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D., 19_ 1H----, at---- -- - . 1+3_0-_ - --------o'elock----p_._,M. ; <br /> -------- <br /> ��_,_H_,rlov.�x_ and__Trr.if-e-.-- ---- ---- --- ------ Warranty <br /> rU � Deed. ��,,� <br /> . <br /> --- ------(������< - <br /> ------------ ------------------ - <br /> Re ster of Deeds, <br /> �:�ary_---��r-y- <br /> B�------- --------------- --------------- ----------------------- <br /> -- <br /> --------- �------ --- ---- ---- -------- --- -- --- - - - -- - - - - Deput�. <br /> / <br /> �:�o� ��Y �enc �p ��je�e ��e�e�t� : <br /> �,���----- ---�e, -H_,_H._Glover.-and_1!�ag�i�--T._rlaverr.__husb�nd--and_wifa._---�-------- -- --------------------------- <br /> of the CourctJ °f_----------H311-------------------c�-racl Stute uf--------�IS_ _�_?Slta----------------------- <br /> ----------------__-----__----___---Grantor---8---__, in consideration <br /> of the sum of-------One--Hundr@d--�'o_�_-a?�d---�Io_11Q-Q- - ----------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ---------DOLL�4RS, <br /> � ------------------- <br /> in hand paid, do--------.------Ji.ereby GR.F1.N'�', B.RRG✓1I.N, SELL, .F1ND COJV'VEY'urato--------���---Clirr_Y-------------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> of the Count�J a�----��11 --_ -- - --- --- - ----and State of---�6br.r'����. - ---- - -- -------- - -- ----------- -- -- -- ------,Urarztee------_, the followin� <br /> described prernises, situated in �he County of_.__._ ___.___.___�3�._�____________________________________._____a�ad State of Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> __.._......LOt.--Six---�o-�-r----�f-.Blocls -�.�x�--(.�..0)i-.-7.-�--F3.Qnn�.�__Rx�@---�:�--1�C1Cl�..t_�-.o?�._.t.0.._��?Q---�7.�y_--.Of---�xa.zld- .I.�.1.&2'J.�.?�- -- ....._. <br /> ---------Nebrask�:- -�s...nla��_��._._��.d -x_sc.Q_xc�ed.�_.._ -- - --- -- - --�- -- - -----�- - �- � - --- ....... - -- -----------�- ---------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------- - -- ---- -------- -- ------ - -------- -- -..._------ --------------------------------- ----- ------------ ----- -- --------......._.------------ -�- - - ---- ------------------------------------------------------ <br /> -------------------------- -- ---- --- - -- ---------- - - -. . _ _. _ ... .. _ . _ . . . . _---- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorc�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doroer, <br /> Curtes�,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of the said Grantor_�___,and of e,ith,er of them, of, ira, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �0 ���1C �1�C� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee_______arad to______h8r--__--.__ heirs <br /> and assi�res forever. .Elnd_'�T8____._____hereby covenant._____with the said Grantee______.that_______.__kY_@__________________ hold.______.____said pTemises by�SOOd and <br /> perfect title; that___._____��8_________________ha_V8_600d ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and eonvey the same; that they are free and clear of all lie»s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------- <br /> --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------- ------ - -------------------- -------- ---------- - ---- --- -- ----- ----- -- - ----- --------------------- ---------- - ----------- - ---------- -- -- <br /> ,Flnd______________._:�i_@_______ __ ________________ ___.___.___-_ _ covenant__._____to warrant and defend the said premises a�sai3zst the lawful claim,s of all person,s <br /> whomsoever-- ----- - - - ---- - - - --_ - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------- -- ------------ - -- <br /> Dated the----- -----------1-���1-L-----------da�J �/�-- -s���_SC_. --- -- - - - ----_�1. D.,19---��---• <br /> WTTNESS -------zl_._H_._r 1._Q_VQ�---------------- ------------------------------ <br /> T.P.Boehm -------����i�---T.�1s�var_------------ ------------- -------- <br /> ST✓tTE OF NEBR,FISK'.g, <br /> ss. <br /> -----------------------Hc111---------------Cour�ty, Or� this--- l��h-----------da�J ��---------------���----------------------•---------.1. D., 19_1�- - , before me, <br /> the uradersi�ned, a✓V'ota�y Publie________.___________________________within and for said County,personally came___..__________.______.______________.______.________ ._ <br /> --------x.H,�lover -an�l_�{��g��__�T_,�r�9vQrr--- hu�b�nd__�nd__wife----------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_f'�__._____whose name4_________8�_@______._.__________af}'ixed to the above <br /> ��E j�j,} irestrument as�rantor_�.___, and_____________�.�7,p�_______.._____severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____.��,gj,�____volu�ztary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex��ressed. <br /> INW7T.NESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"'ixed my ofj`Bcial seal at___________.__________._ <br /> ______rTaild___�Bla21d�___________________ _____________.,orc the date last above written. <br /> ----- -------------�h��---P�BoQh�------------------------ ----- <br /> ✓1�'otarz�Public. <br /> ,My commissior� expires--------- -- - ---- ------ ------------ - -- ---I�8.3rC�1--2�---------19.1�-----• <br />