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<br /> ,� D�C�D ���O�D �oo �On
<br />—` ' C,C3;0---IC�fJlb�&�A�TT,ETT Cd.,Printinp,Lithoqra.yhinq and County S'upplties:Or.ialaa. ` ` " ' ` " ` � ` _ - .- - _ _
<br />-- �. . _ _ -. --., - --. < . .:_�_. _. __ _�.:—____==_ .: _.-_ _ . �_...__-� _�=-:�
<br /> FR�✓�T I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on .Numerical
<br /> -------- - - ------ --------------------- ------- - ---
<br /> __ Index and filed for record this_____._��._ __________day of_��pt.BSl1�.G'2_______._
<br /> , ✓1. D., 19--1��----, at-- - -- 3.4Q - __-- --------0'ClOCk,. --P.--�.
<br /> ----_F__��nc_is__�?..P�tersnn._and--���if� --------- Warranty �
<br /> �o Deed. •
<br /> - --------------- ------ ---- --- ----------�----- - f
<br /> --- ------ --- -
<br /> Re ist r o Deeds,
<br /> ----ZiOrI,�27---�L-.-Fs�-c'�Y�G-O-c� ��1 Z�J6T'�--�-�-------
<br /> Blanco8�--------------------------- - ----- -- ----- ----------------------- '
<br /> _ Deputy.
<br /> �.�.o�a ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> ����----�Fe-,----Francis_ H.P-�te.rson ..and_.R�inni-e__A.Patsrs.on,- -huahand___ar.�._�rife- --, '
<br /> __a.rz,d Stcr.te � __.__ __ � _______GTantor__�_____, in eonsideTatiorz
<br /> of the count� o}-------H-a�l - -- � N�.����k�-------- -- ----------------- ---------- ------ -
<br /> of the sum of------�ne--Hunclr_e-cl--an�.--n�/10O - ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----- --- --------.DOLL✓1RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_ hereby GR✓1NT, B✓1RG�lIN, SF,LL, �✓li'D CONVEY'ur�to_`�T_Q�T'��tri__H._Rlan�c�___ar.s3__'�i1b_er_�__�?_._�l�cz_._.____.
<br /> of the Count�J of---------------hal�.- - - - . ----and State of------NBbra�k$- -- ------------- ----- -- --- - ----------,C�raratee-fi----, th,e followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the�,G"ounty of._________Hal._1________._________.____________________________and State of Nebr��Ica, to wit:
<br /> --------------�4�.__�?_�.'�J.Y�.BZ...,5HVQ11----(.'�_)-i-- --iI7--�.10.�k- -Fi���.�ri - �-7�`�)-i---O-�---P�.�k°r._._�n�.__��xx..'..8_..��l�.t.��-n.--to__.:�he...Ci�Y---of__
<br /> --------------���.ntz...I_s.lal�dr- -2ie�:xa���� -��-- ?�-e�---th�.-r_�co�de�d.-n-lat -t�herPof...-�----� - -- - -- ----------------------------...------�------�------��------------��-----
<br /> .__._... ------- -- .-._.�_.._.----- -- ._._.._.._.__..------ ----- -- -��--...............�---�---�--�--- ---�- ----- -- - - - - ------------ -�- --------------------------------�-------�------------ -------- ....._._.. --- ...._...
<br /> -------�-----------------._.....- � - -- - ---- -- ---- - -�----------�--....-----------�---------�---�--�-------------------------------------- ---------- _��--------�-----�---�-----------._...--....--�--....--------------------------------------------�
<br /> ----------------------- -------�- -�----------------- - �- ...._.. --------� - ---�----- �-- �---- �--- - -....-------- -�-------------�-�------.._-------��----------�•---�--- ----- � -----�------....-----------�----- --�--- ------�-------�--------.......----_..
<br /> .------�----�-------...._._.-------�---......_.._._._..._------._.........- - -- ..._._------------------------------�-------------------------....-- -- -----�----� --......-�-------�-- ----�-- -------- - �------------------------- ------- -------------------
<br /> ..............�-----------------.......--�-- -�--- --------�---...-- ---- --�-�---- - �--- - -- ------..._-�- ------------------- --------....-�------ ----- ------- --�----..-------------- ---------------------- --�----�-- ...---.....---------- ---
<br /> --�------------ -----------------------�----- ----------- --- �------ - -- -_...._- ------ - - --------.. . . . .....
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurterLances thereunto belorL�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do���er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demcznd whatsoever of the said Grantor_8---,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �CO �A�1P �.IY� t0 �OYb the above-described prem,ises, with the appurtenances, urtto the said�rantee_S____and to______�hB_1_r______ lzeirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .gnd._.___t'�_�_.______hereby covenant_____._with the said Granteef,�____.that.__._�1P�________________________ hold____________said premises br��ood a�2d <
<br /> perfect title; that___.___._�t8___.________.__ha__VB_sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all lien,s
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever_________�?l�b_j_�G�__110�t_�ve_x'___�O___�he___�aXBS___fOr__tlZe___ye$r__191�_.______________________________________ _____________________.
<br /> .Flnd___._____________________.___________g�►_A___--_.--__--.__--- covenant________to warrarct and defend the said premises a�ainst the lazvful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever----------- -- - - -- - -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -�------------------------------------------------ ---- ----------------
<br /> Dated the-------�'_�x�.'�------ ------------------da�J ��-----,Qliglz�'� - -------- -- ---�1. D.,191w------•
<br /> W'ITNESS ----Fran�i�---H.l'_et�r_as�n-- ------------------------------
<br /> ------ -------- ----��via---Acker��an--------------------- - - -----
<br /> ----1�:a.xlri:ia--A._Fe_t-BraQY1----------- ------- --- --------- '
<br /> ST.qTE OF eN'EBR.ISK�, i
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------------$Sll---------------County, a Ort this---------------I'_ll^8�----------da�J �f-----------------Atl.�l�,S�.------------------------.q. D., 19_1�_ _ , before me,
<br /> the ur�dersi�ned, a JV'ota�y Publie___________________________________withire and for said County, personally eame_._______________________._________________.____________________
<br /> -------------F-rancis--H,-P-e_te.r_sa.n---and---Bdinnia_ A_Ea�ex_�can------- ------------------------------------------------------ '
<br /> --- ------------- --- ------- -------------------- - -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�_______whose nameB____33:_@_________.__________.afj'ixed to the above �
<br /> (SEAL) instrument as�rantor.�.____, arzd.___t���_______________ ______severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be______�h6_lr_._voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. '
<br /> IeN'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and aff'ixed my ofj'aeial seal at__._________.__________
<br /> _____________rzT_�,Tld,_.I81i�ridr______________ __.___________on the date last above wTitten.
<br /> ------------------------------------'BaQid---A.��erm��.------------ '
<br /> Notarz�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires--------- -- - - _.------ - -- ---- ---- --�'-Ph�-��----------------19--�6-----•
<br />