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r�C� ti..;,. - .. <br /> D��� ���0�� �oo �d� � <br /> __ _ <br /> 6��-RLaPP&ffARTLETfi CO.,Pranding,Lilhographing and Co¢�n[y SuyPlies;i7rnahr. "-"" " ° ` _° - - - — - <br />_ _ ,� _ ____ . _ _ _._ � ..._,_. ,_. _. _ . ,,. ._. __�.. ._. . <br /> —w..—_�... . .w_.: ..___��_,�_--___=__ --->-- —'—�.�..�:..:::._,�.__-- <br /> �''R�� I hereby certify that this instrumen,t was erztered on .Numerical <br /> ---- ----- --- Index and filed for record this-------------p----------daz�af-------�-u�.-X-------------- <br /> �1. D., 19---��-�'--- , a,t- -- _ -._ _ _. _. 10_-- - ------o'clock---A•---.M• <br /> r��r�e--H.Ea�er____anc�-�rife ------- Warranty <br /> TU � Deed. • <br /> - ------- --- --- -- - ---- ------- -------�_- ----------------------- - <br /> Re ster of Deeds, <br /> --------- ------------�`-�r-x�---T_._P_aC-e-- - ------- - ------ ------- <br /> B�--------- - ----------------- - ----- ---- - - -------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� ��Y �er� �p �C�je�e �re�et�t�: <br />��, ����----- ---�eoxge '�-•-�a��r ari� _ Thi_r_z_a._�_._Ea�ar,._ hus�and-and__�ife ------------ -------------------�-- ------------- -- - - <br /> ---------- ----- ----- -- ------ -- - - -- ------ -- - - -------- ----- - - --------- ----------=---- ----- ----- ---------=------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---- <br /> _ _aracl btcr,t� o ___--_------_-NBbTu._S__k�,_------_--.- --_-----Grantor�--___--, in consideratiora- <br />'� o the Count o �8.11 Y 1'---- - ' <br /> } �J �------ -- -'` -- - ------------ --------- <br /> of the sum of_----Tt?r0--Thc�US�Tid---�TI�--F_lf�y - ------------------- ------------------------ ------ - -- ---------------- -- ---------------------=- -----------DOLL�RS, <br /> II <br /> in hand paid, do--------------herebz� GR✓1.N'T, B�RG.f1IJV', SELL, ✓1.ND CUJIi'VEY°unto------------Terry_---�_,P_�1�_Q_--------------------------------- ------•------------ <br /> ' <br />� --------------------------- ----- ----------- ----- -- --- ------------- -------------------------- - <br />', of the Courct�J o�- -------- �311- -- - - --and State of------N�br�s�{ci-- ---- ----------- - ----------,Grarztee.-------, the follourirz� <br /> --------- --- - <br />� described premises, situated in the Coacnty of______.____________F?a�._�,_______________ _______�cnd State of.Nebrsaka, to wi.t: <br />�'I <br />' -----------�-xr-----LQ.�.---NumY�er---E-ight.----(-8�---in-B-lo-c-k--P�v�.�.'aer---ana.:.Hur.�dr_e.d_.and---Enrt,y----�1.4fJ-)----Lnion.--P�..c-i.f.i.c...Rai.l.way-- <br /> ---------..Cor�x�-an�r�-s---wecanci---Ad�it�an--t-a.-��ancl---�s-lands- --I�e-b�as��----a�---su�r-ue�3�sds--���1-a�-��ec�---��c�--reco-r-ded-� -..._.---- <br />, - - - - -- ---- - -- - ----- -- ---- -- - ----------- ------�------... - - �-- -- ------ --- ----- - -- .__._._.- ..._ -._.._...........------------------------------ ------ - - --------------------------------- ----- -- < <br /> I,I ----._. ----- - -----------------------------------------...._...... ----- - - --.._.....__.....------------------------- ----...-------- ---.._------------------------------------------ <br />' ---�---- - -- ....--------- -- - -�- - --- - - . - ---- --- -- -- - - - - ------ .._..... -��------ ------- ----------..----._...............----------------�------------�------ ---------- ---- -- -�---------------....----------- <br /> -------------_...-------- --- - - - --- -------- --- - -- - - - - -- - - �- ---- ---------------------------- <br /> To�ether with czll the tenements, hereditaments, and appurterLances thereunto belor��in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,I�ower, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demar�d whatsoer>er of the said Grantor_B____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �A�1E AIY� t0 �OII� the above-described premises, with the appurtena3zces, unto the said�rantee___.____and to___.____hl�_________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flnd____S3i�_______hereby coven•arat_______with the said Grantee_._____.that________._AfiE__________________ hold________.___said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that__._______�'�e__.__._________ha_Ve_�ood r�i�ht and Zawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien.s <br /> andincumbranees whatsoever---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- <br /> �nd_____________________�18____..___ ______________________________ covenant________to warrarct and defend the said premi,ses a�ainst the lawfuZ claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever--------- -___ - - -- -- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------- -------------------------------------- --- --- ------ --------------- - <br /> ------------------------ ---- --- -- - ---- - -- ------ --- - - -------- ----- - - - --- ------------------------ --------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------- --- _ <br /> Dated the_T_�'�@T1�S�'---T��X_1��------------daJ of- _JLariQ- -- - -- - ---- - - -�. D.,19�..�-------• <br /> WITJV'ESS ----reOrg-B---�i_Ea$ar_----- ----------------------------- <br /> � ----�hix2a_�I_.Eagss---------------- -------------------------- <br /> ----------------��!"!e�--�.D_i-1-1----------------------- - - ---- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SK.,4, <br /> �ss. <br /> --•---------------�i�.�.l----------County, On this---T��ri�X--IIlri'�h----da�J ��-----------�t].21f3-------------------------------------.g. D., 19_1�_ _ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notar�y Public_______________._________._________within and for said Countz�,personally came_________________._______________________________________________ <br /> -----------reor�e--H-,.Ea�,er__�r�d---Th��'.��.__1�_���g��------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------ <br /> - - ------------------- ------------------------ -- --- ------- -----------�--husband__and__Urife---)_------------------- <br /> to me persorcally knowr� to be the identieal persorc_8___._____whose name__8__ar@_______________________afj'axed to the above <br /> (GEAL) instrument as �rantor_£�___.., and________thB�____ severally aeknowled�ed the same to be____��'�Q].r____volurotary ! <br /> ccct and deed for the purpose therein ex,�ressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWH�REOF,Ihavehereurcto subscribed my name and af/'ixed my of)ieial seal at_..._______.___._______ ! <br /> ___.,______r r�21d._I_�1_�TiC�}___.�i@�7��Sks�_____on the date last above written. ! <br /> ------------------------------------------------�?-.E_.Di 11-------------------- <br /> ✓Y'otary Public. <br /> � <br /> ,My eommi,ssion expires-------- --- --- - - --- - --- -July,__16th..------------------19_��------• <br />