.�� ay __a�ove•- - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --- --- -- ------------- --- - , <br /> --------------------- - --- ---- -- -- -- - --- -- - - -- --- - ------------- -------- -- -- -------- - � <br /> ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ,. <br />� Dated the---------��th--------------- ----da�J ��--- ---OC�OU°r---- ------ -- ---Jl. D.,19.1�------• <br /> W'ITNESS . -----s�_.E�D_�_�J.--------------------------- --------- ---- -- ---- - !' <br /> -------------- -- Rose--�a._H�an---------------------------- - --- -----�sas-i-e--r-•Dill-------------- ----- !. <br /> -----S-.C_,Huston_--------------------------- ------------- '' <br /> ----------- ------- - -- ------ -- - ------- ---- -------- -- - <br /> _ <br /> -----.�nna__A.__ u��on--------------- -------- --------------------- <br /> ST✓1 TE OF NEBR�SK.g, <br /> ss. " <br /> --------------------------H311------------County, On this-----------14th----------------da�J of--------CCto'��T-------------------------------.1. D., 191�--- - , before me, ` <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie-----------------------------------within and for said County,Aersonally came------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br />, ------J_,_E_t ni_11__&.__clif e_ .�ess ie_.x.:_l7i llr----&. �_.C_.Hus ton..&--11if e---Anna---A.Huston_--------------------- '' <br />,i <br /> --- --------- ---------- -------- ----------------- -------------------------------------- -------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- <br />'� to me personally known to be the identical persorz_$_.______whose name_s__�'8______________________._a fJixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor__5____, and__________�h8y_________..________severally acknowled�sed the same to be__��.?��.;______voluntary <br /> �SE.AL� act artd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of�'icial seal at_______._____________ <br /> _��_a.Tld__I�l�.riC3.�____1��1��_1���______________on the date last above written. ;' <br /> --------------------------------�0��__u a K3I1>�21- --------------- <br /> ��'otary Public. <br /> ,My commission expires------ - -- - --- - -- - - -- -- ''�i a�--�� --- 19--��-----• <br />