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�� �`,<< D <br /> � DC�C�D ���O�D �Joo ��� <br /> �� ,Ce�U—KLOPP&BAR1'Y.ET'l CO.,Yrinling,Lilhopraphing and G'auniy Suppties:bmuha. � � � � - � — _ -- _ <br />=-__, �_ - __. _ - - -- - -- = --- _ _ . _ .__ .__� � <br /> _ —:_._..__ ,.,-__...,_--°--..�___.________�..---'- -_.... —___ _#��-.—�_�—.� <br /> i: <br /> Fx�✓� I hereby certifz� that this irestru.n2ent was eratered ora .Numerical <br /> , Index and filed for record this_:.___________�1___..____day of_____Ju�,�_._______________ <br /> ./1. D., 19---�..�----, at---- . _ - - ---__ -- Q ------�'clock,--- A_._,M. ' <br /> ------ --�Yilh�lm--�ieissr�er-------- -------- -- - Warranty <br /> ro � Deed. � <br /> , <br /> - --- ----- -- ----- --;����-----�--------- /----------- - -- <br /> Re�ist of Deeds, <br /> -------- - ------'T C�S e1��1---Tr'n-c^'`V 1 S- - ------ <br /> BzJ------- - _-- - -- ----- - - - - ----- --------------- ----- <br /> , Deputy. <br /> �.�.o� ��� �er� �p ��je�e �►�e�e�.t�: <br /> ����----- --,�ilrlelm__'�`e_��srerJ -( a_ _singl-�- �an-)------ ------------ ----- -- ------------ ---------------- ---------------�-------- ----------- -- <br /> Ha.11- - -aai,c� b�tatf,. �� -- - - --- ------------ --Neb��ekd- -- -- - ------- -- ----Grantor-- ------, in consideratiora <br /> of the Count�J �}------ - -- - - ----- � <br />, o} the sum o�----------Threa__�iva::cixad- and--Fa.fty- - ---- ------------------------- --- --- - --- -------- --------------- -------------_..DOLL�RS, <br /> II in hand paid, do----------------Izerebz� GR.l1✓V'T, B�RGegIN, SELL, �ND COJV'VEY'unto---------=70_�G�h---F:_,.D3V15------------------,--------------------------------- <br /> --- ---- -----and State o -- ---- ----- - -- - ��_�br.�k�.---- ------ ------ -- -- -- -__,, the ollowira <br /> 'of the County of--__------------_?IL.11_ } f � <br />' described premises, situated in the Count9 0�__. __ _____.. .____ __H�.1_l_________________.______.__._______a-nd State of Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> i� T , �,� <br />, <br /> ..............Lo_t---�'ju.rl���-x---S�_v�_n..-�-�- -- i.n--Flo c� --x�urr:�,_�x--���ine - (9.).._.o.�...�:���:�c�_!.�....Ac�d.�..�i.Q-�---�-�----��e- -��--t-x--aF - -..... <br /> „ <br /> I ----------- --- �r.anrL..Islantl,.- ��e-�ar-�ska-. -- ------ ----- - --- ----- - - -- .._. ..........._........ -� -�- � ---- � -�----------------------- - --------------.._._........- ----- , <br /> -----...--.._..--- --------- --- ----- - - --�-� - � -------- ------...-----�-----��----------.._...-----� -------------- ---- ----------------------------�-----...-------------�. ---- -- --------...------------------------------------------�- <br /> ---------------------- ----------- --- ---- ---- ---------------.._._ . ._. ,. <br />'�� --- -------� --- ...-------- -- -------------------------------- ---�---�--._......._...---------------------------------------...--------- -�-- � ----------------�---.. <br />, _.._--------------------�------------- ---�---- �- - - --- --- --- <br />�, ---------------------- -- ----- - - - - ---- - --------- - - ---- -- --- - - - --� � <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenccn,ces thereunto belon�in�, arcd all the Fstate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er•, <br />'', Curtesy,Clairrc ar�d DemarLd whatsoever of the said Grantor___:____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �A ���1C �lt� t0 �DY� the above-described premi-ses, witJz the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee____.__and to________�?1s_._______ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. ,��zd.____I__________hereby eovenant_____.with the said Grantee_______.that.___________._____�_______.____�__ hold___________said premises by�5ood and, <br /> perfect title; that_______________Z_____..________ha__Ye�ood ri�ht and lawful autl�oritz� to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all, li,en,s <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever____exCe�?�__sUi�_�eCt___t0._.1912__g8T18�a1___t�.XBS__3T1d__a.11___UTi�a�,d__S@.v_er__taxes__on__said__Lo� <br /> ------------------------------------------------------- - -- ------------- -- -- -- - - -- - - ---- - - ------ - --- ----- -------------------------------------------- -------------- ------- --- - - <br /> �nd____.______.____________�_____________ ____-______________.__ covena�ct________to warrant and defend the said premises a�uinst the lawfub claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--------- - QXC��2t--�S_ _ub4Ye- -s_t���Ll-•----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -- - ------- -- - ------------------------- --- <br /> ------------------------- - ----- - --- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ ---- --- ----- - - - - ------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- <br /> Dated the-----T�.�en t i e t h------ ---------da� �/�- - - - - --`TU ly ----- - --�1. D.,19_�.�------• <br /> WTTNESS -_---i�l_�.�1@�.Itl---:,;8�._�_SS�.4�- ------- ------ -- ---------------- <br /> ---- ------ ---- -----J_a.r,1e s---E-,_D���------------------ ---------------------------------- --------------------------------------- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SK.g, <br /> �ss. <br /> -------------------F:wll-----------------county, ? Ora this---T➢Y_'�-?�1�-5r---�_�C4�l�i_daz,� of----------------------------------'TUly------------�1. D., 19._�2_ ._ , before me, <br /> the urz�ler•si�ned, a✓l�'otary Public--------------------------..-----within and for said Cour�ty, persorcally came-------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------Td_i 1_h_21m__�;ie_i_s_�nex-----�---a--s in�;le__m�n,�--------------------------------- <br /> -- ----------- - - ---------- -- ------------------ --- - ------ ----------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally krzown to be the identical peTSOrL____________whose rcame_______._1S_______---__________afj"'ixed to the above <br /> {��;,�j,� instrument as �rantor_______, and____._._____hQ____________.___._severall�aeknowled�ed the same to be____.___�l_g_____voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> LNWZT,NESSWHEREDF,Ihavehereurcto subscribed my name and aff'ixed my of�'icial seal at_____________.___________ <br /> _.____!��s��1L:i___��1aS14�___�J�b��sk�,.___________or� the date last above written. <br /> J .L.Dill <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ,NotaTZ�Public. <br /> JIIz� commission expires------ ---------- ---------------- --- -- J U 1_y___16 t h--- -------19-13-----• <br />