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<br />–- ,;G:,�l}—KLOPP c@ BAR'7'LEfiT CO.,Yrtinting,Lilii,ographing and County SuppliesC OinaAa. _ . _ , _ - - , _. �� _ - - . -. -----
<br /> FK�✓� I hereby certify that this irzstrument was entered ora ✓V'umerical �
<br /> Index and fcled for record this._____,__g__________.___day of___�CtOb2r_.__________
<br /> .q. D., 191�------, at-- - - - �a�1'5---- -------o'clock----P�---.M.
<br /> ----------I�_eavit-�--J�_,-Rallina---&__�ri�e--------- Warranty .
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> -------�- ----�._ �
<br /> - - --------�----------------------
<br /> -
<br /> Re ster of Deeds,
<br /> ---------- - ----�n�__J_�P�ili_se-n -----------------------
<br /> B�------------ --- - - ---- - - -------- --------------------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t� :
<br /> �V e Le av� - ------------------•----------------�-------------------- .-- ---
<br /> ���-- - �-- -- - - t_'t_._1P_,Ro 113��ns--and -�'r�.Ge�--H,_Ro 11 ins--------- --- -- --------------
<br /> _
<br /> ---- ------------ --------------- ------- ----------- -------- --- ---- -- --------- (---huabanc�_and,�vif e)------ -
<br /> of the CountJ of---------H111---------------and St�cte of---.----------T18brSB�LcI------------------.----------,--------------------------Grantor-�-------, in consideratiorz
<br /> ' ----------- -------�----- - -_---- ----------------- - -----------._._.DOLL�RS,
<br /> of the sum of_-----------,S�Xt.y--�I�Ca._riQ�104 -- - - ---------------- -------- -------- ---------
<br /> in hand paid, do__ __.________ __li,ereby GR�1JV'T, B�1RG✓IIN, SE.LL, .1.ND CONVEY'urcto__..___AT'iria .T.2�ilisen
<br /> ------------- -------------------------- -------- -- -- --- -------------------
<br /> -------------------------------- - -- --- ------- --- - ------------ ---------------------------------------------- ---- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -----�----- --- --
<br /> of the County of-------------u.111-------------------and State of--------------.-------Nebr&S_�A----------------------__----------------,(�rantee--------, the following
<br /> described premises, situated ira the Courcty of________________�L3.11.__..___________________.._______._.__._and State of Nebreska, to wit:
<br /> .............�0�.�----�.i�.g�t..._���..__�nd___nine-----(-°-)----B-J,QC k---N.in��.�en----.(_l9_}----�t anie.y__Plac e---addit.io n...ta--C i ty.--of.--rr ard--------
<br />', ------....--Island.,..._Hal�_.C.o.unty:----1`leur_�s]c-�---as--the_.sam.e---is---Surve�ec�---:....Platted...ara._recorded.-----.------------- ----- :
<br /> -- -------�- -�--- �-----------------_-------- ------ --- -------------�----�------------- --� �-----��-�-�-----�--- ---... - -..- --- -----....----��-----------�--.._...------- ---- ---- -------------------------- -------�-- ------
<br /> ------------------------------------------ ------ . _ ---•-- - - .......---------�-----........_....--------------------------...---�--------------------- - -�-------�-�---�-----�----------- - - -----------�--=--------------------------._...---------
<br /> ------------ -_...... - ---------------- ---------- - - -- - - ------...---- ---- ----------- ----------- -----------� ------------- ------------�----�-------•--�-�---- -- -- ----- ----------�-------------------------�-�-------�--------.....----------
<br /> -------- - --------�--------- -...--------...---�--- --- - - -�-�----�----- -------- ----�------------------------ --------......_------- ----- -......- � �---� -�----- ---- -----------�- - --......................-------....--�----------- ---------------------�---...
<br /> -----�-------�------�-----� ------------------- ------- ---- ----- _.--- ----� - --- - --------------......_..-----------------...........---- �-- ---�--- -------._.__....------------------ ------------ ---�--.....-� - - --- --------------- .....-------�---
<br /> -------------------------------- - ---- --- ----- --- - ---- - ---------- -- ---- - - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarnerzts, and appurtenances thereunto beZon�in�s, and all the Estate,Ri.�ht, Title,Interest,.Doir�er�, '
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said GrantorB____,and of eith,er of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> � �A �A�1C �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to_____h8T__._______ heirs `
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .flnd______�[�______hereby covenant________with the said Grantee_______that_______________________bY@_______ hold___________said premises by�ood and �
<br /> perfect title; that.____�'1e_______________________ha_Y8_dood risht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and eleaT of all liens
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.._---- ----------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------- ---- --- --- -------------- - ------- - - --- ----- - -- - - ------ - ----- -- -------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- -- ----
<br /> ---- --- ------- -- --- -- - - -- - ---- - - - -- -- -- - -------- ---- -------------------------------- ----------------- -- -------------------- ------------------------------- --
<br /> �lnd__________________ _____�'8____________.________________.._ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever----------- - - -- ----- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -•----------------------------------- ------ --- ---------------- ---
<br /> vatect the-------------�e_v__e n�h---------------da� �1'--- -- -��_Y_- ---- --- -- -- - _�. D.,19�g-------•
<br /> WTTNESS ---5�8.3Y1t'�---�..�Q_�l�Slf,€--------- - ------ ----- ----
<br /> ------------- - -----S�C_.Hu_��a x�------------------------------ ------- ---�'�_an�e�---�a_Ra_11in�---------------------
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SIS.g,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------------------------����..�-------------Count ) On this--------------------�-��--------------da o -------•--�a -
<br /> �J, �J f - y-----------------------------------------1. D., 19Q----- - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a.N'ota�y Public_____a�j?9�Y1t_E�__________within and for said Countr�,personally came____________________________...._____.______._____________________._
<br /> -------..L�_aYit�--?�_._R�_llin�---an�.__F'�_�.���---N��Q��ix��------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> =--- -------------- -- ------._ ----------------------- -- -------------�--husba�ci_ancl---�'rif e�------------- --- -----------
<br /> to me personall� known to be the identieal persorz.�__._.____whose name�3___�r8________________________af)ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL� instrument as�rantor_�_..__, and____________'�he_Y.____________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_the1T_____voluntar�
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my ofjicial seal at_.___________________.__ ;
<br /> __,rx_ldY1C�___I_.SZeLT:C�___N6qr_._______.___ ________._____on, the date Zast above written.
<br /> ----- -----------------------r-'-_�'_'__._I-�U�'t071---- ---------------------
<br /> �N'otar�Public. �
<br /> .Mz� commi.ssion expires------ --- - -- - ------ - --- -- ---- �T�Y------2�------ ------ -19-�------•
<br />