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<br /> D�C�C� G�C��O�D �oo ���
<br /> .
<br /> ___ _ _ ___ : _ _ _ _ ____ _.� . - __ - _ _
<br /> _ rudai�—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prinling,Lithogr¢phing a�a�Z County Supplies;Oa�a3aa. � � �__ _ _�____�
<br /> FR�✓� I hereb� certify that this irastrument was erLtered on ✓Y'umerieal
<br /> Index and filed for•record this-_---------8----_-_---_-day of--At1gU�t-----_-__---_
<br /> .g. D., 19. 1�---, at--- -____ __.. _4.�0. _ ------o'cloek p�---.M•
<br /> seo_��e__S._Fi_1sin�er_ & wif_e _________ Wananty
<br /> -�----- Z o
<br /> Deed. • �
<br /> - -------- ---- ---- ---- ---------------- -
<br /> ---- ------ -
<br /> Re ister of Deeds,
<br /> ------- --------- rtobert_..C_�_�_i_��hr_�st- ---- ---
<br /> ��-------- ----- - -- ------ _ -- - -----_ ----------------- ------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �:�o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� : �
<br /> ���.t---- r�or�e__�_.Eils_i_n�.�r �nd__Anna_._�'ils1��e-�r- -l�us��nc�--��.cl---��i��e-------------------------------- ------------------- - --
<br /> T ' ________Granto�°_s________, in consideratior�
<br /> of the Count�J o�--------- -h�,ll ------ --ari,d Sta-te of--- --- - -N2_�?r_1S�a--- --------------------- ---- -- ---------
<br />, of the sum of.-----FOtU�__HU.�ld�'8�.--r�--QQ�7.Q� -- ----- --- - ------------------------------------- -- ------------------- ----- -------- -------------------------------DOLL�IRS,
<br />' in hand paid, do_________________Icereby GR.FINT, B.FIRG,�4IN, SELL, .F1.�v'D co.�v'v'E�'u.nto______RoLert___C.._ri_lehrist
<br /> ---------------------- ------- ------------------ - - - --- --- -------------- ------------- - - ------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Fial _ -- -.and State o .------ tv'e'c�T3Slf�- - -- ---- ------ ------ - .--- --- --------_,Grantee-------, the ollowira ,
<br /> of the County of-------- -- 1- - - � f �
<br />, described premises, situated in the County of_______-______._�all_______________________________________._._____and State of,Nebrsaka, to wi,t:
<br /> ...._....Lo_t._�i_�;h�.._.�8-)r.----irt_P�,.Q.Ck- j�a�ne.�een--��.��,---o-�---the- -T�fvn--of--A�d�- ._H�11...Coun�yr----Nek�r.�sk-?�---- .... ---- - -- -
<br /> ..........�.s.- s�:rvay�d,---�alat t-ed ar�d--xe_c_ard_e�i.-._... - -- - --- ---------- ---.................... � �---� --- - --- --�- --------------------------------------�---.._.--- ------...-----------
<br /> .__........... ........__..-------------------- ---- - ---- --- - - _ -------�- ------ ---- - �---- ----- -------- ------�-----� -�-�--�-�-------------�•---�--- ---- ------ ------_._..........----------- -- --------------------------------�
<br /> _-------------�---- _--- - - - - ------- ----- - ----- - - -- ---- - ------------------------------------------ ---------��- -- -- --------- -- - ---------- __...__..........-- �----------------------------- --��------------...---
<br /> --------------- --------------------------- - - -- -------- -- _ . . ------------------------------------- -----------------------------
<br /> To�sether with all the tenernents, hereditaments, and a�purtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dnz��er,
<br />'�, Curtesy,Claim arcd Demarzd whatsoever of the said Grantor�______,Z�l��itk�r�f�n2, of, irn, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />'' �D �A�1C Al�� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appacrte,nances, urcto the said�rantee____.__and to__._.hi$_______._._ heirs
<br /> I and assi�nsforever. �nd___y��_______herebycoUenant____.__.with the said Grccntee______that_______.____�'�e_.__._____.____ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br />� perfect title; that_________���_______._______haVe__sood risht and lawful authorit� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lierzs
<br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever_______________________._______________._.______
<br /> -------------------------------------------------- --- - ---------- -- --------------- -- -- - - - -------- - -- - - -- ----------------------------------------------------- - ---- -- -
<br /> ------------ -- --- - - -- - --- - -- - -- -- --- -- - - ----- ---- ----------------- ---------------- -- ------------------ -- -- -- ------------------------------ - -- -----
<br /> .Flr�d_____________________r�e____._____-________________________._______ covenant..._.___to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaim,s of all pers�ns
<br /> whomsoever--- ----. - - - - - - - -- -----------------------------------------------•----------------------------------- -------------- --- ---------------- --- --- ---------------------
<br /> ------------------------ - --- - --- - -- -- ---------- - - --------------- - ----- -- ------- - - -- --- ----------- -- ----------------------------------- ---------- -----------
<br /> Dated the------------6------ ------------------���J ���-- -- -Augu;:� --------- - - - --_.g. D.,19--1�----•
<br /> W7TNESS ------Ge or-ge---S_.F i l s i nge r------------------------------
<br /> ------ ------ - -Joh�__�'�omss_�n.----------------- -- -- --- -----
<br /> ------.A�nna---Fi_7�_�.��?���_-------------------------------- ---
<br />� ST✓1TE OF �V'EBR.IS.K'�,
<br /> �ss. ^
<br /> -------------------��4.��.-------------------County, Orc this.-------- --------�------------------da�J �f-------------AuguBt-----------------------------.�. D., 19---12- , before me,
<br /> the ur�dersi�ned, a Notary Public_.__________________________________within and for said County, personally came________________________________._________________________________
<br /> _____�eor�e__S�_Fi_lsin�er___and__Anna__Filsinger,_._.riusbanc� and wife
<br /> --- ------- ------------ ---- ---- -------------------------- --- ----- ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical persorc_6___._.___whose nam�___s`�T�____________________________afJixed to the above
<br /> �S�:AL instrument as rantor�.____, and___.____________t h8 _ ___ ___,
<br /> � � _ _� severally aeknowled�ed the same to be_____the_ir_____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed.
<br /> INT�7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed mz� riame and afj"'ixed my ofJ'icial seal at______________.____._.___
<br /> , in said county
<br /> ________.___sr and__I s 1ard� :tebr �_______._orc the date last above written.
<br /> - -------------------
<br /> -------------------------John__Thomssen
<br /> --------------------._ ------------------
<br /> �V'otary Public.
<br /> ,My commission expires__._�Y- -C91T����;-5-'14�1--SX}�1-�'88--���1�---�-��-------------19-15------•
<br />