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<br /> an harLd paid, do L6Wl_8_C .,____
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<br /> o the Count o -- __'..al�, - -cznd,State o � Nebr;�ska If
<br /> � J � � -_ _ _ -- - f - � ___ _ - _ _- ,Grart,tee -- , the followira� {
<br /> described pr•emises, sz,tur�ted in tlze C,ou�tty of_ __ _ ________ F�1�.1. _._____________________ ._______�crzd, State of.N'ebrsaka, to wit: I
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<br /> � To�ether with all tlze terzerrzerzts, hereditarrae.rLts, ured a�purteraar�ces thes•ez�r�to be,lorz�ii2�, arcd all the Est,a,te, Ri�ht, Tit,l,e,Zr�t.erest, Doia�r, �
<br /> �� Curtesy,Claim and Demarcd whatsoez�er of the sc�id Crant,or_S___,crrr,d�of e�i.th�er of th.e,rn-, of, ir�, or to the sarrz.e,, or aray�art t.here.of. �
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> �� �0 �L��1Q �IY� r0 �0�� the above-d,escr�i-herl�rem-ises, with, ��he r��pzcrteraan,ces, z�rato th,e said�rccratee,_____and to_____hi8________ ya-ei-rs j
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> urtd assi�rLS forever. ��1nd____�!8____Tzereby eove�2arct______wit,h the said C�rc�rztee______that________�_Q______________ holc�_________said premises by�ood art,d !
<br /> i
<br /> perfeet title; thczt.______�•r_Yg______________hcc_VQ sood r��sht and laavful authorit�� to sell and conz�e� the same; that, thez� are free and elear of ubl lierr-s �
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever___________________________ ___
<br /> ------- -- ---- ------- --- --- - -- - - ------._------ -- - -- - ----- -- --- - ------ ---------------- --- - -
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> � ./frcd_- _.-_ ___�!e_-----__--_ -- _ _ _ __ _.---- __ coi��enant,_-__-to u�arrant an,cl defend tl�P said pre,yn,i.ses a��zira.st, t,h,e laz�>fzcl claim,s of all, person,s �
<br /> whomsoever---- _.__ _ _----- --------- -
<br /> -_. .._ -- - ----- ------- ---------- ----- i
<br /> f
<br /> -- --- - -- - -- - -- j
<br /> Dated tne-- 20_ --- - ----- -- - da,� o/� _ __July- _ ----- __ _.�. z�.,19-12- • �
<br /> W'zT.NESS -------Charley--E-•-Glick-- --- -- - - '
<br /> _ -- -- �
<br />' _ -- _ I s aac_ _T.�3no-- -- --- _ _ -----Ro s�_r l�cl� --- ----- - --- - - . - ---- - --- i
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<br /> ----- --- -- --- ---- - - - -- -- -- - - �
<br /> --- - - - -�J.T_._Ste�ra,r_�____ _ -- -- - �
<br /> ----ST✓1T� OF .NEBR.f1SK�I,
<br /> �ss. ' �
<br /> -- H�1°1---------------------Courzty, On this-- - - - -- - 2Q- -----d��J ��------------�TL11�T---------- ---- ----------�1. D., 19_1�_..._ , before rne, ;
<br /> the ztirader�si�rzed, a.Notart�Publie--- ---- -- ----------- - _--- --within cr,rcd�'or said County, persoTZa,llz� came- ----------- -------- -----_ __ ._ -------------- ------- �
<br />' ------.--Charley__E.G1_ick--&--Rose---rlick_his_wife-------------- ------ ----- i
<br /> - - -- -- -- - __ _ - �
<br /> - - - -__ _ - --- ----- -- - -- - -- ---- -- - - -- - - --------- ---- �
<br /> +
<br /> to me personall� known to be the identical person_S______whose narra-e&___8rQ_______________________ ___af)ixed to the above �
<br /> instrument as �rantot�__�____, and_______the_y________ _ ,severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be___thBrA volur�tarr� �
<br /> ��EAL� aet arLd deed for the purpose thei•ein ex���°essed. � (
<br /> I�l�'W'IT.NESSW'HER,F,OF,Ihai�ehereaGnto subscribed mz� name and afjixed mr� ofj"'icial seal at________ _____._________ '
<br /> i
<br />� ___Tr�Tld_ IB_Z�Yld__Neb.______..___ _____________�n the date la4t above written. �
<br /> i
<br /> - - -- --- ---- ---- -J.T_,St eward �----- -- �
<br /> Notarr� Public.
<br /> .My commi.ssion expires------ -- - - - Ar,ri.l -- 22 -- ---- --- -- 19_16----• ;
<br /> $
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br /> i
<br />