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<br /> 56�7U--KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printinp,Lithopraphinp¢nd County Suppties,_Omahc. '
<br /> i�
<br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered orz Numerical ��
<br /> In,dex arad filed for record this--------------�JQ-----------day of-----�TUly_'-----------------
<br /> A. D., 19_�.�-----, a,t-- -_ .._ _ _ - -1Q -- -------o'elock---A.__,M.
<br /> ----- -----------�`IQx_a_?,yi._S�c_�_t t - kvi f e - -- -- Warranty
<br /> TO - Deed. .
<br /> - ---- ----- - ------ --- -- -- -- -------- -------------- -
<br /> Re�i er of De,eds,
<br /> ------- ----- �ec�rg�--�..._5�.�tt� -_hus=�_anci.- --
<br /> B�-------- --- ---- ----- --- - - ---------- - ----------------�--------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��o�a ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br />� � at-
<br /> � --- -i1or�. P�,�_._�co-t-�,-__y�a_if z __of_a_eQr�;� A_..S_�Qt�,- --------------- --- --------------- ------ -------�------------------------ --
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<br /> �Tall '� '
<br /> of the Count�J °�------- ---- - - - --- _arz,cl b'tat� of.--- ---- -1;6�7T�Briu.------ - - - - ---- ------- ----- ---- - ------Grantor-- -----, in consideration
<br /> af the sum of_-----��1_e__17o�.1�.r_--anci__Q_tri�r_---valuable---�_fl_ns_i_dur�.tions-------------------------------------------------------------------...�9����a,5,
<br /> in hand paid, do___________________hereby GR.f1JV"T, B✓1RG.�4IN, SELL, ,�JV'D CO.NVEY'unto.____�_@_4rgH___A._S_C_Q_t_t___h11B'nand__of___said____,___________
<br /> I���... _"".kY�l-aV_Sel__1Yl_i_�\{O_�/�__""_______"______ """-"_"___"_'_"______'__-'"__"___'"____'__"'_""_"'__'__"___'_""_'"_____"__"_"'_______________"______"_"_______""_"'"_"____'"____'_"___'__"___"_"_""_"_______""___"___"___' ..
<br /> "'_'_"_____""
<br /> II
<br />��, of the CountJ��-----iiall ------ - - - - -.and State of_-- - - --- ��ebras_kA-- ------------ ---- -- -- - ------ - ----,Graiztee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of.__:______.___.__ii�ll___ ________________________.___________._____and b�tate of,iY'ebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> r � .� � n 1. �
<br /> ----------T.ie_..South--ti�res-�--one.- q_u�r_:._�.r_.�.�_ _�n-�- -t=lox�h--�f_e�t one--nuar-�-�-x----�----��--•�-�-�----o#�---tii�.. .�t-•-�-•-�.�- -o�__._�.e_�_�.3�o_n..---
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<br /> --------�c_coraing- -to--g-avarnrnen�---surv_e�r..._37_.6Q./lOD---a�r.e.s..-----.-------------
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<br /> ----------- -------------- --- - - ----- --------- - --- -- - --- ----- ----- .. . ------------------------------.._..------�-------------------------------�-------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarLCes thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ki�ht, Title,Interest,.Do7.ver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_____'_,and of either of them, of, irz, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 �d��1C AIt� t0 �OY� the above-described prem,ises, with the appurterzances, unto the said�rar�tee_______and to____h�8__________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .�lnd_______I_.________hereby coaer�ant________with the said Grantee_______.that__________.____I_______________ hold.___________said premises by�ood ar2d
<br /> perfect title; that_______________�___.________ha_V�__�ood ri�ht and lawful auth,oritz� to sell arcd convey the same; that thez�are free and elear of all liens
<br /> and irccumbrances whatsoeveT---------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> �---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------- --- -- --- -------------- ---- -...---- -- --------__- - - ------- - - - - -- --- ------------------------- --------------.. ----- -- ----
<br /> --- ------ -- -- ------ - - -- ------- -- ------ - -- -------- --- - -------- - -- - - --- ----------------- ---- ----- ---------------------------------- -
<br /> �nd________________I____________________ ________________._ __ covenant__._.__towarrantand defend the said premise,s a�airzst the lawful elaims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever--------- - -- - - _ - -- - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -�-
<br /> --------------- -- --------------------------------------------- --
<br /> Dated the-----------------��T1C� -------------da�J �/� ----�TUTl@_. -------- --- --- ----�1. D.,19-----1�-•
<br /> WZTNESS ---------?v0��.__''�_:_SCO'��---------------------- ---------------
<br /> � ., _,_:,��nc k------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> �i --- -----------
<br /> "________'____________'______ry______ � -______..______' .
<br /> �ss. � n
<br /> -=---------------_H311-------------------County, Orc this---------��------------------da�J of-------s�LIY�.�----------------------------------------�1. D., 19---1� - , before me, ,,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Publie--__--__-----_-_--__---------_--_-withi.n and for said County,persor�ally came-------------_----__---_--_---___--_-----__---___-_-_-----___
<br /> --------?�?ora_1��..�ca-�-�r--tivif-�--9�---�eor�e---A.Sco��-----------•-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___________whose name____�8_.___________________________a f}'ixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL) instrument as�rantor.______, and______________5�18______________��ly acknowled�ed the same to be_._____h@r________voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I✓Y'W7T,NESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"'ixed my of�"'ieial seal at_________________.____.
<br /> -----------��-T-a.21:a.--I�i��.rii�-______________ _______________orz the date last above written.
<br /> - --------------------C_,_H_,Tfi�nc-k-------------------
<br /> .Notary Public.
<br /> .My commi,ssion expires-------- -- - - - ----- ---- - -- -�v_���---1���----------- ------19---��---•
<br />