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<br /> ,,�_� D�C�D ���O�D [�oo �On
<br /> _ _ :_ _ ._ _ . �w ��� _� ___
<br /> _ ___ ___
<br />"�� .�G:.�0-7fLf�15P c�$A1�'TLETT CO.,Printing,Lithopr¢phtinq¢nd County Supplies:braaha, - ` -�"—
<br />� - • _ _., _. ,: - = . � __ , __ -_=--, . _.-:=_..._ ._. - " ._ _=�.---._= '-- -- -_�_-.__ �_._w=
<br /> FRO.M I herebz� eertify that this ir�strument was erztered or� Numerical
<br /> --- -- Index and fcled.for record this-•--------g----------dczz�of_--�_�U1�8T-------------
<br /> .<l. D., 1912------, at--- - __-._9,.15 -- ------o'elock,---A,--.M.
<br /> ------_----Eliza-_J_an�_ _r-r_ant---&--husbard------ Warranty '
<br />,� TO Deed. -
<br /> ---------------------- - - - - --------- ------------------------ -
<br /> R ister of Deeds,
<br /> ---- _-- ---------�,�.y_s_t�e--E_._R_i_on.---- ------------- ------- ,
<br /> B�--------- ---- - ------ -- - -- ----------------- --- -
<br /> --------------- - - --- -- - ------ - ---- Deputy.
<br /> �.�ob� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�:
<br /> ���.t------ 7Pe, - E__1__iza Jane_ rrant_- �__H�_H.rrant- - -- --- - -----------
<br /> - -------------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------ - - - -
<br /> _ �_ 7�ife i� Husband)
<br /> of the County of_--------------Ha_1__1------------ ayi;d St�cte of---------T1ei�T_aska---------------------- ------------Grantor-H------, inconsideratiorz
<br /> of the sum of-------�'if�y -F'-�ve--R'-,ri4/10-0--- -- -- -- --- ------------- -------------- --- _------------------------------- -------------.DOLL�IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do----------------lzerebz� GR.l1✓y'T, B.FIRG.gLN, SELL, �✓Y'D CONVEY'unto----Z%lyrt_1@---F_,_'_d��OTl---------------------------------------- ------------------- ,
<br /> ------------------------------ ---- ---------------- ------------- --- ---------------------------------------- ----- -- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> -- ---- --and State o ------ -N_@��.��3k3-- - -- -------- --- - --
<br /> of the County of_---------HA_�.1----------- - f -------- -----------------,Gran,t.ee-----_, the followin� ,
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_________.______xall___________.____________.____.__.____.._an,d State of JV'ebTSaka, to z�vit: '
<br />�', ------F���_t.�.oz�a_l._�b.�o_c.�....�.ti°t�lve -� �1�?�__.sa�. .�l�lli�.h!s..adt�it�.o�s--..�ogQ.�l��r.._��z�..�;C�._..�._�.�.__C_Qm�.�.�era�.��....���.-��-�---- - -- -
<br /> I, -.--..frac�.ional...19.'�.�...nt��:��r---��ne-•---f�._�-�-i�------�9)..-&.----�10�----in---block.._One.....�1�----i.n.._Bonnie_._£rae---additian................. '''
<br /> --.---both---�-e-ing--additions---t.o__.th�---c-it�---o.f...rr.3nd...Islancl�--..�Tebr.a.skay-----as__..s.uxv�.y_�s1,-----p-la.t.�_e.d---�---r��4_�_�.ed_.._.
<br /> -------�----�------�---�----------_.._.. - -....--- . _- � - --- -- ------�---------------------�---�---�-------------------�---------------�--------- ..._...-----...------�- ------------------------------�--------------------------------------------- '
<br /> -------------_..----- -�-- ---- -��---- -- -------�---- -- -------......_.-- -�----------�--...--------------------�-----�--- ----- -------� - - --- --.._....------------�----....---......._..------ -�-----------------------------� ------------ --------
<br /> �-------------------------------------------��-----��-�--- --- ------ -....._.._-�--......---- -- -- ---.- -�-------- -----------------�-�---...----------�-----�-------------------------�------------------------------.......... � -----------------�-�------��------
<br /> --------�----------------------- - --- - - -- --
<br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurteraances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Do7vPr,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S_._,arzd of either of them, of, irz, or to the same, or any paTt thereof.
<br /> �D ���iQ AlY� �0 �OYb the above-described prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_.__._and to_____h8r____________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd____;�fl�__________hereby covenant_._.____witlz the said Graretee..______that_._._�'�8_____________________ hold_________.._said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that___________�Q_______.____ha_�t_@__sood ri�ht and lawful authoriti9 to sell arcd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever----------------------- --------------------------------- --- -- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------•----- --------------------------
<br /> �lnd_____________.______ .�Ye______________________________-_ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons ;.
<br /> whomsoever--------- -- - --- - --- - - - -- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ,
<br /> ------------------------------------------------- ------- - -------------- --- -
<br />, Dated the--------__��__tr�--------------- --------da� �f�- --- ---QCt_ObBT---------- ---,�1. D.,19_1�----• '
<br />�
<br /> W'ITNESS Eliza Jar.e rrant
<br /> I', ------------ ----------------------------------- -- ------------
<br /> � •- --._[�us_,�an------------------------------ - -- ---- ----�_.H�r��n�-------------------- ----------------------- -- - -- ''
<br /> I " '________f�� V 4d, �_ - .
<br /> ST✓1 TE OF NEBR.hf SK�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------------Hal�.-----------------Count On this----------------- h-----------------da o ----------------- tober--------------------------
<br /> y, � y f OC-- - - - - �1. D., 1912-- .. , before me,
<br /> the urzdersi�ned, a NotaTZ�Public_________________________________within and for said County, personally came_____________________________._____.___________________._____.
<br /> __.____.____E li_z_a_ Jane___rran� F,• H.H.Grant
<br /> ----------- ---------------------------- --------------------------------�-------------------------------- �:
<br /> ( �riie E� hus�;and)_ ';;
<br /> -- --------- - ---------------- ------------------------- - -- - -- -- - - ------------- ---- - ------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------
<br /> i
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�__..____whose name__S__&�B_____________________afj"ixed to the above �
<br /> (SEAL� instrumerat as�rantor�_____, and_________��?ey'_.__ severally acknowled�ed the same to be_th@3T___.____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW7T.N'ESSWHF,REOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of)icial seal at___________________.____
<br /> li an�i___�S7.a�G��._.__��e__�'_�,�_r�ska___ _______________orz the date last above written. ;
<br /> -------------------.-b�-�_e__�i_'_:H1J.$�Q21------------------------------- -
<br /> �N'otary PubZic.
<br /> .My commission expires------ - - ---- --------�-- ----- --- ---�T-1�11-'X--��----------------------191�.------•
<br /> ,
<br />. ii
<br />