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� �'�� <br /> �.: D��U L111��0�D �O❑ ��a <br />— : F,d�iU-KLOPP�k B�IRTLETT CO.,Printing,Litknprapking and Coacnty�'upplies:7Jmahm ._ ._ ,.. _ . . .. __ � _ - � � – - _ _ <br />— .t t._ . _ _ __ ,_ _,, �____ � � – -- –_—___.-- <br /> _— __ , . �__._--– -�=-- " -.__�__._ .__� -- � . <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> Index ar�d led or record this_______________ _da o �tober <br /> � � �J }----------------------------------- <br />' �. D., 19-�------, at---- - - - 4..1�- - ----o'clock. --P_-�---�• <br />'' ------- --r�illi�m---�Ch�tz--�--v�ti�_e--__ - ------ Warranty <br /> �.� Deed. �• � <br /> - - - -- - -------����'�?���-�-�`-�------------------------- <br /> Re ster of Deeds, : <br /> I ---------- -&a�l�_ar_a---S�i�_k�zr��an- - ----- --- ------ <br />'I 8�1---------- ----- ---- - --- - --------- -- -------------- -- ------- <br /> I Deputz�. <br /> ��o� �ZY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct�: <br />� ���.�----- i�e,- N�lli_am__S�.hu�_z__and--Carris �chut-zs --hi�---�rifer- -----------------------=- --- --------------------------------- ----- -- <br /> _ccri.d Stcrte o --------------------------�T_@���1�k�--------------------------------------C3rantor-s--------, in consideratiorz <br /> of the Countz� of---------H'll------------ f <br /> of the sum of_----_,5ig--HuYldr-etl-�ifty -DD/-180 - -- - --------------------------- --------------- - ---- - ----- ------------------------------- -- --- - ----------DOLL.IRS, ' <br /> in hand paid, do___________lzereby GR�NT, B�1RG.,4IJV', SELL, ,F1ND CONVEY'unto.__.�arbar8.__SpiCk81TT1$Yl_.__________________________ ______.__.______. ' <br /> of the County of----------Hc''��.1-------------_ -------------._and State of_-----------------------I�T6'0_r_c'�.F3k�---------------------._--------------------,Gran,tee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County o/'____...__ _________.__H�11_______________.__________ __.____and State of JV'ebrB�ka, to wit: <br /> ---------------L--°-t...Nu.�b�_�._..��.x�e.---�3�. -iz�._.Block -Numbe� -E�.QVan- -tl.��-.__�n._.Evan�__..Ac��.a�.�o_�_..t_o.-r�-�,d---�.��anc�..... ------- ---- . <br /> ---------------Nevr���. a�....surv��r�_ �a7�a��-------- ---- -----�----............................------- --- ----------------------------------- -------- ----� - ------- - <br /> �-- � �- -� <br /> --------------_.---------...---..... � - ---- ---- --- - - ------------..._..-----�---..._..---------......----------------------------------- ......-------- � ........._..........._...------------------- ------.......___..---------..._.._.-----_..-------------� <br />'�, ----------------..--�---- ----------�---------------� -- - -. _- - --- -�--.....-�--�---...._ - ---------�- -------- ------�------------------------------------��-------� ---------- ------ ------ --------._-------------------�-------------------.... <br /> I ------------------------ --�-----�-- -� -- - -------- .... ------- ------�-----.._...----�-----------..--------------------_....-------- - -- -- ----- -----�-��--- ------- -------- - -- - -- - ---------------------�--- ----------------------- <br />�i <br />�I _..-----�-�----�--------------------- �-- ----.......---�---�- --- - --- ---� ---...--- - --------- -�� ---- - --------------------------�----�---...._...........----..____...._...__.....-----�- --------------......._._....._..._....-------------�--------�---------- <br />'I ------------------------------ - --- ------ ---------�- -- - --- - -- --- - --------- --- - - --- --- ------- ..._ -- -- --- - - - - -�-------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------- , <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and a�purtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the .Fstate,Ri�h,t, Title,Interest,Dou�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demaizd whatsoer�er of the said Grantor___g.__�ei#�r-s�#rleerrz, of, in, or to the same, or any part theTeof. ' <br /> �0 ���1C �lY� t0 �OYb the above-deseribed preyni,ses,with the appurtercanees, acnto the said�Tantee._.___and to________$8T_________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .gnd______=rY_Q____hereby covenant__.____.with the said GTarLtee________that______.____=ufe___________________ hold__________.said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that__________�;t�_________________ha_YD__�ood r��ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and cbear of all lien,s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------- --- -------- - ----------------------------- -------------- - �. <br /> -------------------------�-------------------- ---- ------ ----�--------- ------ ---- ---- -- -- - - -- -- --------- -- --- --- --------------------------- ---- --- -- --- --------- -------- --- ' <br /> --- ------ - -- ----- -- -- -- _--- ----- --- - ---- ---- - - ---------- - ------------ ----------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> �lnd______________,_ _______W_8_._________.___.___._______________ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful claims of all persons ` <br /> whomsoever-- ----H.xC_B_pf;__38._t D__t3xe a �"i8_rg�f t.B r.-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------ --- ---- - ---- ----- - -- - - - -- -- ---------�- -- - -- -------------- ----------- -------------------------- -- ------ ------------------------------------------ <br /> Dated the---------�21C�---------------------- ---daJ �/� - - -- --- - -- OCtObBr-- - -----d4. D.,19_12----• <br /> W7T.NESS . ------�ll�.j.-3IT1--_.��hti��-- ------ - - ------ ' <br /> J ohn Allan -----�arx-i-s---�chu�z------------------------------------------ ` <br /> ST✓1TE OF dYEBR�ISK�1, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------------------73.&l],--------------------County, on this----------2nd-----------------------da� �f------�t obe r_------�------------------------.�. D., 19---12 - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned,a Notary Public.________.__________________._________within arzd for said County, personally came_________.___________________________________.____________________ <br /> ------------79�lli-am--�chnt.z---�--Caxx-�-�---����at-�:----�.��---�'�f�---------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ' <br /> - - ---- --- - ---------- --- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------- - <br /> to me personallz� knowrc to be the identical persora___B_..____whose name__S__ST�3________________________af)ixed to the above <br /> (SEAI,� instrument as �rantor__.S_., and.___.___�.Y18�___..__._________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____'�hQ�,�__._voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofj'icial sead at_________________________ <br /> rr�Tld. I812�11d,�---iri--i3Ai-d--C�_LiTL�.y�---- __-_.__-__--on the date last above written. <br /> John A11an <br /> -------------------------------------�----------------------------------------- --- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ;; <br /> .My commission expires------ ------- - ----------------- �7�T1��-s---191$------ ---------�R---------• ;: <br />