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�� <br /> DC�C�D �C��O�D �oo ��o <br /> ,+,$3�d--KL�PP-ct$rYRTLF.PP Cf9.,Pranting,Lethopraphing and Coa��rtty�tcppti�s�f3mafie z.' _ _ _ �, _ - . — -- - .- ��._-- -=; <br />_._r. +___. _ < . . �_ ..,._,. _.,_, ._ ,...-. _°=`__ --.—_.. _�.`__.__—°-�._�—__.__.�.____— __._.._.__.._ M�-�:s��.���.:_. <br /> FRO.M I herebz� certif� that this instrument was entered on ✓Y'umerical <br /> In,dex an,d,fcled for record th,is_--------13------------dccz�of-----•TLl].�----------------- <br /> --�h� RQS� Inves_tr�ent Co- - _ -- .�. P., 19- 1�-----, at-- ___ -_ ---9_.30 ----------o°ctock----A_v�. <br /> Warranty <br /> TO Deed. • <br /> --- - -- . -- -----��c�� <br /> -- ------�--------�-------- - - <br /> Re i• er o Deeds, <br /> --------- -----------����----�,Brosacn----- ------ ---- _ ---- . ': <br /> B�-------- ------- -- -- --- - --- ------------------ ---- <br /> -------- -- -- -- ---- - -- - --- -- --_ -- - - --- Deputy. <br /> ��.o� ��Y �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct�: <br /> ����----- The -�QS�--Inye_s.ttnan�--�o_�,_..a_�or_no_r_atic�n------------------ --- -------------- ------------- - ----------- ------------------------- -- - - <br /> -crn-�l S"tcete o ------AI�'�r_3S1{�--------------------. -------------------------------Grarctor------------- in coresideratiora <br /> of the Count� of---------xa11-------------------- f <br /> o� the sum of--------r_o-ur Hundr_e-d--T�r.entY--EivU- -�nct-ns► -�uncl.rd�Y�s-- - ----------- -- -- --------------------------------------.DoLL�hs, <br /> in hand paid, do-�-�---------hereby GR��°T, B�RG�I.N', SELL, .�1✓1�'D CO.NVEY'unto----- _E__dg3T_-L.F3rOW11----------------------------- - ------- ---------------- <br /> of the Count�J�f------------•'��.�.�. ----- ------------and S`tate o.�--- --- - -N@bT_�l$k�_ -- ---- -- ----------- --- - ----- -- ------,Grantee--------, the followin� <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of____ _ ____ ____.H�11___ ._________.___.___________________and State of Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> ---------------------------3�ot._��tan�.'�_e�'---T_hr�s.....1'a.�-_i.�. 31c�C?�,__YJt�,ni�er--E�-�h�-----�8-)----in...Kaehler_.Place._in_..the---Ci�t`,r. of...�rand__ <br /> ---------------- ---....��i,- -��_c_a_-rdin�� --�_�er�cf - --- ----- .......- - -..... �-- ---------...-�------------- ------------------......_. <br /> -- -- ---------- ---- - --- - - - -------- -�----- - -- ------ ----------------- - - ----...... - - - -- ---- � ------ ---....----�------------------------------ - ---- ---------- ------------------------ ---- ---- <br /> ----- ---- ------ --- ------- - --- --..--- --- -- -- - ---- -- --------- �---------- -----�----------�.------------------....._----�----- -_..._._...----�-- ---...---�------ -� ---------.._----------------------------------------------- <br /> - ----- -- - -- - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenernents, heredita�rtents, and appurtenarzces thereunto belora�in�, and all the F.state, Ri�ht, Title,Interest, ' <br /> �'laim ar�d Demand whatsoe��er of the said Gr�antor._______,�bo��a#�e�o��.Tae�, of, in, or to the same, or arzz�part thereof. <br /> �CD ���iC AlY� t0 �O�b the aboUe-described pr•enzises,with the appurterzarzces, unto the said�rantee_..__..and to_____l_7.�.�_ __ heirs <br /> s�id Tne i�oss Investment Co . <br /> and assi�ns forever. �4nd___�_hu_�__.__hereby covenant_S_____wi,th the said Grantee_______.that_________�_�___.______________ holc�__________said premises by�ood arcd <br /> perfect title; that______��__________________ha__s__sood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and conve� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br />' and incumbrances whatsoever-----------------------------------_--_-_-__-------------..------ <br /> --------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- --- ------------------ --- - ------- ----- -- -------- - ----- ------------- ------- ----------- ------ ------------------------------ ----- -- - - <br /> - - -- - ---- - --- -- - -- - _ ---- - ----- -- ---------- - -- ----- ------------- ---------- ---------------------- -------------------- ----------�------------- --- -- <br /> . Inv6strriant Co <br /> ,�nd______�he___�aid_.T1�6--�8��--------------- covenan�_8_.__.towarrantand defend the said premises a�ain,st the lawful claims of all persans <br /> whomsoeUer-----------I-n--�-i-tn�ss -iV�ler-e-af,----t:ns---said---T-h-e---1-2asfi---Inue_s_�m�nt---C-a-.--.h�s--c_aus_e�.---�-h�s-g---rs_e�en�.s_-t-o---- <br /> ---__'��---�i$n�d_'p� -ita -Pre_s-idsnt --and --1 t� �Qr_��r_at�--s$al _ at_t_a�hed--���-------------- -------- - , <br /> '��1�-�---�_K���---- ---- -daJ �/'-- - -•�1�.I'18 - --------- --___.g. D.,19_ll-----• <br /> WIT�'ESS -----�he---Ross---In_Y_@_���men'�---C9.----------- ----------- <br /> ------ ----- ----------C_.Il��_ex�.ck- ---- ---- <br /> --- carn BY--Er_�_d__�_.A�h�s�n---------------P_r�si_�i�n�----------- <br /> s e a 1 At t e s t --�-.D_.Rass--------------------�e-cxs tar_y_----------- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.gSK'�, <br /> H311 �, ss. <br /> --------------------------------------------------Count On this-----------24th-----------------da� of-----------July------------------------------------�. D., 19._ll__ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Publie________.__________._____._______withirz and for said County, personally came____FrBd__i�.A�ht 021}__________________________ ` <br /> xraside_nt-of Ths- I�,flss---Inua�tment---C Q-•---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- --- ------------------- - -- -- -------------------- --------------------------------_------------------------------------------------------ <br /> trie President of said Comrany and <br /> to rne personally knowrL to be�the identical persorz___._______whose raame_.______.__1B____.______________.____afJ"ixed to the above <br /> instrument as �rantor_______., and__�______________________�__ ��acknowled�ed the same to be__-___Y11fi_______.volurttary , <br /> and th� v �ur��ar�y act and desd o�ne Ross Investmant Co <br /> act an dee� or e p rpose ther�ezn expresse 11 <br /> I�V'Tl�7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name arcd af�'ixed my of�'ieial seal at__________________________ <br /> (SE AL} <br /> __.____��_�I'1�.__���.?4?�Cli___2JebTASka__________or� the date last above written. <br /> ---- --------------�-�H_,Menck---------------_..--------------- <br /> dl�'otar�Public. <br /> p - ---:t�i�3t---�-�" ---------------------19-----7-3--• <br /> .Mz� eommi,ssion ex ires----------------------------------------- <br />