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<br />_ ___,�_ �G�ii1—KIOPP cE BARTLETT CO.,Printinp,Lithograp7ainp and Counly Supplies;Onusha. � � _ _
<br /> FR�� I hereb� certifz� that this instrumerzt was entered ora JV'umerical '
<br /> Index ar�d fcled for record this______22__ day of__.__J?�lY__.______________
<br /> �. D., 19-�.�----, at-- _ - -- -- 10_._30_ _--- -----d eloek; -p,__,M.
<br />, ---------�IQ_se�h--S._S�esa�rard--&---wif$- - - -_.__--- - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. `
<br /> ---------- - --- - - - --- --------- - ------------- --
<br /> Re�iste of Pee,ds,
<br /> ---------- - ------�Qhn__G_.:��ndy--- -- ---- -- --- - - ---
<br /> 8�------ -- - - -- -- - - ---- -
<br /> -------Deputz�, --
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<br /> ��o�a �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t� :
<br /> ����.--- --Joa�ph -T_.�ts�rar_d_ _and-S.._�.-St_e�xard, ----�Hu�Y�and_&--�-1f-�-)----- ------- ---- -------------------- ------------------ __--
<br /> ---- -a,�zd State o ----- ---- ---r181�r.aSk�- - ------------- -------------- - -- --- - -----Grantor--$------, in eonsideration '
<br /> of the Count� of------------i�311-------- f' '
<br /> I'' of the sum of--------- Qns---�Iuric1�_ed___This_tX--�- nQ�10-0---------------- ------------------------- --- ---------- --------------- -----------------------------DOLL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_@fi lt-ereby GR�1NT, B.f1RG.f1I✓lr, SEI,L, ✓1.NI� Co.NVE�Z�nto_..---J_ohn__G.IdQQC131_------------------------------------------ ------•-------------
<br /> of the County of----------- ��i_1_�.�.----- -- - -- --and State of--- ----���2�1S.k�.--- -- - - ------------ --- --- - -- -- ---------,Grarztee--------, the follozvirz� .
<br /> i described premises, situated ir� the, Couraty of______H11.�.. _____________________________________._______.___and State of Nebrsakcc, to wit: "
<br /> ..............I�o�---numl�e_r._e_d.._�dine�y---2dins--(���- --in-Hai�t_hor.n�--P1�Q,-----Said--���harne----._P_la�.�_..b_eix�---a---Subdivi�i�n
<br /> .........-- -of a- �ar.�--of....t.ias---Td�rth--r9est-:��uar.�_es---��-•:�-•-�)---Qf---S�.c.t_io.n--T.we.n�..y._-:�.�a----��2�---in---TQ�nsh3p...E.l.e.ve.n._
<br /> - - -- - --�11)--N�r'�h__of--.R.an�.� T�1�ne-----�9�---.�.e.�-t---af..-�-��e �th.._P.,.r�i•- --�s----plat.:�.e�._anci.--�ecord.�cl.,�-----�----------------- - - -------- -
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<br /> ---------------------------------------- -- -- ---- ------- ---- - --� - -� -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtef�ances thereunto belon�in�, arcd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�e,r,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demarcd whatsoever of the said Grarctor_$___:,and of eit,her of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />'' �0 ���1C �TY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenarzces, unto the said�rantee_______.and to.______�?1S__________ h-eirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .gnd_____`iVe._.____hereby covenarct_______with the said Grantee______that____.A!e______________________ holc�____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_._________'_."T6________________ha_Y_�_�ood ri�ht and luwful authority to sell and convey the same; that the�are free and clear of all Ziens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------_-_-_-_----_-__-_-_------------------------
<br />�' - --- --.. - - ---- - - -- - ------- -- - - - -- - ---- -- - ------------------- --- ----- ---------------- - -- ------------- ----------------- ------ ----- - -
<br /> .Flnd.__.____._____�1e___._ ___________ ____ _________________ covenarct___.____to zvarrant and defercd the said premises a�ain,st the lawful elaims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever-------- _. _ -- -- __- - ---------------------------------•-------------------------------------------�----- ----------
<br /> -------- -- -------------- -- ----- ----- -------------- -
<br /> ------------------------ ---------- -- -- ------------- --- -- --- -- ---- -- --- ---------- --------------------- -- --------------------------------- ----- -------------
<br /> I' Dated the---------�Q�h------- -----------------da�J �I'-__ --J1a.1X------- ------- - - ---�. D.,19--1-��-----•
<br /> WITJV'ESS ------Joseph--T.St eward---------------------------------
<br />� ------S�E_,�t_es�!ax-�l--------------------------------- --------------
<br /> - Ci�arle_y__E_,Gl�.c-k---------------- - - -- --
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------------x���----------------Courcty, On this----------F_27�C�.--------------da�J o�-----------�1��y-----------------------------------.1. D., 19_��-- - , before me,
<br />' the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public___..---_---__------_____-___---_withifz and for said CountrJ,personally eame_-------__---_---------_-_---------------_----_-------__-_-----_-----
<br /> ---J o s e�?h _T_.S t e.�r�d_and---S.E.St e�r arcl,---- �---husb an�__&_.w if e--�-----------------------------------
<br /> ---- ------------- ------ -------- - -------------- ----------- - ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persor�_8_.______whose name8._____._EtT_�_____________________afj'ixed to the above
<br /> �SEAI+} irestrumerLt as �rantor_�.____, and_________th8_y_._____________severally aeknowded�ed the same to be.____'�h@�T.___voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSW'HERF.OF,Ihavehereurato subscribed my name and af�ixed my of�'ieial seal at_______________________
<br /> _____.____.��_�'�tT1C�___I s 18�21d}____1`?8br_, ________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ------ ._�',_�,�_.Har_ris��-n------------------------------------
<br /> ✓l�'otarr� Public.
<br /> .My commission expires--------- -- -- --- -- -- - -E8'o_r_u.ary--l�"----------------------19-�.$------•
<br />