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� �.� —:� , <br /> � �,., D��D ���O�D �O❑ ��a <br /> �6�iU—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prtinting,Lithograpfiing a�ad County Supylies;Oriial+a. :� . " � _ , - _ _ � —_ ___�— -- —_ — -_ _ _.__ _ -_.— <br /> FR��2 I hereby ce.rtifz� that this instru,rnent was entered orc ,Numerical <br /> Index and f'iled for record this________1�___________day of.____QG�ObBr_____.____ <br /> �1. D., 19---1�----, at----- -- -- . - 11 -- --------o'clock--�_A__• --�• <br /> --------J a�8 a---T_,_Br e'�'�--�-s i�al�- --- --- Warranty /� <br /> TO Deed. ' <br /> l_ <br /> ------- - -- - <br /> -- ----- --.. <br /> ----------�--- -----f----------- - <br /> Re i er o Deeds, <br /> ------- --- ------�'c�_l�n_��u�len �-- --- - -- -- - ---- ----- ' <br /> B�------ - -- -- --- -- --- - - ----------------- ---- <br /> - ---- Deputy. , <br /> ��o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t� : <br /> ���.�-- -- - -- -- I,_--1_�me�--T._ _8rstt "___�in�;l�" ----- - - -------------- - -- ------------------------------- -------- <br /> ------------------------------------ ------------------ ---------------- --- --- --- -- ---- ------------ - -- ------------------------- -- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> of the CountJ �f-------- - -��all----- - - - a,nd Stcrte of-- - --i`;@l�r_c'��ks"�----------- - - ----- --------------------- ---------Gxrantor-- 8------, in consideration <br /> , __. <br /> of the sum of_---------�'�,V9- -�11ri�1.x�-d -- - - - ---- ------ ----------- <br /> ----- ---------------------------------- -------- <br /> -------- --- ------- ------------- -------DOLL.RRS, <br />� in hand paid, do__��_________herebz� GR�NT, B�RG�IIJI�, SEI,L, �ND COJV'VEY'unto._________JOh71_��SU:11@Tl_____.._______ <br /> ____and State o ___.___._Ne�raSk3_., <br /> of the County of-------------F3uf f 310 - -- f -- - - --- - ---- ------------ - -- - -----,Gran,, the following <br /> described premises, situated in the County of____.._______Ha.11.._________________.________.__._________._and State of Nebng6�ka, to wit: <br /> _...---..�o.���x_.�ev�x�.__�_7_)_...B�o-�-k--T��t.s_n�y -���_.__C2.�)...Or.�_ginal---�own..o_f..7Good..River..�.---------�----------- - ---� --� ----�--- --- ----- ... <br /> --��--�-----._-..----- ---- --- --- ._...-- -------�-�------------- ----�---�-------------�- ----�-�---- - --- - - - ...--- -- -- - --- - - -----....--------------�------------------------------------------ : <br /> .__ <br /> ------�-------------------�--------��---- -- - --- -- - --�� - - -- ---�-------- �-----��-------�------.....-�-�------------------�----..._......---- ------- ._..----- -- ��-- ------------....-- --- -- ------�--------------------------------------�---- <br /> ---------�----�---------------- ---------._... ------------- - -- -----�-- ----��-------------- ----- ---�------------ ------�--------------- -- -�------- ------��-�- �-- ---�-�------- --.....-- -- ---------�------ � ------------ ..---------- --._.... <br /> -------�-------------------�--�- --�-------�--- ......._...--.... ---...._....--- -�-- -- --- -------......-------�-----� --------�------- .....----�---....-----.........,-�-----....---------- ----------�-----�--�----- -- - -- ---------------�-----�---�------ <br /> ----�-------------------------_......-- ------------ ------�-- - -- --- -- _.._._.. -- - ... _._.. <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er�, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__.___._;�zree+�q����l�em, of,irc, or to the same, or arZy part thereof. <br />, �0 �A�1C �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rarztee_______and to_____________h�8___ heif�s <br /> Iand assi�ns forever. �lnd___�_�t_$._______hereb�covenant___.__.with the said Grantee_._____.that________�__________________.___ hold.__.______.said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that.______I_________________.___haVB_sood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lierzs <br /> artd ineumbTanees whatsoever----------------------=----- - -------------------------- ----------------- ---- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br /> I, ,qrLd_____________________._I___-___.__________________ _________ covenarat________to warrarct and defercd the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all person,s II <br /> whomsoever--- ------ ---- - - ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------------------- - -- <br /> �.� -y - -- -- ---- ----- <br /> Dated the--------10------------------ ----- -----da�J�f-- - --.�ia ----�1. D.,19.1�-----• <br /> W'ITNESS __.__JPt12185.__T.,13rBt'�_ <br /> I� �+_!I��21a_ ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---- <br />� ----- -----D-•-- _-- • ------------------------------- - ---- � <br /> -------------------------------------------------------- ------------- <br /> -- ----- - <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SIf'v4, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------------------�=-a11.--------------------County, On this---------------1Q_�?�------------da�J �f------._..._��s'�X-------------------------------------�. D., 19..1� - , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public____________________________..__._---zvithin and for said Countz�, personally came_________..___.________________________._________________________ <br /> ---------- - - - _--- - -James___T.J3xett----„---Sin�le!'-------------------- <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identieal person____._._____whose name_______.__________I_8______.._______a�j"'ixed to the above <br /> �SEAL� instrument as�rantor______._, arcd_..___.____1�@_____.________________seveTally aeknowled�ed the same to be____H18__._______voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose ther•ein expressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNESSYVHEREOF,IhaveheTeunto subscribed my name and afj°cxed my of�'ieial seal at___._____________________ <br /> 7VOOd Blv_3S�____1A__S_�3C1.__�U1ll:lt_y___ ___________.___on, the date last above written. <br /> --------------------------D_��_�-�_'__�a�Q-------------------------------- -- <br /> .��otarz�Public. <br /> .My commi,ssion expires----------- --- -- -------- - - - -- ----Jazi-Y----l�th --------------19--��----. <br />