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� '� �..,. <br /> �� D�C�D �C�C�O�D (�oo ��o � <br /> _ . _ _ _ _, r — _ _ - _ <br /> ,�, uti37U--KLOPP c�BAR1'LETT CO.,Printing,Lithographiny arad County S'uyylies;O�nah�e. � _.__ ._-_�_�___ — <br />_�- . _ . ,._ _.__ __.., _,- _ —_ _ — <br /> _ _�" — —= __ __-___�_�._:�—_ ___ __ �'-- . _ <br /> I'K�� I hereby certify that this in-strument zvas entered orc ✓l�'umericad <br /> In-dex and fcbed for record this___.___ 10 _..,daz�of_ �8p'�9II3�'J8 P-__ <br /> ---�'-,�.Dill ana v�rife anci _ _ - -_ _. .._ . <br /> , .R. D., 19.�.�----, at-- - '- . __ - --�-----o'cloek__P_,�:�T _. <br /> ---�_,C_,H1��t_Qn anCl_ :�tif_e_ ._. - - _ - --- ,Warranty <br /> � Deed. � <br /> TO � <br /> ��c - ------�. - ----�;-------- -- -- <br /> - ----- -- ---- - -------- - - <br /> Re as er o Deeds, <br /> -------Arthux__C.Charlt on _ - ----- <br /> ��-------- - - - -- - - - - - ----- ------------ - ------ <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����--._ �te, J:E.�i13 �nd Jes�ie r.Dill ( .r�us.uancl=_anc� wif 8__ .)_ and _ -------- <br />' -------------- -------------- -----�_._�.�us_t_on__and--Anna__A.-�u�t�n--�--i�u��aa.nd�--a�d---,�i�_e-�------ ---------------------------------------- ------- ----�--------- - <br />��'�, of the Courctz� of.._. �al� _-�. ______ -----_-anc7 Stat,e of__ _____Ne�r�:�y� inconsideration � � <br /> -- -- - Gran�r s� ---� <br /> - _ _._.� . . _ ----DOLL.IRS, <br /> of the sum of----. --Fo r�_y_. and no�100 _ ___. <br /> in hand paid, do _------------7�ereby GR�1NT, B„4RG✓1IN, SEI,L,AI�I3 C,ONVEY' t123�0_ - - __ - -- ---- ---- -- ----- ------- ------- - --------------- <br /> ---------------------- -------- - - _- --------- -- Arthur---�.Gharltan . . . . <br /> of the Countr�of- -Httll_-_.. -. . --------and State of------ - -- -- �`1Abra..SkA- -- ----- --- -- -- - - -- --- �"r�'e'A11L�'�- -----, the followin�s <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of______._____ _ __.__��11_.___..._________________.___.______und State of Nebrsaka, to wit: , <br /> ----------Lo t._.Na,_,_.Fi�Te--.--�5,)---of--filoc-k.-i1o,__Si_xt.e_en---�1��-.-N e st----Vi eY��,-----�ame..'�ei ng.__a_.Sub_-�ivi sion..of..tge--.-----,---- <br />; -.--------.S�uth...East--Qu�r��-�----°--f---th°---2�or�h.:.�Y_est_...Quart_�r__of.._Section---�even�a_on.--(17�,--,--Township_._El�ven---....----- <br /> � -------------..-- --- ---- ---------------- - --------------- � ; <br /> I�� �--------�11-),---Noxth--Rano_e._,:?.�.na--��)----+�-�s�r--..Ha�..�.._.�.Q.ux�t.y.,- �1Q1��a_�k.a_._.. �----�---�----�---�-------- <br /> I, -------_-----�---------------- <br /> .. - - -- - -• - -- ---------- - ----------�----�---...----�---�-----------------------�-- - ----- -- ----- -- -�---��-- --�- <br /> ------ ----------------------------------------- <br /> -----------------�---...--�--- --�-�---....._..------ -�-- -- -- -----�---- - <br /> --- - --------- -�--�------- - ------�--------�-----�--�-�------------ • <br /> �--��- - _.__-- ---- - ------- ----------�-----...----------------------�--------- <br /> .-------------------- ---------�---.. ._.------ -- ----�----�- �-�-- -...__..._.._.......------------------------------------------� ------ -- --------�-�---- ------�------- -- ----�--� -----------------------�---...-------------------- <br /> _.----------------------- --- - ------ -... --- -------- - ---- - --- ------ - - - - ----_.. . -------------- _ .. . .. _ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamerzts, and appurterLarzees thereurcto belon�irc�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dori�er�, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of the said Grantor_s____,an,d of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part th•ereof. <br /> �0 �A�1Q ATY� t0 �OYb th,e above-described premi-ses, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarctee________and to__.____h�.$_________ jzeirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd_____;V8________herebr�covenant_______avith the said rrantee_______that______=?fe______________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and '' <br /> perfect title; that_____________��8______:_..___ha_S?'8_�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit;y to sell and convey the same; that they aTe free and clear of all lien.s <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever--------------------- ------- ------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- <br /> ---- -- - - --- -- - - - - --- ------ - ----- -- -- ------- -- ---------------- - -- -- --- ------------------------------- --------------------- --- ------------------- <br /> �lnd__._________________________a�e_____________..__._____________ covenarct._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persor�s <br /> whomsoever---------- - - - --- - - - - - -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------ - --- <br /> Dated the-----F i f t se nt h--------------------da� �f--- - -Au�us t---- ----- - - -.�. D.,19--1�----• <br /> w'zT.NESS ------�-_E-.Di l 1-------------------- ---- ------ ----- ------ - ,` <br /> ----- - ---- --- ---F���.r-d--H_P_�ine----------------------- ----- ------J_�_��_i$__,�_._A��-1------ <br /> -------S.,C.Hus_ton ------------------- - ----------------------- <br /> ------------------ ----- ---- - ---- ---- - --- -- -- - ---- - --- -- - <br /> -------Anna__A.Hus�on------------------------ <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.gSK.g, <br /> �ss. i','. <br /> ----•--------------H3�.1-------------------County, Orc this.------------ -1�_th----------da�J of---•------���u��--------------------------------�. D., 19_1Q-- - , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notccry Public.-------_-___---_-;-----_-_----___withi,n arzd for said County, Aersonally eame---_--------____--_-_------------------___-.-_------------_--__--- ; <br /> ---------J_._E,]?i_ll---an�.--_y��_.I]ill--arui--�..�._�Iuet_on__and_.�r��e Anna A.Hu.s_t_on-------- �' <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persor�_5...______whose name8_.____3r�_________________________af�ixed to the above <br /> �w�AI+� instrument as�rantor_.$.__, and____________u�l@_y_.____________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be____'��'1Q��__,_voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ' <br /> I✓Y T�VITNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj`Lxed my of)"icial seal at___.___________________ <br /> ______rT__3Tld_._ZSlaTl.dy___.�IBpx����A___________or� the date Zast above written. <br /> -------------------------Ra`�ard__��.Paine------------- <br /> ------- <br /> v'otary Publie. <br /> .Mz� eommission expires-----------------._--------------i1ov 10 1910 �_ ' <br />