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� <br /> � L�� <br /> R�� o D ° � O� o �100 �Oo <br /> DC�C�D C� C� D <br /> _ �6i�iU--KLOPP&BAItTLETT CO.,Prin�ing,I.ilhopraphing an�l County 5upplies;OnaaAu. ` - - ' - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - <br />_ _. _ <br />. . _ �_..__:;__ _. . . _ - - ----_ <br /> FRO�1 I herebz� certify that this ir�strument was er�tered on ✓Y'umerical <br /> _ ___ Irzdex arcd fcled for record this_______.__3�._______.___daz�of_�8p'�@?T1bGT____.___ <br /> ; .g. D., 19-1��----, a,t.--- - -__ - -11 --------o'clock---,A-.--.M• <br /> -----�Qhn_'L_.�[indol�h-s--a--wi.dou7ex-- -- --- Warranty �s <br /> Z,U Deed. %��� � <br /> -----------�/!�'w-����---- ----------- ------------------ ---- <br /> Re ter of Deeds, <br /> --------- -------- Frank__�_��ao�nh - -------- --- ----- <br /> B�------- ---- --------- - - -- ---------------------- <br /> - -- -- ----- Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct�: <br /> - J�nn- L,�f indol_h a _�cido�a ----- - --------- -- - ------------ ------ - - ------- ---------- �---- --------- ---- --- - <br /> ��j�t_.-- _ � , - - <br /> � <br /> of the CountJ of------------x_�11------ a-nd Stut,e of-----------------T�81�ra£3k1--------- <br /> . _(�rantor___._______, in consideration <br /> of the sum of---Ons---DQllar,----and._nth�r---valuabls--�_�ns_id�rat_ions,----------------------------------------------------------------------------���s, <br /> in hand paid, do_ hereb� GR�.NT, B�RG.lIN, SF,LL, �IND CO✓l�'VEIrunto_._____FT_�21k..�P1TidOl�h___________ <br />', of the CourctJ o}-------- -- HSIl ---- - -----and State of------ ------r1_e_b_�a�3iS3- - --- ------------- --- - --- --- -----,,------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the��L'ourtty o/'_________.________ ______H311____________________________.___and State of Nebr�eka, to wit: <br /> I ...____..__ThQ___�a_st.arly..Half__.._�7�_._�_).__of,_Lot___Three_____�3_),____in__Block _Eleven _ (11), of Charles Nasmer�s Adclition <br /> -----� ------------�.......................... ....�----�-----.... - -.. ..._......_ <br /> ___._______to__.the._.Ci�_y.,.of.._r rand__Is_land,.__.Nebrask.a,_.__as.__suryeyedx �latted ancl recorded. <br /> �.............�- - �--------- --- -------- --------- -� ----� - � - ---------_ <br /> .............._.Sai�._Hal��ein$-a-r-e�tan��z��ar--�,raund--hauing....a....Di�r.tharl�r---fr�on.taga--of--�-6---f-e-e-t--. <br /> ..-----�--°--??_.Divi.sion--St_rest- -ax��.--�_�le_pt�._ of...�.��...fe.e-�--•-�----------------------------�-------._...--------�-- ---------------------------...- ----------------------------------------------�-------� <br /> ------------------------- -- ------- � ---- --..._....- -- ------........- -�----� -----.....------------------.....-----------------...._._...._ - - ----.....------ ------------------------- -------�-- �---------------------------�------------------- <br /> -----�-�------------------�----------.......---...........---- ---- - - -- - --.- -----�- --......------ --- -- ----- -.._--------------- - ._..----�- -...---�---------------------------� ------��------------�--�------� -----� --- ------- <br /> --.�_.. -�---------� <br /> -------------- ------------------------ - - --..... ------------ -.... -- -- - ------- - - - - -- ..._...... . - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, arid all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest, noTVerr, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of tlae said Crantor_______,�.�ci�s�-ea�eer�-��e, of, irz, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �o ��be an� to �oib th,e above-described prerrzcses, with the appurter�ances, unto the said�rantee________and to____Y1�S_____._____ h,eir�s <br /> and assi�ns foreveT. .�4nd_.___I.________hereby covenant___.___with the said C�rarztee_______that___._._.____I___________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and '` <br /> perfect title; that_.._.______I______.__________ha__VB�ood ri�ht and lawfu�authorit�� to sell arzd convey the same; that thez�are free ared clear of all Zien.s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------- -------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------ ---------- --- ------------ -- ------------- - ---- -- - ------------ -- ---- --- - -- ---- ------------- ------- ---- - ------------ ------ -------- <br /> ---- - - - ---- -- -- -- --- --- - ._ - - ----- ---- - ------------- ----------------- - ---------------- ----------------------------- ------------ - ------------------------------ <br /> �4nd_____ ___�______________________________________.__ covenant________towarrantand defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persor�s <br /> i <br /> whomsoever----------- -- - - - - -- _ _.__ - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---- --- ---- - ---------------------- -- <br /> ' Dated the---------3rCl------ --------------da�J of-- - A11�u8t- ---------------- - --- -✓1. D.,19---1?---• <br /> WTTNESS ------_,TS2�1_Yl,__Z±_._��,1'��0-�.�?�?------- ----- ------------------------ <br /> ----L_.�s_��,_�.an---------------------- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> ST,l1 TE OF NEBR�SK'.g, <br /> ss. <br /> -----------------------?����.---------------County, On this----------�xCI.-------------------daJ �f--------------AUgL18t---------------------------.✓1. D., 19--1�'- - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a�Y'otary Public.--_------___--_----__------------_-within and for said County,Aersonally came---------_-_--__---_-------_-------_____--.---------_.-__--_---_ <br /> --------------- -- - ------_J�hn_.L_��inc�Q.�p�,-----�---�vv�.�qar�.�------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- --- ---- ----------------- ------------------------ - ----------------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal persorc____..______whose rcame___________1$______________________af}'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor__.__.__, and__.___._________�@____._________��i�acknowled�ed the same to be_____�.1�.£�_________voluntar� <br /> �SEAL� act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed. <br /> LN'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�j"'ixed my of}icial seal at__________________________ <br /> . c ount <br /> ,T . <br /> Grand__.I_s_�and,____�:��12x�__�n___$s'�ld_________._____o the date last above wntten. <br /> L.�' .Allan <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> �,�'otarz�Public. <br /> . . . -- ----- -- - + --------19--�6-----• <br /> .M� commassaon expares---------------------------- S@�?�--24------- <br />