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D., 19----��--, at- -- - - -- - ---_ _ � ---------o'elock,-- -�'_.,M. <br /> --------�=a1�--�.Bu�c�.i��:� �i�le - _ -- _ Warranty <br /> � <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> -- ------------- - - ----- ---- --�---- <br /> ---- ---------------------- - <br /> Re ter of Deeds, <br /> --------;?i_1113m-�'t_.-�_�lt-@xs- ----- -- - - --- -- -- <br /> B�------- __ .- ----- - - -- ------------- ---- --- <br />' _ Deputy. <br /> �.r�oi� ��Y �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ���.�------I,- ��.1��.--A�._f3urcli��,-- a si_n;ie__xnan- -- -- -------------- -------- ------------- --------------------------------------�- �----------------- -- ", <br /> of the Countz� of-------�Ta.11 _ ---------------ccrac�? �S'tcr,te of---�-r_@__���as��------------------------- --Granto�•----------, in eonsideration <br /> of the sum of_----------T.�1_8rit�- S1X__HU.2'+.c1.r�d_._�: Elf't� ----------------------------------- ------- -- - ----------- - ----------------------- - -- -------.DOLL.IRS, <br /> ira harzd paid, do_-------------hereby GR�NT, B.f1RG�l1I.�", SF,LL, ,1ND CONVEY'aUnto--------�1_1�.11.r�ffi--�.�_31�.5'r�--------.-------------------- ----------------- �' <br /> �r �;7e�r_�.s�.a - <br /> I of the County of-----------i�11--------------------___.----and State of_------------'=- ---------------,Grantee.-------, the followin� <br /> I deseribed premises, situated in the County of_._____________._____ _��_3�.�.______________. .___.______and State of Nebrsaka, to zvit: <br />'', -------------�,.Q�_._�u�'���>---Y�um'aer- --U4-,---���eruza.�-�-!-s---Aclai�ian...t4---the---�ity---Qf...rrand...I.�land` <br /> -------------��?�a, -as s�.za:uvyr-er�,---��-1-.-�-��c3.�-ar�r�-- xsc.o.rr3,�-d, ----....--�--.............-- � --- --- - ---------...----------------------------------- ------ ---_... ; <br /> ------------------------------�----- - - ------ ----- ---- -� - � -----...--�---�---....--�-----��------�-------------- ------------ ----------- - ---._.._........_.....--------------- --- ----------.-...-----------------------------------�------... <br /> ------------------- ._..._... -- ------------�� - - - - ---- - --- ---- - �---�------- -�- ---------- ---�---�-------- -----�-------- -----��---�-- - .__.. ---- - --- ---------------- --------------------�--------------------- <br /> ..----...�.....................- ------------------- -- �-------- --- -------.-.__---------------�------------------------ --._�.-----�--- -- - -- ----�----- -- ------------- -�--- -- -- --- --------.._....---------------------------------------- <br /> I, ----------� ---- ---------------------�-- --.._._----- ---- - -- _. -- -�- -- - -- - -- - - -------- -- . --- ._ - - ------ -- - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenemef2ts, hereditame�zts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Fstate,Ri�ht, Title,Ii2terest,Do�ver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grccntor__.____,and,of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />, �D ���1E AIY� t0 �Or� the above-described pre�nises,with the appurtena�ces,ur�to th,e said�rarztee________and to., ; `I'i,�_____.__. lieirs ' <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd______Z________hereb�covenant__._____with the said Grantee_____.that________________�________._____. hold___________said premises by�ood and 1' <br /> perfect title; that___________I__.____.________hc'�T8`"�ood ri,�ht and Zawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s ,' <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever----------------- ---- --- --------------------------------------------------- <br /> �nd__,__________________I___S�0_.______. ________________ covenant________t,o warrarzt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawfuZ claims of all persons <br /> I� whomsoever---------- - - - - - - - -- - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- , <br />'� ---------------------- ------ - - - ---- - --- --- -- - ----- ---- ----- ---- -- -- - - - <br /> Dated the-----�'x�x1�1--�5_lAYl�l----------da� �r- S.@�2�--4-- ---- -- --- - -.g. D.,191�-------• <br /> I W'ITNESS ----1-�-�'-�'�.;2Y1.---A_._RUiC��.Ck---- ------------- ---- ---- ---- - <br /> . <br /> ------------ =i._�.�C�4�rarc�s----------------------- ------------ --- -------- ------------------------------------ --- --- ------ <br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR.gSK'�, <br /> ss. <br /> ----------------Ai�;:1.1----------------------County, On this------------�----�------------------da�J �f----�@�t BI:,�"r-------------------------•--.�. D., 19_l�_ .. , before me, <br />�' the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie.______._____.____________________within afzd for said County, persorcally came________. ________._____________.________ <br /> I' ---------'�al;�h A,_Buruicy,�---a--s in�,le---man-------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> to me personall� known to be the identical person.___.._.____whose name___________________1_B______________afjaxed to the above <br /> C``'' � ' � seuerally aekrtowled�ed the same to be__._rii�__________voluntar� <br /> �.3�aAL anstrument as rantor_______., and_____________W__h0______________ <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW7TeN'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my offieial seal at__._._____________________ <br /> _________.____�_�_T3nc�___I_$laTid______________ ________________on the date Zast above written. <br /> H.A.T�Ge�ards <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> �'otary Publie. <br /> ,My commission expires---•--- --- -- -- - --------- -- -- - ------1�----1�----- ---- -------19_�'�.-----• ' <br />