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1; _� �� <br /> � DC�C�D �.��C�O�D �oo ��n <br /> a= ��_�_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __. __= v=— <br /> -.:-<. <br /> ,����U=XLOPP&`BfIRTLETT CO.,Printting,I,ithopraphing nniZCauntg s5uppld¢s:Om�3aa. " _ — -.-- ---- ____— _ . . � <br /> FR�� I hereby certifi� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> ------------------------ ---------------------- - - --- -- ---- <br /> ___. Ircdex and filed for record this___._________u4__________day of_u6�2'��'._T_'.�_�r__._.__ <br /> - ./1. D., 19--1?---, at--- - - __ --- ��_ --- - ------o'clock----A_.M. <br /> ------ N_il_�_7,�m---F�x�By_--�n�_���i�e- - - --- Warranty , <br /> Tp Deed. • � <br /> ----- -- ---------- ------- ----------- --------------- -- <br /> Re�ist of Peeds, <br /> ------- - --Nan�S�---�-��--T�-i��� -- -- - ----_� . <br /> B�----- -_ _ - - ---- -------------- ---------- ' <br /> ---------- ------------ --- --- - .__._ -- ------ Deputy. <br /> ��o�o �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ����----- -�s,_ -�tilliam__H.Far_ley __and-Iv_y_ ��a�T F_axley,----------- ---- --------------- ------ ----------- <br /> ----- ------- ------------- -- -- ------------ ----------- ----- - -----(---hus�and_.and._�ri f e---�------- <br /> of the Count� of_------x�.l_1_ -------------------------_un,d ,S'ta,te of----------I`36k7r3Ska.---------- ----------.----------------- ------- -------G�rantor-- -------, in consideration. <br /> of the sum of------�?�e__Hundxed--t_�venty-_fivs__and_no�1fl0---------------------------------- --------- ------------------- ----- -------DO�L�1RS, <br /> -- -- --- - - <br /> in harcd paid, do-------------._----herebz� GR�1NT, B�RG.f1IN, SELL, .��D co,NVE�unto----------Nancy_-Jane---Triggs------------------------------------------ <br />' of the Count�J o�---------- ��s'i�.�.------- -- - - - --and State of_--- - -�@�rA�_k� ----- ---- --- ------------ --- - ---- ------,, the following <br /> I' described premises, situated in th��`ounty of_.____ ._____________.�3111_______________________.______.___arzd State of Nebre�ka, to zvit: <br /> ------..�,Qt..__nur�be�.._Eigh:�----(-3-�,�'osr---T-e-n----(-10�,----Pa�_ksr--&�-R�xr-�-s---Addi�is�n---�s�...�r�nd__I_s.?.and,---------------- <br /> --------�Y.�:�;�.aska....---- .,--... --- �-- �----- ------- ------- -------- -- ------- - - - ------- ------�--------�--�---� --- - ...........-- -�- -- -- �------------------------------------------------�--- ��---------------- <br /> �----------------�-�-------�............. - - -- --- -- ---� --- -----�-------------------------------------...------------_..---------------� ---- -- --- ---.._........._._..._..-----------�------------- ---------........----------------�----------------�--------- <br /> z �---------------------------- ----------------------------- - - ---- -------- --�--.._......-�-�-------- ---�----� -----------�--------�---------�-��--------�---------..._.. - ---� --- ...___---�--------------------._..---...----------�---------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------- ---� ------------ - -------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, heredita3�ents, and appurteraances thereunto belon�irc�, and all the F,state,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,I)ozver�, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grarctor____._,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 ���1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-descr�ibed prernises, with the appurtenances, urzto the said�rantee_.______and to_____her_.________ �aeirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd_____ti�@_______hereby covenant_______with the suid Grantee_______that.___________________�8_______ hold__________..said premises by�ood an,d <br /> perfect title; that__..__._____�NQ__._______.___ha._V@�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free ar�d clear of all lieras ' <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- <br /> - - ---- - - -- -_ --- - -- - ------_ -- ....----------- - ----- ------ ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- - <br /> � Jlnd____________._____________we_______ .__._ __ _____._____ covenant._______to warrar�t and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person.s <br /> . � <br /> whomsoeaer-------- - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- <br /> -------------------------- --- --------- ----- - - -- - ----- ---- -- ------ -- ---- ----------------- --- ---------------- --- ----------------------------------------- ------------- <br /> Dated the-----------------j-6 th---------------_da�J o1'----S8p�-81�8r ----- ------._.F1. D.,1912------• : <br />,,, WzT.�v'ESS ----I�--�ay--F�ley---- ----------- ------------- <br /> ----�_�_1_l��.m._H.F_�r_��y_------------ ------------------------- ; <br /> ----- - ---- -------Jame-�---E_,_n��.l-------------- ------------ - --- � <br /> i ----------------------------- - -- - - -- ----- - <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR.ISK✓1, <br /> -- ss. <br /> -------------------------H�11-------------County, Orz this------------l�th--------------da� of--------------Se�?t 9rtb9r------------------.1. D., 19_12---, before me, <br /> the uradersi�ned, a Notary Public---_----------------_-_--____------__within and for° said County,Aersoreally came---------_-__--------__--_.-_-----___-_----.--____-_--_-----_-- <br /> ------�Pilli-am-I3_.�'ar-la3'---a�.d---�-�--�-3�---Ear_1.sY-,�_�x�..:.�i�s------------------------------------------------------ : <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical peTSOn_fd_______.whose name_______._____s�T_Q___________________a f)cxed to the above <br /> �S�AL� instrument as �rantor._8.__., and__.____.__ti183t________________severally acknowled�ed the sarrie to be.__�h�lr______voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed. <br /> INW7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj'ixed my ofjicial seal at______________._________ �' <br /> �r_�YiCI__I_$1�T1C1�____N9braSk3____ ______________orz the date Zast above written. <br /> ---------- -----------------------J-.�_.D�1�----------------------------- ----- " <br /> ✓l�'otarr�Public. � <br /> ;' <br /> Jllz� commission expires-----------------..-----------------------------,T_ul?�_._--16-th--------------19-13-----• '' <br /> ; <br />