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<br /> _ _ _ . _ _ . _ __ _ _ v - ' _ -
<br /> �, ;�6"aiU--KLOPP Bc BARTLETT CO.,Priniting,Litieoqra�hinq aiad C.ounly Supplies;n�iru3ea. _ � � � _ — _ _
<br />�d - _ _ _,: _. .:-_ __° ,_ _ � �
<br /> -- ,._, -. -_-_-:_ _ ____._-_,___�_`�___ ___:__�_�__ �_._...._�_._, --��_— - —
<br /> FRO✓1�T I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered on JV'umerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this-------_�.�-_------------daz�of---�-�??�plTt�?8_�'------- ,
<br /> r .�1. D., 19- -1�---, at_-- - -- �•�0_ . _- --------d clock----A..M.
<br />' ------- D�ri�-�-1--:��L_y_Q_rs R-__�,ri�e_ - - -� Warranty . ;
<br />' TO � Deed.
<br /> . �
<br /> - -- -- - - --
<br /> -- ---- --- - - - - - - --
<br />� - --- -Re�sist of Deeds,
<br /> Carl-r, _1�---F�ederic�. J , ,;:i.17 Q-r- --------
<br /> ------- -
<br /> .
<br />��, B✓------- --------- -- - _-- - ---- --------------- =------- �;
<br />� - - - Deputy.
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<br /> ����----��� -i%_an�e�._.L_._��rors ar.cl.._Anna_L��ras -" -Hus��_r__�---�rd_ '+!�.fe-- "---- ---- -----
<br /> � -------- ------ ------------- -- --
<br /> of the CountJ �f------ --�-i311_- - - -----�c,�a,cl ;Stc�te of_---- - �T�-k'r-�yka.------------------------ ---------------- -------- -- ----Grantoi�� - --_, if2 consideratiorz j;
<br /> of the sum of----T_hi.�t_y_-- y ivs---Hund.�ed- -- --------- -------- --------- -------------------
<br /> - -- --- ------------------------------------------------------------..DOLL�IRS, '�
<br />' ir� hand paid, do------------ ---herebz� GR./1N�', B✓1RG.FIIN, SEL.L, �ND CONVEY'r,crato--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- '
<br /> ------------------�_�r�._-�•--��.i_il-e-r---and._�'r�:dar.icy�__�I..�Iillo-�---- ---------- ------- --- _ '
<br /> of the County of.----------'=311 ------ --- - -and State of---------- - -N�br�Sk1-------- ------ ------ -- -- - ---- - -----,(�rant.ee-4----, the followin�
<br /> ;�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of._________________r�all ____.____ared State of Nebrsaka, to wit: !i
<br /> ----------------------------
<br /> �'�.�:�...9�'....�_��.�---�.ou.uh---�re_st----�ne -F_o.ur.th - ��.._�t...l��-) --�f- -t_Y��.._��u�h---�_as_�._(���....�'9ux��,._._�.�...�...�4�}....4�---�%Q_�.t.].o.l?,_- i'.
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<br /> ,;
<br /> :.an,_. P?ccxi'_ec�---�y _�Zet�s__ar.d---���zr�c�,s---��. .follo;�s.:... �'ebir,r.ing- at---a--Roint---.in ..the �P�st---bounclary.---l�ne ;'
<br /> ��..__t���.__�_aici.._.(.S_.-�d--•-1�4--n£,_.�..�...__.lf 4...o.f...�ac.tion__2Ti.net.s.e_n---To_�n�hip....Ten.._Sys�r�h---�'�rig-B---�''.1�V�ri._;P���t---a�...�_th ;`
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<br /> .lir.e.,----.Th9�?�_�...�.rost,�l.._a'in��e_en__.and --4�n�__.�:a7.f.....�.1..�....--���._..Rod.s...s�,ong_,_ea�t.._�_i.ne----T��_nc.e...;fite��...�.i.;�itY---..�-�-0-) ':,
<br /> F.ous alon a line �arallel �,�itri t�ie "outh line to 3 �oint an its o�est Bounc�ary line ThAr_ce �outh ':
<br /> ---�ra---tns---��ac-e -o-f--�-e-�-i�nn�-ng-, -. . . -- - --- - -- - -------------- ---- ---- --- --- --------- - -- ---- � ---_______. . -------- ,'�
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenartces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,.Dou�er,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Dema�d whatsoer�er of the said Crantor__S___,c�r�vf,9a#Jtcrro�€-�J�rrn2, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. !�
<br /> ,
<br /> �CD �A�1C AIY� t0 �AY� the above-described pre»iises, with the appurtenarzces, u�zto the said�raretee__$._._artd to_.�he1T_________, heirs !
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .gnd_____.:�?e_____.__hereby covercant.__.___with the said Grantee_�____that_________41!e___________________ hold.___________said prerrcises by�ood and '`
<br /> perfect title; that__________��e______________ha___V_�ood ri�ht a3zd lawful authorit� to sell and conve� the same; that they are free and elear of a,lG lierzs �
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever---------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------- -- -- ---- - ------ ---- ---- - --- ------- -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> .Flnd__.___________________________Z'Y_¢_.__._______________.__.__.____ covercant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s ?;
<br /> whomsoever--------- - - - - - - - --- -------------------------------------------------- ;
<br /> ------------------------ ------- - -- - --- -- --------_ --- ----- -- -- -------------- ------ ---------- ------------- ----- ----------------------------------------- -------- -
<br /> --da�J ��- --��i�� --- - ----------- ---- ----✓1. D.,19-��=-----• ,
<br /> Dated the-------------1�_'�}7------------------- ,
<br /> W7TNESS -----�-�__r_7.e�._ . _ Zyon�-�-- -- ------- ------------ +,
<br /> r' r 0!_K�ne----------------- ----------- - -- ---- -----Ann�.---L�.*Q_ns---------------------
<br /> ------- - - ---------�--�-- ------------------- ------- ------
<br /> ST.�TE OF NEBR.gSK�4,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> �'r.��.1--•--------------County, On this------------lO_�h----------------daJ �f---------��-�-'-�---------------------------------------�. D., 19---�� :_ , before me,
<br /> ,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public__.___________________ withirz and for said County,personally eame_____________________.____________.____________ __ ''
<br /> --------- --- -D ani e 1--L_.Ly_o??�---��.�.---.1�.��---L�r�n�e-------h�s ti_�a---�nd__c_v_if e---------------------------- - ;
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__s___.___whose reame_g__ar8_________________._____af}'ixed to the above ':
<br /> instrument as �rantor__$.__, and____.___�n�_Y______________severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be___._____tY�.Slxvoluntary '
<br /> ���EAL} act and deed for the purpose therezn expressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'FIEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mz� name and af)ixed my of�'ieial seal at__.___.:__________________
<br /> Noo�_.Riv�r,_____in__Ax�l�._.GOt�:l�y_�__________.__orz the date last above written.
<br /> --- -------�?_..�a_G!�arA�---------------------------------------
<br /> �Y'otarz�Public.
<br /> ,Mr� commi,ssion expires------J�22�_.1��7i-----1�_18---- ------- --------------- - ---- -- .__ -----• -
<br />