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� �� <br /> �. D�C�D C�C C�0[�D �loo �0 0 <br />— � .,�:,�U—KL6PP i�BARI'LF•TT CO.,Printin0,Lithographinp and Caunfy Supplies;"C>mniia. � - " . .° ' - _ _ _ -_ _ -- <br /> --:+: =-.- - _ , _ . _ _ -- ... _,_.—_. _,�—_ <br /> ,.: _. _:_— ____=_. _-:---- -�_ . . _:� __,_:_-'=,__.__—..__ <br /> FRO✓VI I hereby certifr� that t,his instrum,erzt zvas entered on .Nwmerieal, i <br /> Index and filed for reeord this__.___�_.____.__._.___daz�of___���'�°r1�J-;�_�_____ <br /> �. D., 19--��---, at--- -- - _11_.5� - _ - -------o'clock----rg._.M. <br /> �T,:;_._s�Q���15-�'n- �--i�;�ar Lri3__F_.Jo_h:^4�on------- Warranty <br />�� TO Deed. � <br />, -------- ------ -- - ---- -------------------------- - <br /> Re�ist • of Deeds, <br />' --------- ::3,cltrarcl__�i�rr�l�n__�r�.xe� ------- --- <br />�' B�-------- - - -- ---- - - - -- -- -------------------------- <br /> - - ---- --- Deputz�. <br /> ��o� �YY �en� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct� : <br />', ���.�------i1.s, -J_._�I_.J�_i�.ns�n--�.nci_lia�_tha �._Jo�insar�.r -h���b_and_ _& �if� .: - ----- -----=-------------- -------------- -- -- -- <br />' ------------------ ----------------------------- --------- - ----------- -- ---------------------- --------- -------------- ----- --- -------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------- --- <br />' T `, <br /> of the Count�J �f----- --- �.c.'�_�.�. -- - ---- --cancl S�ate of--- --- _T�T.�'���s���,�-- -- -- - ---------- - -- - ---- --- - ---- -----Grantor--8-----, in consideratiofz ?� <br /> f f � }' ?,' � - -- ---- ----------------------- --- --------DOLL.�IRS, <br />�, o the sum o ----------- -�,�_V_elz�-- --Eiu6--��:-7a.0-�-� ------- - -- ----- ----------------- ----- --- -- ---- - <br /> in hand paid, do herebz� GR.RNT, B�RG✓lIJ1�, SELL, �ND CONVEY'urato-------�dW�x.S�__�'�Sr2?��Xi---����'-8�.------------------------ ------------------ ; <br />'' of bhe Countz�of_ -- ---- ii8_rr1Ck_ _--.------._and State of----- t3e 4�T�.ck�. --------,Grantee--------, the followin� ` <br /> - --- ------- ------ -- ---- - <br /> - <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of___.._______________�`a�.�,._____________________________________an,d State of Nebrsaka, to wit: `' <br /> ..............LO:�.__T�..uu1'�.��---�ne----�1_)_.__�.n..F.�.oa:=.. ?�'�,�:�'��,� __i:_�.�n_s.y-�'_ive---(�5.).-- Q�.._.P.��.k��arr.'s----�":e.��nd-- Ad�iit�er_ - - ; <br /> -- ------�-�--�'° -�}=° ._Ci'�.Y p f-�'"�rd T�1�.n�,._.1_?e'�rark� ...�.s.--surveye�.�----x�lat_:: ad.--�n�...._�ec o:��.�.d..------------------------- <br /> - -�._.. -----�- -- -- -- ---- -- - ---- - ----- - ---- -- - -------.....--...... . ......................... .- --- --- -------- -- -- ------ -----�--------------------...----------- ----------------...--__._._.. --- ---_....... <br />� ----_...--�---------�-- ----------�-�----- ------ --- --- - - - - . ... . .............-- - --....-------------- ...-�--�--- -----�--�----...------...----�- - _..--------------------------- ------..-- ----------�-��--------��------------- - ,. <br />� _.............................-�--- ---�-- �---_._._...-- - ---- ---..... --- ----..._.-----------�-----------._._.------�-------------------�------- ---- -�--�- ---�--------�--....---�---._....-- -- -------------------...--------- <br /> .------------- ---��--------�---�-----. ............_.. -- - - __._.-.,- - - -- - - --- .-..-., �-- --�--.....__----�-----_.-- --- ......-------..-------------------------�-------....._---�--- ----- -- ------ --�----- �------_...--�-- � <br /> I' ------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- ----------- ---- - - --- --- -- ----- ---- - _--- -------- - --- ------ --- -- - - -------------------------------------------------. .. ;: <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances tyzereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,l�oT��er�, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.�_____,and of either of them, of,iiz, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �A�1C AIY� t0 �OC� the abor�e-describe,d pt�e3nises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rarLtee__._..and to______Y?_�_S___________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns foTever. �nd____ti1$________hereby covenant______.with the said Grantee______that_____________________�tre__________ hold__________._said prernises bz��ood.arcd , <br /> perfect title; that_______._____`�!e_ __ha_V8_sood ri�ht and lazvful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens ', <br /> andineumbrances whatsoever------------------------------ - -- -------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> --------------------------------------------- -------- - ----�---------- -- -- ---------- - -- --- -- ------------- -- -- ---- - - ------------------- ------ --- -- - -------------------------- ------ <br /> j ,�lnd_______:___________________._ ---__---__- ----_-_.__-_-----_ covenant._______to warrant and defend the said pre�nises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons ; <br /> whomsoever---- ----- - - - - - - -- - -- --------------------------------------------•---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---- -------------------------- -- ; <br /> I -------------------- -- ---- --- _..- - -------- -- -- -- ---------- -- ----- --- - ---------- -- ------------ -- --- ----- --------------- --- ----��_---- ---------- - <br />� Dated the----- ---------------�SS�.---- -da�J �}�--- - - �Y'-�t°ITi?�?°�-------- ------.,4. D.,19�-------• <br /> W'ITNESS J.?T.Johnson <br />�i --------- --------------------------------------- ----- - --------- <br /> ----iwa�_tha_�:_.Jnhns_an---------------------------------- <br /> �Y T > ' <br /> ----------- - -----------��_.C .�-�v�-�on---- -------- --__.----- <br /> ST✓1TE OF JV'EBR.lSK�, <br /> T_ �ss. � � ,,. <br /> ------------------------r-1���------------_Courity, ) On this--------��--------------------da�J �f------.��i.?�_��t�-�-x--------------------------�. D., 19.1.2__ .. , before me, <br /> the urzclersi�ned, a.Notary Public------------------------------------within and for said Countz�,Aersonall9 came------------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> ------�-•}':,J o�z��o z� � r"_�.r�'r�� _�J,_�s�hn�o x�,-----i�u���x:�l---��__Zvi�-�--------- ------- <br /> ---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person�_________whose rtame__ ___�8________________________afjixed to the above <br /> ��EAL� instrument as�Srantor___.S_., and__._____..�,118�________.._____severally acknowled�ed the same to be.____�;°ig1S__.__voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> Idl�'W'ITJV'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my ofj"ieial seal at___________________._____ ° <br /> . <br /> ___._____��and__Isl�n.�,_.__P__ek;�a6kd___.___on the date last above written. <br /> , ; <br /> ----------------�_.�_�r��:u�_�7_tl.------------------------------------- <br /> . ✓1�'otary Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires------- - --- - - - - - -=Tuly-�:�---------------------191$------• <br />