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<br /> • ,
<br /> ; � Index ari,d fi.led for record this-----------2-------------daJ of----AL1gU8�------------- i
<br /> i
<br /> �. D., 19-12----, at- -- -- __..3.1� -- - -------�'clock t.---�• I
<br /> -----------�da_:��_.B�nt-on--�-- hushand---- -------�Warranty - i
<br /> To Deed. • �
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<br /> Re�' er of Deeds,
<br /> ------- ----.Tohn_--x?��_ckr�hrt�r__.Iu��o�'------ ------ �
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<br /> of the Countz� of---------.--t�31.1-------------«3zcl State of----------%��-�:�_3�k'sl--- ------------------ --__Graittor---�-------, in cor2sudercation j
<br /> of the sum of_---------T'�V_eri�y-S1X--ti--unclracz__anu__nQ�1Q0-- ------- ----- --- --- ---- ---..---- - -------------- -- -----------------DOL�2RS, �
<br /> ---- ---- - -
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<br /> '' ----------------,Gran,tee-------, tiae ollo�ain
<br /> of the County of----------i��l.l - - ---,and State of----- - 1�8bTc�Sk�- --- --- -------- --- - f �
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of'_._._______ _ 'T ___ _______.___arz,d State af JV'ebrsaka, to wit: �
<br /> __ _ --_ _L-�.a�.l---------------
<br /> --------------------------Lo t----iit�inber---F.�v�-----E-�-�---i-n--Bl c�c k__.i��r:��;-er--�ne.-,�_iunarecl..Tr�i-rt-y_---ry°V pn---�137�---_!T-�-P-•-Ry---Co-'-s--`_nr�---.......
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<br /> - - -- - ----- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - --- - ....-------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------
<br /> To�ethet�with ald the teriemer2ts, hereditar�2erz�s, and appurtenanees thereunto belon�in�s, and alZ the Estc�te, Ri�ht, Titde,Interest,D�u�e��,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demarad whatsoever of the said Grantor_�___,an,d of eEther of them, of, in,, or to the same, oT any part thereof.
<br /> �D �A�1� �1�� t0 �0�� the above-described premises, witlz the appurtenances, unto the said grantee_______.atad to______hi s__________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flnd_______We____hereb�covenant_______with the said Grantee______that__________'v_Ve_________________ hold._._______..saad premises bz��SOOd anc�
<br /> perfect title; that_._._______'!Y_e__________h,a__Ve�ood ri�ht cznd lawful authorit?/ to sell and conve� the same; that they are free and cZear of all Ziens �
<br /> and incumbranees w7�atsoever________s u'c�j e Ct__t o___t_�xe_8_.f o r__1912__ancl__st,=��ecf uent__t_aX,_____________ I
<br /> ------------------ --------- ---------------- -------
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<br /> - --- -- - ------ - - --- - -------- ------------------ --------------- -- ----------- - ------------
<br /> I
<br /> ,qnd_.____ _ .__ _ _____ _W�_._________ _ ___._. ______ covenant.___.t,owarrarzt�»d defend the said prem.i.ses a�ain,st, th,e lawful claim,s of adl p�1'�nn.s j
<br /> . I
<br /> whomsoever------�X�.��'�_. �.S ;bo_Ye s_t a�e u-•---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the------ ----��t h---------------------�a�J �r_ J'a.l.Y.- - . _.. __.- -- -- -�1. D.,191�------• �
<br /> W7T�N'ESS ----Id3l-- :'yi._F5�T1�OT1--- -- --------- -- - -------- ---- - -
<br /> i
<br /> ---- --- - -- --�'-1_�._�o�t--?-i�z'_x7�_�on--------- - -------
<br /> ----C_�_�_._Benton-------------------- -- ------------ -------------- �
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ----------------F�'s3,.��-------------Countz�, On this----------3-�-- - -----------da�J o}-----------July__----------- -----.�. D., 19.12__. , befo,re me,
<br /> the ur�dersi�raed, a Notary Publie---------------------------------within and for said Cour�ty, personaZly eame---------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------- -- I�_�.?,�1_._�ent o-�---�nd__�%�S_ABe nt-o�---- ----------------------------------- - ---- ------------ -- --- ---------------------
<br /> ---- ------- -- - ------- -- -- -- -- - --- - - --- - � =�'Jife---ancl__husband)--------------------------- (
<br /> ---------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_S_...___whose ncame___$_.'r_°____________________.___uf)ixed to the above �
<br /> �SEAL} instrument as �rar�tor_g____, ar2d_______._t-h8_�____._-.______..__severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_.___t��81T__._volunta�y �
<br /> act and deed for the purpose the�•ein expressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed mz� name and afjixed my ofJicial seal at.______ _________________
<br /> _______C2E1T0____N�'r�r3S�c3_ _______________on the date last above written.
<br />, �; �
<br /> : --- - --------�.7.la.Ot.�__r��r_�_�_�On-------------------------
<br /> .�V'otaT�Public.
<br /> . . . " -----19--1-°------.
<br /> .My commz-ssaon expires--------- - - ----- -i��_Y_�.;itJ�-�----�p---------- - - ---- -
<br /> � � �
<br /> �
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