<br /> .�..�. DC�C�C� C�C�G�O�D �oa ���
<br />��_�..._, u;.�U—LC'I:OPP c�BtIF�'fLF,TT C0.;Printing,Litho,qr¢phinp¢yad Coundy CSUpplies:Onu�hii _. � . , ,_. _. . _ _..:_... .___:�_ ._..__�.._ N.___ -�.___.____.__,__. _...______.._..._
<br />�-_ >.._ _ - ..._, _ _ _ _._,_._�_.___. .._..�_.�_ �.._____. _.___.-�. ___....�..._�_�_�
<br /> .. _ _. .. . __ _
<br /> __. _..., ._ _ .__,__ _ „-. --.` . ._ �_— .
<br /> F��� I hereby certif� that this i�zstrunzent was entered on ✓Y'umerical f'
<br /> I Index an,d filed for record this----------------23-----daz�of_-•---�l?.�Y-----------------
<br /> �1. D., 19_12----, at---- -_ _ - -- - - - --��------o'cloek- -�-•--�NI.
<br /> ----Char_leB---II_.P_ate�sor�---�_wife - - ---- Warranty •
<br /> TO Deed. - /�/
<br /> l-�/
<br /> -- --------- -- - - - -- - -- - - --------- ---
<br /> - ----------------- -
<br /> Re�' ter of Peeds,
<br /> ---------- -----------`'�`-'-�C��-�e---GSQIlY- ---------- - --------- ----------
<br /> B�J------�._--- ---- --- --- -- ----- -- ------ -- ------------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�oi� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�:
<br /> ���t-..-- ----Charla-�---U_,Pe�ex.�.an._and .K�.t-e---P_e�erso.n------------------ -
<br /> ---- - ------------- - -------------------------------�------------------- - - - -
<br /> ------------------------------------ ------------ - ---------- ------------ -- - -- -- - -------------- - -- �-husbancl__and_.wife--•-�-------------------
<br /> " 1 ----- _-_-_---__------GTantor���_--------, in consideratiofz
<br /> of the Count�J °�------- - �?ctll. -- - --- - c,rad �>tat� of-- - - ----------------��81JT1�k�.------ -- - --
<br /> of the sum o�------------ T�r$_nt�-FiVe--Hundr_ed - ------------------------------------ - -- -- --- - ------- - --- ----- ---------- - --- ------------.�oLL�1RS, ,
<br /> irt har�d paid, do. Jaerebz� GR.lfNT, B.f1RG�II�", SEI,L, ✓�JV'D CONVEY'unto--------------�fllCil@--�rflW---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the CountJ o�- ------�_I_2.�1 -- ---- ---and State of_--- - --I�1@l�r�LS_k8: -- ------ - --- _ ---- ------ - ----- -----,Gra.ntee-------, the fobdowin�
<br /> described premises, situated irL the County of._______._________ .___�3.�.�._..___________________________.and State of JV'ebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> --------------------------------Lot---l�umber__.Thres---�3-)--- in--El�ck---S'umi�e�r_._Eif�een---.�1�.)----in.__H.r..�.la.rk!.s-.--Adtl-i.t-i-o-r�.--�-.-------------.....__..._
<br /> -- ----- - -- - -- - .-tQ_..the-C�t3�_-of-rr.a�a-.Ial-an.d�- -Ne-hr.a�ka...as.--sur-u.�y.ed,-- -I�1�att-e.d.. anc�---re�ord.ed-*------ --------------- --�--------
<br /> - -- -- --- ------ -------- - - -- - ------ - - ------- ------------- -------- ---- -......__...._....-- - ----- -- ._.. -----------�------------------------------------� -- ---------------------- --- ---------------
<br /> ---------------------------- ------------- --- - - -- ---- - - - -- ---_ ---- -- -- - ---------------�--------- -�--- �--------- -- --------- ...------------------------�---�--- - -- ---�------------------ -----�------
<br /> --- ---------- -- -- ---------------- -- - --- ----- - --- -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenernents, hereditameyzts, and appurtenances thereurcto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,Doic�er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demartd zvhatsoever of the said Grantor_�_____,and of either of them, of, ir�, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �CO �abC �ltb t0 �OY� the above-described prernises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee______._arcd to_________h8r_______._ h,eirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �4nd____.W_Q__._____laereby covenant_______with the said Grantee________that_______WQ__._.________________ hold.__.__.____said premises by�ood arad
<br /> perfect title; that________we____________________ha.ve_dood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and conver� the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br /> and ineumbranees whutsoever----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
<br /> �nd_______._____W8____.____________________ ______________ covenant_____.__to warrant ared defend the said prem,ise,s a�air�st the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever-------�ul�_j eC t__hQw�vex---�4---1.91�__ara.�---�ul?�'z8�u�11�_.__�.�,x��---�z1d_..BUk�tl-ec-�----t-a---�hs__unpai d__s ev��r_---�_ax_e�_.--
<br /> ------- ---- --- - -------- ----------- -------------- ----------- -------- ------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----- ----
<br /> Dated the--------�'�enty _Second-----da� oi _ - ------ •Tt�ly- -------- - - ---�. D.,19--12----•
<br /> w'IT.NESS Charles T±.Peterson
<br /> r C .Hu s t_Q.� ----
<br /> ------K_��s---P_e_t_�_�_�_Qn------------------------------- --- ---
<br />' ----- - - -- - ------ ---�-'-�--- ---------- --------- - ---
<br /> ST.1 TE O F NEBR.1 SK.g,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------------------x8.11----------County, On this__�➢It_SYl�_X--�_�CQrid-daz� of-------------J'�X---------------------------------�51. D., 19_l�___ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a JV'otary Public.-__-----------------__-_-_-----------within arrzd for said County, Aersonally eame---_--__--_-_---__-_--___-_---_----_---__---_-------___--_--
<br /> ------���r1a�__U`_._P_�_t_Q_r_�on---and__3fa.�.e---P��s_reQn.__his__�ti�e------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the iderLtical person�___.____whose name__8__�r@_______________________.a f)'ixed to the above
<br /> �SE.AL� instrument as�rantor_S____, and_______________t�ey_.__________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_____�_1?.Q_1Z_____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of�"'ieial seal at__.____.________________
<br /> __.___r r�.rid__S 618ris7.__7._Pt�k�_T2�.SI�.A_______on the date last above written.
<br /> -- -- ----------------------------------S-�C-,Ht�s�0-�-------------------
<br /> ✓V'otary Public.
<br /> .M� commission expires------------ ----- -------- ---- -------- -July--25----- ----------------19�.�------•
<br />