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<br /> D�C�D C�C��Oo �D �lo❑ ��n
<br /> _ . _ _ ._ _ T . _ _ __ _. _ -
<br /> �56"ail}—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lilhopraphing and County Supplies,•Omaha, — � � _.
<br />- - -: _ _._, _ _ ._ ,__. _ _�,� ___-__ _ _—
<br /> _ �. ..__�____ ._ .�_ _:� _.____.:.� -�'�_--—'-"_ ----------
<br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on dl�'umerical
<br /> _ Index and filed for record this_.________17_.____.____daz�of_.___�81�t�??lbBr____
<br /> ✓1. D., 19_ 1�---, czt-___ __ __. _1.Q---- ------- --------o'clock, _A..JVl.
<br /> ------ - - -----Emma--fiann----- - - warranty
<br />; Tp Deed. •
<br /> - - ---- -- --- -------- - - ----------------------- --
<br /> -------
<br /> R ister of Deeds,
<br />�� ,;
<br /> --------- - ---Barne_y._J_,H�nn---- - ----- - --- - -- -
<br /> I8�------ - - -_ _. ------_-- ---- ------------------------
<br />� ------------- ---------------- -- - - - --- -- Deputy.
<br /> ��o� ��Y �et� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�:
<br /> I ����-------Emm�--xann-- ---- - -- - - _ ---_ - - - _ - ------- --------------- --- - ------------- --------------- �
<br /> --------------------�----------------- -- - -
<br /> of the CountJ of_-----------H311-----------------a,icd ,Stcate of-----------------------N6bT3Ska------ ----------- -------------------Grantor----------, in consideration %;
<br /> --- -
<br /> of the sum of_-----------Qri6---�---ri4�1GD---- - --------- ---------------------------
<br /> - -- ------------ ------------- - ------------DOLL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do__Q�___________hereby GR�NT, Bd4RGJ1IN, SELL, �ND CONVEY'unto__BaTSl@�_.r7,Hann,.___har._hus_b_an�_____________ ___________________
<br /> ----------------------------- - --- --- ----- ----------- - ------------------------------------------------ -- ---- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> of the Countz�of------x�ll._.----------.------------------.and State of_--------N6brc"t8ka _-------.----------,Grant.ee--------, the followin�
<br /> - ----- - -- - ---- -------- ---------- -
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____._._.._____Hall__________.______________________________._____arzd State of,Nebrsaka, to wit: �
<br /> -?�X--u?�s��-Yi,dQd...o�.�...-�a��-----��)---�ntere-s-�---in_.Lot..._Three.-.,�3_)...in_,Alock...Thirty_-yix----(36�-,---.4ri.ginal_....
<br /> -------------------�o:Nn,...._zao.1�._.�.i��,.-_o�_._r_r.ar.,d---Z_al�d�---Nebr.�sk-�,--...as---suryeyed...,.�'?.latted--and__re.corded-�------ ---- ---------- -----... ',
<br /> -�----�-----------�--------------------� - ------ -- --- --- -- - -- ----...._.._._------------------------�-�------------------------- ------......-�- -- --- ._.__...---------------�----�---.._--------- -------------------------------------------------------�
<br /> .---�----�-----�------- ----....__..----� -----�---------� -- - - -------------------------�---��----�-�------------------------------------.............. ....-�--------�---------------- ---------- ----- --- --------�-------�------�----------� --------------- .
<br /> �------------------------------------�--�------.....--�--...-�-- -�--- ---....- ---...-- --�---------�-�---- ----� �----�--------�-------------�----..----------------------- -----�-------�---------- �-----------------�----- � ----�-- -- � ----------------��----------------
<br /> ------------------------------------- - ------ --------------._. .._.. .. . . _---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, afzd appurteraanees thereunto belor��in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dor��er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said, Grantor._.____,and of eith,er of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />�'I �D �d�1C �1T� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, u.r�to the said�rantee___.___arid to____1?�S______.____ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns foreveT. �Lnd_______Sh8____hereb�covenant__�___with the said Grantee_______.that_______$he_.___________.___ hold�_____..__said premises by�ood and
<br />�I, perfect title; that_______$�1e_ _ha�____sood r�i�ht arid Zawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> I and ineumbrances whatsoever------------------------ ------ - ---------------------------- ----------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- `
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------- --- ---------------- --- ----- ---------- ----- - - - --- ------- --- - ------ - ------------------------------------------------- - - ------------
<br /> -- - - ---- --- ---'- -- - - ---- - ----._. - -- -------------- -- -- - !
<br /> II
<br /> ---- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --- ---------
<br />'I „qnd_____._________5h@____.______ ____.____ _ ____________________ covenant__$___.to warrant and defend the said pTernises a�airzst the lawfuZ elaims of aZl persons I;
<br />� whomsoeuer------------ - - - --- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------- - -- ------- - ------ - ----- --- --- - - - -- ---- - ------- ---- ---- - --- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------ -
<br /> �6th---------------.da o}�---- --Sept ember ---- ----------.�. D.,.zs_12---•
<br />�'�I Dated the---------------- - �J �
<br />'�, W'ITNESS ------�mT��__H�in----------------------------- ------------ -------
<br /> --------------------------------------------------- '
<br />' -------------- -------------L_,R_t.�r i ni nge r------------- -- - - - ------------- ------------- -
<br />� ----------------- --- --- - - -------- -- --
<br /> ST.S(TE OF .NEBR�FISK✓1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------------�.��,�----------------Count�J, j Orz this---------16t h-----------------da�✓ of------S ept embe�
<br /> --------------------------------------------1. D., 19��-- - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned,a dl�'otarz�Public--_-__--_--_-----------_-__-----__within and for said County,personally came---------------------____----_--------__-_---____---__--__...----.--. :'
<br /> ---------- ------ Emzr��__H�nn---- ---=------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___...______whose r�ame___________________iB________.____.afj"'ixed to the above '
<br /> (SEAL} instrument as �rantor.___.___, and____.___..__��'19_____.____________severally acknowled�ed the same to be______her__.____voluntary ;;
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expr•essed. '
<br /> INW'ITNESST�VHEREOF,IhaveheTeunto subscribed my name and af)ixed mz� of�'icial seal at___.__________________.___ ;;
<br /> ____.________rraTid__Is1321G1�___Nebr.______:_____on the date Zast aboae written. "
<br /> - - ---------L-R.Brinin�er--------------------- i.
<br /> ,Notary Public.
<br /> JIIy commission expires-------- ----- -- ----- ---- --- ---��I1rCh--ln�--.__---------19__.1�---• '
<br /> ;
<br /> �,
<br /> . �
<br />