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<br /> . G��U—KLOPP d•Bf?k1'LEI'R'CO..Yrin.±inp,Lilhograplaing and County Supplies:Urnaha. � ' _ _ _:: _ _ _ i - — — - —
<br /> _ ._ _ - _:, _ _. . _:: ._._ _,,-_ - _ _ _ __
<br /> � _ .
<br /> -
<br /> Fh�� I hereby certifz� that this instrum-ent was entered on Numerical
<br /> Ircdex arzd led or record this____.__�_.__ ____da o �°ntPmrer_._
<br /> --------- --- -- - - - - - -- - --- � f � f-------=----
<br /> - -- 1$� _�0�.� __IT?V@���"_82��__CQ.. _ - -- �. D., 19_1�-----, at- -. _ _ -- -- -3_.1�---dclock- -p'---�•
<br /> Warranty
<br /> TU Deed. �
<br /> ,��y�
<br /> - - `---------- -- ----- ----------------------------
<br /> R ister of Peeds,
<br /> -------- --------�?�nie�----�?usl�ho_u_se�¢--------- ------- -----
<br /> B�-------- ------- ----- ---- - ----- - -- -------------- ---------
<br /> ----------- - - ----------------- - - ---------- --- - - - -------- Deputy.
<br /> �.r�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�x�:
<br /> ����----- _The --��_s_s__ Snv�stz:�n� --Ca�,- a__c_Q_�o r�t_i�on- ------------ -- -------- ------------- -------- --- ---------------------- ------------ --- -
<br /> of the Count� of------.r�2.11----__-------------_<<rrct' �St�z,tc, of-----------iiE'i�Y'�,.�k� - -------------------------------_Grantor-----------, incofzsideratiorz-
<br /> ---------- - --- ---
<br /> ,_ .
<br /> of the sum of_-----',�1�h�---�uriC1:�8t�-�' --����._ -- - ---------------------------- --------------- ------- - ----------- ----------------------- - ---------._.DOLLJIRS, '
<br />' in hand paid, do-_��__-_-__h,er•eby GR���T, B.gRG.F1IN, SELL, d4ND CO.NVEY'unto-_._--_D�211e1---B'€,iShhOU�@Ti.----_-_----- ___-------_-------
<br /> ------•------------- ------- -- - - ---- - ------ ----- --------------------------------- ---- --- -- ------- ------------------------------------•-----••--------------------- ----------------------------- -- ,
<br /> o the count o ------- ---- ��._�1- ---- _ -- -.,e�r�sY a
<br /> f �J � � � -----.and State of---- -- -- - - -- -- - - �? --- --- -- -- - - ----------,Gran,tee--------, the followin� ;;
<br /> described premises, situated in the County ��f___.._________�?��.�.___._____.._.__._.______________._____.____and State of Nebraeka, to wit:
<br /> T ,1, , • c m.,,A ^� • , _ � � • � � 1�
<br /> _...----�---.Lo:��---T�,ur�,�:-exe_�.._�t�.ns---��-)__�.�d---�_��_,.l�ve --�1� ---1�?-.�loc�---{Tw;.�:er---�ix-----�. ...�n..,�Q_�h...e-x--Fy��-e---�n�--�=�e.-- - ...
<br /> -------------Git_y._Qf...�'.�s_and__Is_land,---�c��rciing--��---t.�.e_...r��_�r.�.e�._..r�.l�t-- -t_�ex.a��'..........._.........-----�----------------...---------------- �---- ---- ------ ------
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<br /> ------------------------------- ---- --------- ---- ----- - -- ---- - -- - -- -_ _ . _ ..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Titl.e,Interest,Dozoer•,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of th,e said Crantor__._.___,-e��ei�#ex.e�t��wr�, of, in, or to the same, or anz�paTt thereof.
<br /> �D ���1C �11� t0 �0�� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to..______h_i_g__________ hedrs .
<br /> saici The F.oss Ir.vestr.:ent Co
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd.�Y?��_______hereby coverzant__fi___with the said Grantee_______.that____.______1'�__.________________ hold�_______..said premises b��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_______Zt_._______________ha_�___�ood r�i�ht and lazvful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all l,i,ens
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever----------------------- ----- - - ------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ` ,
<br /> --- ---------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------ -------------- ------- - - --- - - ----- -- ---- --- --------- ---- -- ---- -------------- ------------- ------ - ------------- ------ ----- --
<br /> --------- _.._ ------ -_- - - - --- --- - ---- - - ----------- ------------ --- ----- -- ----------- ------------------------------ ------------- --------- ----------------- -
<br /> , Investr:ent Co.
<br />' .gnd___.i�18__�2t,1C1---�`h�?---,�DBS---�------------ �ovenant__�___to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all peTSOns
<br /> whomsoever-------Z�' -?���'�1�8�._�r'he�flOf -�'="-�'----�-�-�-�---��---�_'4�2-�-�---�S:�IE'_���t:�l'��---��-....Y?._�.�_.c�us��.---�hesQ_ r_r__�-s°n-`-��----�a- b�
<br /> _s.i�.r..�_a__�y---its---�'_�_e�ic;e_nL--a...n��--i.�s--c_ox�aorate---s e-�.1---�.t tach�-d-:=°xe-t-o--this---°��h--c�aV--o�--�;u��;�.t---A..�".,_l�l�_
<br /> tiv'rT.NESS ------Tr�---Ru-�-s---Ir.v�s�n�r_t--�o•-- ---------------------
<br /> � co r �3'-------E�-e_d__;�_.Ash�on---------P_r_�uiaer�t_.---- '
<br /> ------------ -------�'_._�_._har_.,_�n---------------------------- -- --- �
<br /> -- s ea� � ' -------
<br /> �!t��st------------�_A�?_._R�s s-----------------------5_e_cr_e LL�.r y
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br /> �� �ss. ��-h A�.� ust "
<br /> -------------------------=���--------------County, On this-------- ----------�-----------------da� o�------------------�--------------------------------------�. D., 191�_-- - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned,a JV'otary Publie___________________________________._withir�and for said County,personally came.___i r_�C�.___�_._,P.S�,tQ11r.___�'_��S�Ci�11'�_.0�
<br /> --------'�li�--Ro-ss- �nyests�ell�---��-�-------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ti�e Pr�sicient of .Uaic� Gom-;�any ar.0
<br /> to me personally known to be�the adentacccl person__.__._____whose name____________j,�________._________.afj'ixed to the above
<br /> instrum�n�lxs�ran�or_._�___, arcd________________ :,, ..�;,�:;;::aeknQwle �ed the sarr�e to be_______�17._�.______volunta�'y
<br /> �nc �ize vo un�ary ac� �.nd---cteecl- ��""�ne s�1a T�E �:Qus lr.vestr�_ent Co .
<br /> ����L� act and deed�for the purpose therean expressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed mz� ofJEcial seal at__._____.____________.
<br /> _____x�'.��14;.._�5�.,�Tl��____i?e�rdSl�ct___________oy� the date last above written.
<br /> ,
<br /> - - �---------7'_:J_,H�x�s e�1------------------------------
<br /> ✓V'otary Public.
<br /> .My commissiorc expires------ --- ------- -- --- -- --- -------Fe�--1`7-- -- -----197��------•
<br />