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<br /> D�C�D �C�C�O�D �oo ��n
<br /> __ w__ � _ _. _ _ _ : � _ _:_ ._ v_� _ .�__ .__- __-- -_ — __ _ _ __
<br /> _.__� -
<br /> ubaiU—%LOPP Bc BARTL�TT CO.,Prirating,Lilhographinp a�ad Coi�nty�,supplies,•One iiea ___
<br />--�---- _ _ _ .._ _: _.. .._ - _ -.-- :- ,__ __ ,_,,.. —_._.�.._:-=..—y�_�._��___..:_ �---.._ .'���._.�._.�_
<br /> �''R�� I hereby certi,fy that this instru,merzt was entered on Numerical
<br /> __________��ary _T�i.Ker21__�c__.hUS__b__________.________.___ In,dex and led or record this_________�3
<br /> f� f -------------daJ�f---Au��--------------
<br /> .g. D., 1912 ---, at-- ��:�� _ - -- --------o'clock----A_._.M.
<br /> ---- --- ---- --- - - -- .- --.. ---- -- _-.__�Warranty
<br /> TD Deed. �� �'
<br /> - --- - ---�_/ _ _.���2_,�
<br /> ��----- ------ ---- ----- ---------- -
<br /> Re�is r of Deeds,
<br /> --------- ------�(111i-�.m--1-._�lain- - - ---- - - ---
<br /> ��----- ---- - _ - -- -- - --- - ------------- --- ------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�.o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t� :
<br /> ����------ ti`,!e-1---T�;ary--�I,Kern- �.nd. WJ.Ii.Kern--(wi_�'e- -and--hu�banc�}
<br /> - - -- ------ ----- ----- - -- --- ------- --�---- --------- --- -._ - -
<br />�' of the County of_-----------�►_d__�t1S----,---------u�zd St<xte of---------------------------NBbI'�,�kd------------------------. _Grantor,�------, in consideration
<br /> I
<br /> of the sum of_------------------ ------------�_1{�h��e�'1__BLi.T�.�T'ed---d,21d--?10�lOQ------------ --------------- -- -- ----------------------- --._.DOLL�IRS,
<br /> in harad paid, do---------.--h,ereb� GR.FIJV'T, B✓IRG�lI�', SEI,L, �1ND CONVEY'unto-,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------ . ---- -- - - ------- ---- -----�----Vyi 1_l i�xn--I.�31 ai n---- --- -----------------
<br /> --------------------- -------------------------------- ----- --- - --------- -- ----
<br /> of the CountJ of----- - --H311. -a-- - -- ------and b'tate of_--- --- -- - -- - - - NE_',_brd Ska,l - - - - - -- ----,Grantee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of._.__ ._________________. _____�all__________.____________.___and State of JV'ebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> _______________Lot,__Number._.Eight_.__�3_)____in__}31ock N:umbEr_,Eighte�n _(1� ) Kernohan...&.. Decker_s..Addit_ion_, _._,...____._ ___ ______
<br /> ................'�-o G_�.and.__Is.l�n_d.,- -Nebr�.sk�.,---as_.Surveyed, --Platted- and...Rec.orded.�...... �----------------------------------------------- --------
<br /> - --........
<br /> .--- -------- - ------ - -- --.__-- -- � ---- ---- - - - ---- -------- ------- --- ----- ----� - ----- --- - - -- ----- - ------...---._...------------------------------ - ---------------------- ------- ------------
<br />'� -----------�- - -- ----. _ --------- ------ ----- - - --- -�- �--- �--- - ---...----- ---�-------- -------...-------....- - - ------------------•- �-�- - ----- ------- --
<br /> -------. - -�------ -- ---------�-------------------------� --
<br /> -�---- --------�--._ -------..--------- ------ ---- - ----- ---- - - --- -.._......-------...-----------�---------------------------�-- - ._.___........-- ------------�--- ------ ---------- --- ------------�------------....-----�----------------.
<br /> ,-
<br /> ------------------------------------
<br /> -�...................-�--- --- - --�-- - ---- - --- ---- - --
<br /> ----- --------�.............. .... .. �----- -- -..._..-----._..___...._....----------- ---------� -------�--.....---.._ - -------------- ------ -----�
<br />' ----------------.._-----------------._.- - � - ----- ----- --- - ---------�--- -- - ---- --- - ---------
<br /> ----------------------- -------- - - -------- .. ... . _.--- - �-------------------------------------------------------...----------
<br /> To�ether with all tlze tenemercts, hereditaments, and appurtenarcces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�Pr,
<br />�'� Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grajztor__�___,arzd of either of them,, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />'�, �D ���1C �IT� t0 �OY� the aboae-described premises, with tTie appurte�afzces,unto the said�rantee_______and to________�1.�.�.._____ h,e�rs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. JLnd._____�'1e________hereby covenant__.____with the said Grantee_______that____________YY�._______________ hold____._______said prerr�ises by sood and
<br /> perfect title; that____.____We_.___.___._______ha_v�ood risht and Zawful authority to sell and convez� the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all lien.s
<br /> and incum8ranees whatsoever____,�L�b,�_�Lt___t0__ta,.��s___�'Or___1_�12__�,21d__SUb�eqUerit t�.X. .
<br /> -- ---- -- --_ . --- - - ---- -- _--- - - ------- -- --- --- ---- ---- - -------- ------- -- - ------------------ ---------------------------------- --------- ----- -
<br /> .Flnd________'_______________________.TN�______________.___---.--- -_ �:ovenant.._____to warrarat and defer�d the said prernises a�airzst the lawful elaims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever_____PX C Pp t_._�,S_____a.b 0 V G____S__��,��Cl.
<br /> - -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------�------------- --------------------------------------
<br /> ---------------------- - ----- -- -- -- - - -- ----- ----- -- - -------- - ---------- ---- -- - --- - ------ -- ------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------- -
<br /> Dated the--------S2Ve11tCe11th--------da�J ���- ------A�JT�l - -------- - - -�1. D.,I9_12-----•
<br /> WTTNESS -----------------------------11��xy--�$�K�r_n----------- -------- -------
<br /> I,eah Hollandsworth ----------------------------W,B.�ern------------------ ------------ '
<br /> ST✓1 TE OF NEBR.1 SK�,
<br />', A da,ms �ss.
<br />', ------------------------------------------------County, a On this-------------26_th-----------------da� �f----------------------Aj�rf1_--------------------.g. D., 19__.12 ._ , before me,
<br /> I�, the undersi�ned, a Notary Public________________________._.._______within and for said County,personallz�came_____________________________________________________________
<br /> - - -- --- ----------Mary--�,I:ern__and__W.n.Kern---(`Nif e__and_ husband-)---------------- ------
<br /> ---- --------- -- ------ - --- ---- --------------------- - -- -------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personall� known to be the identical perso�i�_.________whose name_s________aY'�_________________._af)ixed to the above
<br /> instrument as �rantor__s___, and___________the�________________severally acknowled�ed the safne to be____thEi.r____volunta,�y
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mz� rtame arcd affixed my ofj"icial seal at___.______________________
<br /> (SF,AL) ----------------In�1 e s i de,---Neb ra�ka.
<br /> ______________orc the date Zast above written.
<br /> ------------------------------Cf.-�.A].-e]Ca�lt���'-------------------
<br /> �otary Publie.
<br /> .My eommission expires..___.__T��.`I____9th
<br /> - ---- ------- ---------------------------------1�?-3_-------•
<br /> /
<br /> � � �� /�
<br />. ,, �
<br />