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<br />__`,-_-�G�iU-KLOPP„c�BARTLETT CO.,Printin9,Lilhographing and Cozinty Suyyties;Orn�uJi�r. _ - ___�_^___�.____.._. _ _.. - - --
<br />___._.._ _.._ -- _ . _. ,-:- - .°- - --_ ---— _ -- _.
<br /> F��� I hereby certify tTa.at this in,strum,ent was entered on dV'um,erical
<br /> Index and filed for record this_.____�r�.___________day of_____,S�}�t_�::.�'�@�___
<br /> ,.., �, �1. D., 19-----�c--, at- - --._ _ .�_.��.-- -------o'clock;. __A._..M.
<br /> ------J.�._��?_i_1�.---�nsl_a�,.C_..Hu�_�_Q_n__et_ al----- Warranty
<br /> �.� Deed. �
<br /> ���/
<br /> _-- ------------- ---- ----- --
<br /> R ister of Deeds,
<br /> -------- ------------Jua.i_3__�"�_.I)O�ld - - - ---
<br /> B�-------- -------------- - -- - -- ----- ------------ ------ --
<br /> - - --_ ----- Deputy.
<br /> �.�ob� �Y� �en� �p �C�je�e �re�e�t��
<br /> ���t---- --J-,�:_,_Dill--and__,7ess�_x,l�.ill_ _his-- wi�-e--a��__ti.�_.Hv��_on---anrl__Anna___��.s_tan__h�.�,._�if-�-------------- --- -
<br /> ---�,ft,� st,��;�: o ------ - -TTebraska- -- --- --- S ----
<br /> of the Count� of_______�iall___________ _ f . Grantor___ , in consideratiori
<br /> of the sum of_-------------ne-----u�i_�8 ---------- ---.. _-
<br /> ---- ------ ------- ------- -- ----- -- --- - - - ---
<br /> - ---- ------ -----------------------------DOLL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_ laerebz� GR�INT, B.gRG.,4IJV', SELL, .R�V'D COJV'VEY'urzto---Ju1�.3---�.DOdd--------------------------------------------- ----------------
<br /> of the CountJ��------ - ���.��-- - -_- -- --.and State of_-------�i8�;_�_r�.S��-a- -- - ----- -- ------------ -- -- - -----,Graratee-----._, the followin�
<br /> described prefnises, situated in the County o�________________...____��11_________________________________._____and State of Nebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> ....._..L4:�---��ur:3.�;.a.�:__Fs�ur��en.- -(_14_�-.in._Fs_lo���_l,u.�i�es__.T:��.ee- ---(_�.)..__in..�?.i.�l._._�.__�iu.st.s�n'.�_._Ad�.i�_i�n,.....�o...._..--- -------._.__.
<br /> __._.._��_�nd.._.I.�.land,-- ',���x�.��:�.-- --------- ----- -----_...--- --- --- - --- - ---- - ----- ---- -- - ---� - -- - -._...._......------
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<br />, -- ------------------------- ----- - - - ------------ ----- - - --- . .. . .. - --------------------- -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenar�ces thereuf2to belon�in�, and all th.e Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,Darver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and 7�emand whatsoever of the said Grantor.�_____,and of either of t,hem, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �D �A�1C dl�� t0 �OY� th,e above-described prem,ises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rarztee______and to___._hg_r_________ heirs
<br />' and assi�ns forever. �Ind._4'�8_________lzerebz�covenant_.__.._with the said Grarctee_______that___:J�3._________________________ hold_________._said premises by�ood and
<br />� `�erfect title; that_________ ':�8___ __ha__V8_sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell ar�d convey the same; that they are free arcd clear of all liens
<br /> I' . and incumbranees whatsoever--------------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------- -------- --------------- - ---- ...----- -- -- -- ----- --- --- -- ------- ----- -- ----- ---- ----------------------- --------- ------------------ ---- --- ---
<br /> -- - ----- ----- --- ---- - --- -- - ...-- - - -- ------ -- - - --------- ------ - -- ----- --------- - - - ------------------ ----------------------------------------- -------- -
<br /> .11nd_________'�TB:_____________ ___________________.____._____ covenarct________to warrar�t and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever-------��ST�� -SU.bjBC�--�O.--t�88---f0-�'---1�1�,---and---au:r;s$c�u�.nt----t�xas..------- ------------------------ ---------------------------- --
<br /> ----------------------- ----- --- - -- --- ------ ----- -------- ---- ------- ---- - ----------- -------------------- -------------------------------- -----------------------------
<br /> Dated the---F1 f�8_�I_���-- -------------- --da�J ��--- -- -�TLll�l- -- - - -�1. D.,19---�---��----•
<br />� TV7TNESS -------�-aC_.��1XS±071---------- -- --- ----- -- ----------------------
<br /> -------r�-�'-'�'�---�.�'�.i.na------------ -------Anna---A.Hus.�tQn-------------------
<br /> --------�.�..I�i11----------------------------------------- ---- --
<br /> -- ---------- -
<br /> ----------------- -- ------ - -- --------- - --- ---- --- ----__7es�iQ__�.Di11-- ----------------------- --- ----------
<br /> ST�FITE OF NEBR,gSK�l,
<br /> �ss.
<br />' -------------------------I�c'3�11-------------County, ) On this__�''_if t86I1th------------da� of-------------July_---------------------------------�. D., 19_1�---, before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarr�Publie___.__________________.__________within arzd for said County, personally came____________________________________._________________________
<br /> __.<7_,��_.Di ll__an1_Jesc ie__��P�11___hi s__:4_v_if e__.anc't__S_.C_.�}uston__and__Anna__A.��us ton_
<br /> ----hi�---x�if�------- - --='-------------- ------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally krcown to be the identical persorz_�.__._____whose name___S__1T_8_____________________af)ixed to the above
<br /> �r�AL instrument as rc�ntor__S_.__, and____.__�.h8. severall acknowled ed the same to be__�h�1T______.volunta
<br /> ( ) � �-------------� � � �
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W7T.N'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and afixed my ofy'icial seal at_________________________
<br /> __________�r_and__S�1�nd__"kQ_�_��,S�i�.�________on the date last above written.
<br /> ------- -------�'ay__ard--H-,-Paine----------
<br /> ��'otar�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires---------- --- ---- - - - ---- --- ���-�--�- ------------- -19_1�i-----•
<br />� -- - — ;;
<br />