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<br /> �i _D��D G���O�D �loo ��o .
<br /> __ .,� __ _ . _ __ -_ .: _ _ �_ __ _ --_ _ ___- ___ ___
<br /> _ ___ - _ __
<br />� __� ��i u—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO..Yrinting�Lithopraphinp a�ad(,'ounty SuPPlxes•1)maiuz. - -- –_-�_-_�._. __ _� ––
<br /> �'��� I hereby certify that this irzstraGment was entered on Nu,merical �
<br /> Eb�rley E.W�st , hUSbdrid_ _ _ Indexand fcled for record this_._____2271�__________day of___AU.glls_t________.____
<br /> .g. D., .19-7.,2----, at-- --- 2- --- -- - -----o'clock--P_-•--✓YI•
<br /> -------- -- --- - -- - - -- ..- --- - ------ -- ---- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. �
<br /> --- - - - - - - ----- -- ---------- ----------- -- - -
<br /> --- - --
<br /> D�11_d l�J�St Wif'� Re ter of Deeds �
<br /> ----- ---- -- -------- - ----- --- ------- - -- - �- ------- - - ----
<br /> By.------ - -- -------- -- ------
<br /> --------Deputy.
<br /> ��.ob� �r� �.e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�: . �
<br />' ���t_____I,__E�erle�_ E,We__st.}___husband_ of_ the___grantee_ hereir�,__________ __ _
<br /> ---- ---- -- ---- -------- ------ --------- - - -
<br /> of the CountJ of---------------�i�,l,�._------------.a,ri�� Stczt;e of----------- -----------N�bY'c�S��.r-------------------------------Grantor----------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of-------------------One_ Dollar--and_ no�100---------------- ------------DOLL.f1RS, .
<br /> in harzd paid, do_____________ ____her�eby GR�1✓1�T, B�1RG.,4I.N, SEI L, .gND CO✓lr'VEI�urzto �
<br />'' ------------- ------- --7�e_lla,_tiV�s�_�-Wi��---of---tYie--gra.ntor--her�:in,---------------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------------
<br />, o the Count o ______________-__ _____and State o .________ _ N_8_l�Y'�;Sk3___________ ________________Grantee.______, the ollowin �
<br /> f � 1' �ial1--- -- - f - - f �
<br /> described premises, situated in the C.ount� of'_____ ____.________.____Hall_________________________________and State of Nebrsaka, to wit.•
<br /> ._..T��-.-�-oaa.t.-�--West---quar..t.er--o.�--�.ri�- .�Tor-Z-h.-We�t -q�z�,rter----(s-S'��'--af---rt�t�-.1---nf.._s.ec_t�.on..T�r.ent�----s.e_�t�n....(-27-�-�- --- `
<br /> ....�,�,---�own�hip..._Twelve_--(_12--�-1-_North,---of_-Ra,nge -Twelve-- -(_12_).,__._We�t,_.of.-_the --6th...P.M,--,--- containing--40---acre� ;
<br /> ___�,ls�._.Th�;__Easterl�r Thirty__nirle__(3.9_)._.feet of Lot Six (6 ), in I31ock Sixt�r three__ (6�3 ),�__of___the _ ___
<br /> - -- . ... .........
<br /> ----ori_gina,I__ to��Jr� _of_-Grand_Island2---Nebra�ka,...--as---per---the-_r�corded--plat there_of-.---_------ -------------------------------------------_
<br /> _._.___�-�... ........................ ... . .-- - - - - �-- - -- - --- --- ---- -..__..- ------------.........._.......- ------ ------�---------------�---•--- �-� -------�--- ------...-----------------------------------------------------------.._
<br />'` --------------------------..._...----- --- - ._ ------- - --- -- --------._._..---------�-------------------------------------------------...� ----...----------- -�-----._ --------- -------...........-----------------------------------------------
<br /> -�--------------------------------�- �-------�- �-- -..... - ---- --- --........ ---- -- - --........---�--._..---.__..._._....------- --._....---- .....-------_._-----------------...----- ------------�-�------ ----� -----------�---------- -........
<br /> �
<br /> - ------------------ ----- - -- ------------------- - -- --. ..-- . _ . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Irtterest,Doiv�r,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoer�er of the said Grarator______ of, ir2, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 ���1C AIY� t0 �DYb the above-described prernises,with tlze appurtenances,unto the said�rantee_____.and to________���__._ ___ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd______I_________hereby eovenant________with the said Grarctee_.____.that__________.I______________________ hold__________said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_____________I____.___________ha_v�_�ood ri�ht and lazvful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien-s
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- ---------------- -- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
<br /> - --- -- -------- - -- - - - ----------- - -- - - -- - --- - ------ --- -- -- - --- ------------ --------------- --------- -------------- -------------------- - ----
<br /> .Flnd__:_______________________I____._.____ ____ ___.___.___ __ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever------- --- - -- -- - - -- ------------------------------•----------------------------------------------------- --------------- -- ------------------------------- ------------------ ---- .
<br /> Dated the---- --------21�t----------------- --da�J �}�- -- --- -AUgU�t--- - - ----�1. D.,19--�'2----•
<br /> W7Td1�'ESS ----------------------------�b 2-�-�-�y---E_._11Y�s_t_.---- ---- -------
<br /> Davici �ckerma,n ------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------
<br /> ------------------ - ---- ------------ - ----- ----- -
<br /> ST.hiTE OF NEBR.qSK.g,
<br /> Hal l SS.
<br /> -- -----------------------------------County, Orz this--------------�1��--------------da�J ��----------------A-�-�t--------------------_-----✓1. D., 19a,�__ __ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a✓V'otary Public_____ within afzd for said County,personallz� came_____._________-___________________________.___________.______. '
<br /> ---------- - - --- - - - ------- ------------------------------------------Eberl�y--E.Vy_est------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identieal persorc____._.____whose name_______._________��;. ______________affj�xed to the above
<br /> (SEAL } instrument as�rantor________,and_____________�1P____.________�----��acknowled�ed the same to be__h1�____________voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I�l�'W7TNESSW�IEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"'ixed mz� of�Eeial seal at____.____________________
<br /> __________---_--_---Gr_�.2'ld__.2�1�,21$____ ________________on the date Zast above written.
<br /> ------=------------------------��viri__A�kerman_---------------
<br /> JV'otarz�Public.
<br /> JIIy commi,ssion expires---------------FebY'�--1�th - -------Y9--1(----•
<br /> - - -- -----------------------------
<br /> � � �
<br />� ,
<br />