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� �-����� _ <br /> < o�;_. . <br /> �� <br /> � D��C� ���O�D �oo �Op � �� <br /> � <br /> �.-_., _� _ __� ___ _ r _� _ � __. �__�_ _-_ __ _.- ___ ____ _ ____ _ _ ___— _ ___-_ _-___ __ _ _ ___ <br /> _ __ _ _ _ � <br /> _ _ _ _-__ ___ ____ _ _ _ <br /> uo�iil—KI.OF�'P cE$AI��l'T,EfiT C73.,PrinGing,C,zl7eti�ra7�7inp¢radZoanty SuppZies:()�iruha. _ <br /> _.=..._<.-:_ ___.__ � . ._� ._ __ ��, - ._._ _ ::-.,. -::-:_. ,:-` --___.. _, __,._.:.:_.. _,���� ___._...-.__ , -- ` ,,,,- =`---==-`_="-=--=- _-"_=_-_— -._ , <br /> � �R�'M I hereby certify that this instru,rreent was eretered orz �N'umerical � <br /> ------------EdWa,Y'd--T.1?r'atL;-W1dOW�T'- ---- Index,arad filed for record this-----��21d--------daJ of--Ald�Lls-t---------------- <br /> �i <br /> .Fl. D., 19-12--- , at--- -_ _ _3- _ - -_ _ - - - -----o'cloc�;----P..M. I <br /> -------- ------- -- - - --- Warranty <br /> � � TO Deed. � ' <br /> , <br /> I, - --- - ------�%C���- - � <br /> ----------------------------- ---- <br /> ~ A.L.JUYLt1k�' Re�i er of Deeds, <br /> --------- ------ ------ -- - ------------ --- - I <br /> ��------ . -- --- - -- - - ---- - - <br /> -- - ------------p- y,- - i <br /> ----------- - - ------------ - -- - ---- De ut � <br /> , � <br /> �.�o� �YY �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: ' <br /> ; <br /> ���t---- - ---- - I�--Edwar�__�'_.Pratt--(widower-1 ---- -- --------------- � <br /> -- -------------------- ----------------�------------ <br /> -----�---- ---------- ---- ---- � <br /> ; <br /> of the County o}-•- -- --- -- - Iia,ll-- - .--urt,c� Stccte of--- - ----- ------------- --l��b�'��ca---- ---- ------------ ---- - ------(�rantor---- ----, in oonaideratiorc <br /> f <br /> � of the sum of.--------- .Q_Y12--�1-i21t�Y'�'d__FiPty aTld 210�100------------------ ------- ----- --- - - - ------ --------- ------------------D4LLdlRS, i <br /> I <br /> . in han,d paid, do -- - --- ---lzereby GR.Fl✓l�"T, B�RG�qI�', SELL, .RJV'D C.O.NVEY'unto------- -- - ----------------------------------- - --------- ------ ---- - --------------- , <br /> ; <br /> --------------- - A.�i-Jt�Y�k-�----------------------- - --- -- <br /> of the Count�J of- Hall---- - -- -----.and Stat,e of----- -- -- - DTE:b-r-�3.Skc'l.- ----- ----- - - ----------,Gra�ztee--------, the foldowin� <br /> described premises, sitztiated in the County of____._. _________________ _Hall____________..______._._____and State of JV'e,brsaka, to wit: <br /> -----�----�---------.._Lo�---��-�r- -I�in�--�9-.).- in__Rl�_e.k_.I�tumb�r---Se.yen...�-7-�---C.n11�gE__A�ciition--- =-------- --- - --- -- - - �- - ---�-- <br /> ------------------ i <br /> ............ ... - - ...........:to_._Wes�___Lawn---�n---Addition--to the- C-i-tY--of....Graxid...Island,...Nebraska----------------------------- - -.........------- i <br /> - -------- - - - - ---------a�..Survey_ed-�---Plat te_d---and--Recorde_d.---- - -- -- � - - ---------------��------------------------------- --- ------------- - ----------------------� I <br /> I <br /> ---------------------------------- -- - - --------- -- � ---�.--------------------...----�----..._..----- ---------------------------- ----- ----- - --- --�-�---� ---....._-------- ---------�---- - .....----------------�--------------------------- i <br /> ------------�- � <br /> - - --- --- .____ - ----- ------- - -- -- -- - - - - -- -------- ----------------------------------------�--�------------------------------- <br /> I <br /> To�ether ivith all the tenernents, hereditarneazts, and c�p�urtenances thereurato be.lon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Titl•e,Interest,DoTC,er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arzd Demand whatsoe,ver of the said Grantor______,arzd,of either of them, of, ira, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �O �d�1C AIY� t0 �OI� the above-describe,d prerrzises, with, tlze appurtenaraces, unto the said�rantee_______and to_______hj.-S________ heirs <br /> � <br /> and assi�ns forever. �rtd____.__I________hereby covei2arct______with the said hold____________said premi8es by�SOOd and � <br /> ` perfect title; that.______..___I_______________ha1Z�-�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all l�er�s <br /> ' and incumbrances whatsoever_________________ � <br /> ����-e�-t---tfl--t�ie--�g�.�---a��---�t�bs�q�xe��---�-ax�----------------------------------------------- --------------------------- , <br /> ----------------------------------------- - - - --------------- ---- - - ---------- -- --- - ---- - -- ---- - --------- -- - <br /> ------ ----- - -- --- -- - - ------- -- ----- � <br /> - - _ ._- . __-- -- - _ -- -- -- <br /> -. -- - - - -- --- --- -- -- ----- -------- ------- -- -- -- - -- - --- - - --- ---------------------- -- -- -- - <br /> � <br /> .Flnd______.__.______....._._._r____. _ __________________________._.__ covenant_._____towarrantand defend th,e said premises a�ain,st th,e lawful claims of all person� <br /> `, whomsoever. ������ s'�,s_31�QVE'.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------- ------------------ --------- ---- - - --- ---------------- ---- i <br /> Dated the-------------------21�-t---------- -da�J �I�- - - --- -At1�U��---- -- -.g. D.,19--12-----• <br /> W'ITNESS --------------------�,+'�1Wd�'(�---`�'-YP-�-'e�,-��---------- - ----- --- <br /> ---- -- - ----- ---------__S_-,_C._�i_u__s'�_Qn----- ------------ -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.ISK�1, <br /> �ss. <br /> , - --------------------------��-a,ll.-----------County, � On this---------------2�------ ---------da� of----------------Au�s-t----------------------.1. D., 1912___ , befdre me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a JV'ota�y Publie______..___________________________within arzd for said County,personally came_________________________________ , <br /> - - ------------ --- -- � <br /> ---------------- --- - ---- ------ ---------E�iv�ard__S:.Pr_�,t�t----��+t�.dQ�t�r-�---- -- .------- --------------------------- ------ ------------ <br /> ---- -- -- - ---- - - - ----- ----- ------ - - ------------ ------- - ---------------------- --- ------ - ------------------------ --------- � <br />�i to me personally known to be the identical pereorc_____._____whose name______. _____________1-�--____ ___af�'ixed to the above � <br /> � <br /> �g�Z� instrument as �rantor______._, and______________pj,g________.____��ackraowled�ed the same to be.___�j;�________.__voluntar� <br /> aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�l�'W7TNESSW'FIEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed mz� name and afj`txed my ofj"icial seal at_________._____________ � <br /> ` ___________Gra,n,d__Island,__Nebr.___________on the date Zast above written. � <br /> � � <br /> -`-\-~` ---------- S.C_.I�ua t on---------------- <br /> �``� .Notary Public. � <br /> �Yl� commi,ssion expires--•-----JUl�'_-2�------------------ �-----191$-------• l <br /> -- -- ---------- -- ---- - <br /> � � <br /> i <br /> '� I --- <br />