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1. <br /> �� <br /> D D ���OG�D �Oo �O n <br /> D��D <br /> _ __ ___ _ ___ ____ _ __ _ <br /> _ . _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ . __ __ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ <br /> 5tiaiU--KLOPP c�Bf1RTLETT CO.,Printing,LilTeoqra.phing and County Supplies;Omniaa. _ <br /> �''R�� I hereb� certify that this instrument wc�s erztered on Numerieal <br /> In,dex and filed for record this---------9------------day of_------_J__�.l�,y----------------- <br /> .�l. D., 191�----__, at-- -_.1�..�� _---- - ----o'clock--�� --JVl. , <br />� ----- --------I:�i�c_�ha_�nri-ng-er_�- --��ic�o-w,_------- Warranty �j� <br /> TO Deed. • / // <br />� - ------ ------------ -------------- - -��------- <br /> --- ------------------ -- <br /> Re�i er of Deeds, <br /> I -- - --- - ---- C OT�1.--�!1_._�''_X'_�Yl.�@-- -- - <br /> I <br /> R�-- - - -_- -- -- - -- ------------------ - <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ���.t_ � - -- <br /> --- - -h4axtha--Snr_i_nger- (- �_�r�cio�-)_.__ - -- - ---- - -------------- <br /> -=- ---- --------------- --- ------------------------ ------ --- <br />'', of the CouratJ of--------Ha,l�.--------.-------------a,n,d Stcrtc: of----------I!I�-uT_c'a.��-c�--------------------.--- -----Grantor----------, irz eonsideratiora <br /> . <br />� of the sum of_--------t��l� �iuns�r_�d T'�1_en�ty -EivH --&-nQ-- ----- ------ ------ ----------------------- ------- --------------------_—_-----------DOLL.lzzs, <br />'�, ir� hand paid, do_.________.._____h,ereby GR�,N'T, B�FIRG.FII.N, b'ELL, .IND CO.NVEY'ur�to_____c�TB. �q.Frane e <br />, - ------------------------------------- ------------------ --------------- - <br /> I <br /> ------------------------------- - ----- -- ---- --- -- -- -- --- ---- --------------------------- -------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----- <br /> of the Courct�J o}------- ---- -�iall - ----ancl b'tate of---- - �d2't�Tc 61{a_---- ---- -- ---- ---- --- -- - -- - ---,Grarz.tee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of____..___.______ _ rTall_____ _._________arzd State of JV'ebrsaka, to wi-t: <br /> - -------------------- <br /> II, --------Lot...num'��_r_.Tt�relve.._(12).._�n_Elock---��ven.�een---�l.")----of_..�carff!-s---Ad�.i_t�c?n.---�o_.._,�.est._�av��.....�.z�.._tr1Q__C.a,_t_y <br /> I .---�-�f.-rr.and. �.sland� --r�e'pr.����._A7�so_.�o��---F_��'�.e_�.n ---�J�� -Sa,�tsex�....{�..�.)....�z�c�...�ev�_x��_e_�x�_...�1.7.-}----of.._the-----....--- <br /> I ----Suk�divisian-of---Lot-s---280_-281.---�nd_.��,�---of_..�Ye.�t.--LaW??._in.._the---Ci_��._.�f.._�'r.�n�1...I_sl�.nd._rTebr�_�kai.__�.-�---------- <br /> -----surveye-c�-- _platt_ed_-and.,_recorcled.-_-------------------_ <br /> I ---�-------- ...... --------- - ------ ------ - -- - ----- --- -- -- - --- - - -----.._..---- ---------- � ---�---- -- ----�-- ---- -----� <br /> __,_.�---.... ........................... ..- - - ---- -- --- ------- ---- _ -- ---- ----� -----....-------- -_.-------- --.--- ---- �- <br /> --------- ------- ------ ------------------ ------------------------------------- <br /> ------ ..__..._ <br /> -------- ----------- -- -- ---__ - - -- - - - ----- -- - - -------- - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - ---------------------------------...-------------------------------------....--- --- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarzces thereunto belora�irc�s, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or c�ny part thereof. <br /> �D �A�1C AIY� t0 �OI� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee__.__.and to______.her_________ �a.eirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flnd_.__I.________3Lereby the said Grantee________that________S_____________.________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that___.____.__I___________________ha_.VB_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sel,l and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s <br /> I, and incumbrances whatsoever----------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- <br /> II ----------------------------------------------_..--- - ------- ------------ -- - ----- ---------- --- -----_ - ---- ----- ------- -- -- - -- - <br /> - - ------- -- ---- --- -- - --- - --_- -------- - - ----- - -------- -- - --------------- - ----------- ------------------ <br /> ----- ------------- ---------------------------------- -- <br />', .Flnd_____. ___________ ____I __ ________ _.__________ _ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaim,s of aZl person,s <br />''i whomSOeUer--------�xc_s�;��-t_axes_ f_or-t he --��raaf_ter-•---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- - <br />�I -------------------- ------ --- - ------ ------- - ---- ------- ------ ------- -- - --- -- --------------------------------------------- - - <br /> Dated the-----------------��h--- ------ ----- --da�J ��-- - - ---�TLl�.y-- - --- --- -- .�. D.,191�------. <br /> I� YVIT�'ESS ----�?,z'th�__�n�in�;�r------ --- --------- ---------- - _ <br /> ---- - ------ - -- ----T_,_J._Hans-Qn----------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ST.1TE OF eN'EBR�SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> TT <br /> ------------------��11----------County, On this--------------$�Yl----------------d��J o�--------------sTl�i�.�--------------------------------�. D., 19_12___ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public----_------_---_-_---_---_______withir�and for said County,Aerson¢lly came---_--__-__----.-_----------___-_----_-----___------_-_----_---- <br /> ---------- --- - ---:yi�rtha---Springer------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br /> ---- ------- -------_ ------- ---------- ----- -------------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorc___....___whose name________._ig_______________________af}'ixed to the above <br /> ��E�':5�� instrumerct as�Sraritor___.___., and_______________�he______._____-s�cecr�dd�acknowled�ed the same to be________�x_.____.voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose thereirc expressed. <br /> IdY'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofy'icial seal at__________________________ ' <br /> �ax_�Tld__ZBI�TJ.d.___1�8br_,.__________ ______________on the date Zast above written. <br /> � T.J.Hansen <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> .Mz� commi.ssion expires------- - ---- ----- ---- -- ----- -���---l�tl�---- ------19.16-----• : <br />