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<br /> -x�. D��D ���O�D ��❑ ��n
<br /> _ _ _ . - -_ --- . . _ _ - _ - �_.__-
<br /> 6e70—KLOPP&BAR1*�E3'-P CO.,Printing,LiGhograyhing and C'ouniy Suypties;�bmaina.� . y � _ — — ___, _ __�.
<br /> —.�.,-.�-- � . . .. . . . . -..-_ ._._. .. .. .
<br /> FRO� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered or� Numericad
<br /> In,dex arad filed for reeord.this___________��____________day of_____,,��£��°IS7,�2@r_____
<br /> �. D., 19---1.�----, at--- - - -_ $.a'��- _ _ -- ------o'cloek----A..dYI.
<br /> --------The---Rs�ss---Inuestme_nt---Co---- .---------- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. �
<br /> -- -- - - --_.------ - - -------- ----------- ------ -- - -
<br /> Re�iste of Deeds,
<br /> --------- -------- --D_aYi_d_D_�Q!_Kane- ------ -
<br /> B�------------ - -- -- ---- �---- -------------
<br /> Deputz�.
<br /> �n�o� ��� �e� �� ��je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> ����----- ------ -T_�e-RQSS---I�ve�tm�.x�t__ Co �-� -�-car�?or�tion------- ------ ----------- -----------------------------------�---- -
<br />', of the Courctz� of-------Hall----------------------und Stccte vf------1'1ebT3$kEt------------------------ ---------------- --Grantor----------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum o�-----------.__Eaur--Hundr_eri--�--na/-0-fl--------------------
<br /> --------------------- ----------- --------- --- -- ---------------- --
<br /> -------- ----- ---- --------DOLL✓1RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_��__..______herebr� GR✓1✓V'T, BJ�I�G�I�", SELL, s1JV'D CONVEY'unto____DaV�d_Il.Q�KElne_______________
<br /> ---------------- ------ ------------- ----------------------
<br /> ---------------------------- - --- - --- - ------ --- ------- --- ------ -------------------------------- --- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------- ----------
<br /> f y f f � ----------------,Gran,t.ee--------, the followin�
<br /> o the Courtt o --------��all. -- -- - --- -------and State o ----- - -- ----- - - --NB br3.,,�3---- ------- ----------
<br /> II, deseribed premises, situated in tlL�,;�'ounty o�'._.._____._____ ____Hall__.__________.________.__._____._____an,d State of Ne,bTeeka, to wit: '
<br />'', ----------------L�-�----:��r,�he-r----�'��z-�-�$s-r�---(-1-4)--..a.n_Blo:�_k__�1_�arab.�� S_sva�.--{.'�-)-----��_�.�lax__.�'�.�C�_..a.�1..�.he---C��y--qf-- �-�'-�n�,.---- ----
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<br /> �-�-- --�-----------------------------�---�-----.....-�----- -�---._...--�-----
<br />�i ._._..__,__._.._ .__._____Thi.s__deect._,is__Made__sub_ject_,_to___tne__t_axes__ for the year _1911} and subsequent__thereto .
<br />� - --- ---- -------------.
<br /> .............�----� -- ---.._. .---------------�----- ------- �-- -- --- -----... ---- --� -------- -----�----�----------------------------- ----------��----.......---�� - --..__�-------...------------------------------------------------- ------------ '
<br /> ---------------�------------- --�---- - ----�------- ------- -- --- --------�---�----------------------�------�---------�--�-----.........-------...- - ------ ----.._...-----�-----------------�--- -� -- -------- --------......----------------------------
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<br />� -- ---------------�--------------------- ------ ------------------ ....-- - -- -- -- -- --- - -- -- -- -- - --- --... ------ ..._-- - - - - -----------------------------------------._._.---------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all �he tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,��,
<br /> li �j,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of the said Grarztor_____,c�adrofei�Tver�i�r,enz, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. i
<br /> �D ��bC �lC� r0 �OYb the above-described premises, with the appurtenar�ces, unto the said�rantee_______and to________._hi$__..___ he�rs ''
<br /> said The Ross Investment Co
<br /> and assi�nsforever. �nd____�h8n____hereby covenani&______wiLh the said Grantee_______that____.___i�_____________.____._ hold$_________said prernises by�ood and '
<br /> perfect title; that.___.__lt_______._________._ha$____�ood ri�ht and Zccwful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lierzs
<br /> andincumbranees whatsoever-------------- ------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br />' ---------------------------------------------------- ----- ---- ------------ - ---..._- ------- ------- -- - ------- --- -- ----- -- ----- ---
<br /> ---- ----- --- ------------------ -------------- �'
<br /> i
<br />, - - -- ---- ----.__. -------- -- -- -- - ------ - ----- --- ---------- ---- -- - --------- - ------------- ------------------ ----- -------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' .' , CO.
<br /> ,qnd,_�118__531�'1_ThB__ROB$__I_T1V6_S_�2Ti_821�oven�Znt__8___to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoeUer_____�S�__�it_ri�_S$___�Phexe4f__.�ki�__�_1�C�__�'�@__RoB�___I21ye3t�e31t___Co_.�___has___C2�used__these nresents to be �;
<br /> ------� -- ----- --------------
<br /> _si�r.ed__q�___its.__Presicient__and_its corporate_ seal attached ' i�ereto this I6" day of
<br /> _ - - ---- -- --- --- -- - ---- --------- ------- ----- -- --- -- -- ------- - - ---- --- „
<br /> ., , ,,, ---S_$�2t�1Ti��.r------- -- --.R. D., 19--12----•
<br /> w'zT�ESS ------The--RQ-s-�----�nvQStmQn�---Co-•�----------------------
<br /> -----�----- - ------ ----T_.J..-�iars_en--------- ---------- - ------- �orp BY ------Fr_ad--3P_,_A.s.nt�n---------:--Px_e�i��nt------------- ;
<br /> aeal Attest -------�:a�_.AQ��-------------------------�ecrry�.�ry------- --
<br /> STJITE OF eN'EBR�SX'�4,
<br /> �ss. '':
<br /> -------------------------I�311-------------Count On this----------------lo�l?--------------da� ��------------�e�?tember f
<br /> �J, ---------------------------g. D., 19_1.2__ ._ , be ore me,
<br /> ;!
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public._________.___________________.______within and for said County,personally eame____.__ET_B_Cl__�_,148h'�Q11_________________.___________
<br /> -----Pre_sident__._o_f__The _.Ro_ss__Inve�tment--Co-,�------------------------------
<br /> --- ------ ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ���AL) the President of said Comnany and
<br /> to me personall�known to be�he identical person_____._____whose narne____.___________�_B________________afJixed to the above ;:
<br /> instru e as �ra tor- ----- and--------------- ---- I -����1�°����B�S�1PV�8'�ill8fi���',`(7---�voluntary ,,
<br /> anr'� t�he vo�un�a�y ac� ancT ci�-�d -o .
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex;nressed. �
<br /> IJV'W'IT✓1rESSWHEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my r�ame and afJ'ixed my of}"ieial seal at_________.__ _ 'I
<br /> ____._______rr�TiCl__ISlE1?1Clj_I�19bT3Sk2l_______orz the date last above written. `
<br /> � ----------------------------�'-�J_,_H�nsen------------------------------- ''
<br /> �V'otary Public.
<br /> .My commission expires--------- ----- - - - - - ---- -F-�b--1_7_t.h-----------------79----16---•
<br /> , i;
<br /> ii
<br />_ ._ ___ i:
<br />