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<br /> ,._ � _ _ _ _.. � _
<br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instraament was entered on Numerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this----_-_-----15-_---._-day of_------_�Uly--------_�- _
<br /> ' .g. D., 19--1�----, czt--- ___ -- - - -------_ _ 4----------o'elock__._�_.__.M.
<br /> ---------------Ai?g�.e--R_._�x_Q:�rn---�x---husb_and-- ------ Warranty
<br /> TU � Deed. '
<br /> -------- --�- - - �----- -- - - --- -,-
<br /> Re� ter of Deeds,
<br /> --- -- - ------L.C�2�1_�Br o�n--- -- - - ---- - ---
<br /> ��------ -.� --- - - - - - -- -- ------------------ --- -----
<br /> - --- Deputy.
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<br /> ---------------------------------�--------------- ----(--wif°--and__husUan�l--�----- - - - -------------- ---------- ------
<br /> of the Countz� of_----------H31�_ <----- --,--------c�rzd Str�te of__----.---------�IHpx_��_y_�.------------------------ Grantor--�-----_, in cof2sideration .
<br /> of the sum o�--------�igY�t--Hunc:i-r-sd---a.n� no�100----- - -----------------------.,_--------- -- -- ------ ---- - --- ---------------- ----------------�oLL.�RS, ,
<br /> irz hand paid, do. lz,erebz� GR,FI.N'T; B.lIRG�qI✓1�', SFI,L, ,-4JV'D CONVEY'unto_______L_._C_.M.BxOWI1________________
<br /> ------and State o --------------".�1Jrfifika-------------------- - ----,Grantee.-------, the ollowtin
<br /> of the CountJ o�--------- �i�.1.1 - - � ------------__----- -- � �'
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of______________.. . H�11__.____.___._______.__._______________and State of Nebrsaka, to wi-t:
<br /> ..............L4t__.N�k�_ex---�a�x_...�C.).--in--�lock__NumLer--�ix---�-�-)-._H_.r_.Cl�x�t.�.._Addi�:i.an._.t.s�._.�xand...I.s_land�.----N�i�x�.�k-a----
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<br /> -- ---.._-_- ----------- -- - - -- - -- ---- -- - -- -.. _._ -- ---- --- - - - - - -- -� ------- - -- - - - -- --�-
<br /> To�ether wityz all the tenements, hereditaments, ,�cnd appurtenances thereunto belon�sin�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Znter�est,Dor��er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_6____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �D ���le AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rar�tee___.__._and to_________hls_______ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ./�nd____�Y_8_._______hereby covenarzt____._with the said Grar�tee________that_______________�Y�__._______,_ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that______�It_Q_____________________ha_Ve_�ood ri�ht and Zawful authoritz� to sell and eonvey the same; that they are free and elear of adl liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever.__�xCel?t__.t_�es__fOr___th6____y_8aT__1911__&._subsequent__t 3x88 .______________________________________ __________________________
<br /> �nd____ _;'J8________________________ ._..__________. covenant__._____to warrarZt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawfut claims of all persor�s
<br /> whomsoeUer---------- exce��- ��xes fox _the--Ye��---�9��_-�---�-ubse�,uent_._���s--�----------- ----- --------- ----------------------- ----
<br /> ------------------------ - - ------ --- --- ----- ---- - -- - ---- - ---- - -- -- - - ---- - ---- - --- -- -------------------- - -- --------------------- - -------- ----------�-----
<br /> Dated the------------�15�------------------.daJ o1�- - -���411er --------- -- - -.g. D.,Z911------• i
<br /> W'ITNESS ----.�21�,7.-Q---�3.�$:�Qj1Y_2�-------------------
<br /> ----------- -- ---------
<br />, �,C .Hus t o n ----L----.-C_.Br Q�z�------------------------ ---------------------------
<br /> ST.l1TE OF NEBR�SK.Fl,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ----------------------Ha11----------------County, On this__.----------�15�------------da�J �f------------------------OC�ObGT--------------�. D., 19----11- , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie.-----------__-_-_-_-----------------within asad for said County, personally came---------_-__--------__-----_------_-----_-__-__---_-_--_--__--
<br />� ----------�ugie_ _R_,_BroNn_�n�---I'-_,C..Brv�vn----------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------
<br /> -- --- --------------�---�v�f Q-�.nci--ht�sbans?.--)---- ----------------------------------------- '
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_S________whose name___g________�g_________.____________af)ixed to the above
<br /> �SFAL� instrument as �rantor_�____, and___._____'�hBY_______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____�h�ir____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose there��z expressed.
<br /> I✓V'W'ITdV'ESS GVHEREOF,I have hereurcto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�Lcial seal at__._____________________
<br /> ___�ra.nd__.I�lan:a.r.___1Vebraska______________on the date last above written.
<br /> S.C .Huston
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
<br /> ✓li'otarz�Public,
<br /> �My commission expires--•--------- - -- --- -- -- -- -e7u1y-- --��--- 19-�-----•
<br />