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<br />� ..�_ oua�J—KLOPP&BARTLET'C`CO.,Yrinling,Lithograph.ing arzd Coxinty Supplies;07�ea3oa. . . . � �- �__ ...—.—' _— -_�__ �.___ . __.�
<br /> _—.
<br /> _ .�� . . . . �::.. :._ _:_. :. �.�:.. .. --.`_ _ :�.. __ ..._ . _ _�_ � . .
<br /> FROdVl I hereby certify that this instru,merit zvas entered on ✓i�'um,erical
<br /> Index and itled for record this__.____'�______________da�of_.______,�H��BIA'C)8r__
<br /> .1. D., 19---�N---, at---- - - _ _ _ �_._v�? - --------o'clock,-----7P..✓lI
<br />' ----�Iohn---�ut_chiso_n_&---�ti��-- ---__-- - --- - Warranty
<br />� �
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<br /> Re�is er of Dee,ds
<br /> ------- --------�.�t�.._�.�It�t=�hklss - --- - --- -------
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<br /> � ��.----���hr_.�iut_c_his_on__ancl_�dar�h_�_'�1_.-Hut.ch_i.s�n,___uu�b.anzl_anu__wife--------------------------------------�---------------------- -- '
<br /> �
<br /> ` -_c�sr,cl .)'t<�te o -------IO'415--------------------- ----------------------------Grantor---g----, in consideration-
<br /> of the Count�J �f----Fay�_�t 8 --- 1' -- ------- ---
<br /> Fifteen Hundzed � Seven� * FlVe oa/1
<br /> ' ' - -- -_----------------------------DOLL,f1RS,
<br /> of the sum of_----------- - ---------- ----------- ------ --- ---�---- - -- ------- ------- ------------ ---------- - --- ------
<br /> ira hand paid, do_______________ ___hej�ebz� GR�✓V'T, B�RG,�IN, SELL, .gND CO�N'VEY'acnto____��at6__�.HOtChk18S_________.________
<br /> ----------------- -- -------- - - - ----- --- ------ ----------- -------------- ------------ -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------- - -
<br />', f �J � -- - - f '� - ----- ------,Grantee--------, the followin� I
<br /> o the Count o --------�clll------------
<br /> ---__and State o ---- - ----T�$_�.r3.���-- - - -------------- ------ -
<br /> deseribed premises, situated ir� the County of.___..___________.T-?.dll.______________________._______________and �State of JV'ebrsaka, to wit: '
<br /> ...---------L-°---�_..���9.----��-___�.n_..Fra�t_i_onal__�1.o ck--T:4xr.ent�t.-one-.--.�.f-1}---Qf---�.ax_nohan_..and...IlQ�k�x!.s---Acldi�tiQn---to----�h.e__......
<br />' --� -------.Cit_Y....of.,_�rand. -Island,- iTe�;r�s�a,. --��--�u_�':Y.QY��,----��lat_'��e-a-.�na-- reco�.d..ed..--- -----------------------------------------��-----�� --------- ------ ;
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<br /> -- --------------�--------------------------- --------- --- - -- -- ------ --- -------- -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenernents, hereditccments, ar�d appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Irtterest,Doza�e�•,
<br />, Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said. C�rczntor__fl___,a+v�ro��e6�;4Tnr�rt, of, ii2, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />' �0 �d�1C dIYb t0 �OI� the above-described prerrLises, with the appurtenarzces, unto the said�rarctee._____._and to____.Y�Br__________y oueirs ' `
<br /> and assi�res forever. �nd._____V116__.____hereby covenant._______with the said Grantee_._.___.that.__._._____±t�e_.______________ hold___________said prerrzises by�ood and ;
<br />! perfect title; that___________�TB.____________ha?r�___sood ri�ht arad lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever---------------------------- - ------� ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------
<br /> -----------
<br /> �lnd______-____:__________._LY8______.__________--__________-__-----_ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�airest the lawful claims of all persons !;
<br /> whomsoever---------- - ----- - - - - ------ -----------------------------------------•---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------- --- ----- - ---- ---- --
<br /> Dated the-----------�8'�h----------------------da�J �1�--- --�'�1�-�t--- ---- ---- - -- - -.g. D.,19____1�__. '.
<br /> u�'zT.NESS --------John__hutehi�on--------------- -- ----- -------------- -'
<br /> ----- - - ---{.�i.1�on--�,_St�ahn----- ---------- --- - --
<br /> --------�ar��a__1�.H.u-�chiaon------------------------------
<br /> ------------------ ---- FQy-��ICFa�'lane --- ---- - - '
<br /> ST.1TE OF I'0�8. -' , , ,
<br /> ------------�'a�Q�_'�@------------------Couretz�, ss. On this---- -- -----�$------------------da�J of-----+---------At1gLiHt..-----------------------.g. D., zs__12 ._ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Public-------_--------_---_---_-.-----_-__-within arzd for said County, personally eame---_----_-__-_--_-___----------_-----_----.--_-___-----_--------
<br /> __�'sohn__Hz��chis-a-n--and--�ia.r_tha.__i:i__Hu�t_^.r�i.$a�---.hu.s'o.anci---and---w3.f-e----------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�._____whose name_A__�r6______._________________af�xed to the above
<br /> tS�AL� iyzstrument as�rantor__Q___, and__________________thgY_______severally acknowled�ed the same to be____�hQ_�_�.__._voluntary ;'
<br /> act arcd deed for the purpose therein expressed. ,
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofJieial seal at__________________.____ ,
<br /> Arl�_i1.g�071�____i71___8ald__CQL171�y�on the date last above written. `
<br /> ----------- --
<br /> ---------------------------�-----H.�_,_P�1me�--------=----------------- ,;
<br /> V'otarz�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires------------Julp ��th-- 1�15--------- -------�.---------• ;
<br />