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. . - - <br /> :� � , <br /> �� � D��D �C��O�� �l�o ��n = <br />� �� 6 �O-XLOgI'c�BA7�TLL'TT CD..Printinp,I,ilhopraphing and Cavnty SuPpZies;7Tmah� -'° _.- -_.. ._. �.- - ------ _ <br /> _ _._ .. _ <br /> F-'=--- c--- _._ ,: _ _ _.,..-- _ . . - - . _._� _� _,�. .- � . �- -:._-___. _ _. _ _.�.�_.:�__ <br /> �'��✓1'I I herebz� certifz� that this instru3ycent was entered orz ✓Y'um,erical <br /> Index and filed for recorcl this________________�ia______day of________�7_7�.Z1�___.._____.___ <br /> ------ �filiiam_ R__�falters --&--wife_. -- ------ Warrant �. z�., 19- -7.�,----, at----______ ------ �_,45--- -:------o'eZock-----P_..M. <br /> Y <br /> T� Deed. <br /> ------- - -- -�2���r� - --------- ----------------------- -- - <br /> �i-ster of Deeds, <br /> -------- �9i 1li ani__��C onr�d----- - - ------ ----- ------- <br /> IB�----------------------- ------- - - ----- -------------------------------- ' <br /> - -- - - -- ------ Deput�. <br /> ��oi� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ���,�------�Ye,---�Pi11a._�r._-F_..N�,lter_s__�nc�_E�.s_ie--L_,.�!a�lter-s3----husband--an�.--v�ife ------------------------- <br /> � -«�r,cl .S�i;<ai;e o -----------N@�Tu.s$3-----------------------------------------------_--------GTantor_-�------, inconsideratiorz <br /> of the Count�J �f---�ic'3.�1 - _- - ---- - }' <br /> of the sum of_---------O�Q--DO_�,18.T__-�d--Q�h�-r- -�_9�s�..C1�r'���,0.�1J�---- -- ---- ---------------------------- ---------- -------DOLL�FIRS, <br /> in hand paid, do--68----------herebz� GR✓1✓l�"T, BJ1RG.�IIJV', SELL, �4.N'D CONVEI''u.nto----------i�i1Z�8II1__E.,_CQTir3�------------------------------ ----•----------- <br /> of the Count�J o�-----G115_'�_8S - - - -- --and State of-- --- -___TT���_�..6�C�1_ - ------ --- -------- --_-- - - - ----,, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of___._.__ ____ Hall________________________.___and State,of JV'ebrsaka, to wit: <br /> _._..__._Lats____(5.�___fi_ye_ and__(6�____Six}____�Pest_.End__SuUdivision__of_ Lot_.No__ 3_..of__Gar_land_.Place___a___subdivision__ <br /> ......---4�'...��a�...NQr_th..half- -saf--tha- �QUth._Ea��--Quar.�e-r ---o�----S.s_��.�.Qn....�2�.)....�ve.ent�---thr-e-e--T_Q:r,rri�hi�--..(11-}�---------- <br />'i __ _ _Eleyen_.North_ of__Ran��.___�10�___Ten,..._.._,__TIZis___D�ect...is___made___t,o_.correet._.a__.miet_ake_._made,_.in_._a_Deed_______________ <br /> unuer same date-- t-_o s,�me �art�--as--�his---one.__was-.-----_.._._----------------------..._........ . <br /> ----------------.._._.-------- -- � --- ------�-------------- ---� ----------------------------------------------------------� <br /> II ' <br />' ----- --- - --- ... -- ---- --- -- ---------- -- - -- .... - ------- ...- ----- -- ---... ---- - - --- -------......------�•-- �-- -�--- - ---- - ------------- --------._-----------------------------------�-- <br />'i --------- �- --- ------ - ---- ---- - - - - -- -- -- --------------�-------�-------- ----- ------_...--� - - - ---- -------- -------------------------------- ---------------�----------------�---------------------- <br />'�, .............-------------...--�-- �-- -- - - ----- ------ -- - ----- - - -- -- --- � - ---- --------�--�- --------.._......----- -------- ------------------�---------------------------�-�-�--------.......----------------------�----------- <br />�'i ---- -------------------- - - ----- -- - -------- --- -- --- --- _.__- - - - - - � - - ---- --- -- -- - - - _-- ---------------------------------- - --------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri.�ht, Titde,Interest,Doz<�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Gra�tor_____.,ar�d of either of them, of,irc,or to the same, or arcy part thereof. <br /> �0 �d�lE AIY� tD �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenunces,unto the said�rantee________and to____.._.__h�g_______ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .�Ind._____Nt@_______hereb�covenant_____.__with the said Grantee_._____.that_______.____,_VI!8__________.__ hold____________said premises by�ood arLd <br /> perfect title; that___.___._�1e________,.______haY6___�ood risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lieras <br /> andineumbrances whatsoever----------------------------- - -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- ------- -- --_ - --- - _ -- -- --- ----- ---------- --------------- - ---- ---------------- ------- --- ----- -- -- -------------------------------------- --- ----- <br /> „Qnd_________________._____..________�?e________________.________...__ covenant..__.___to warrant arcd defend the said premises a�airzst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever---------- - - - - - - - -- - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------ ---- -- -- - - -_._- - ------ -- - -- --------- ---- --- ---- ----- --- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - <br /> 27th May- - --- ----- -.g. D.,19_1?-----• <br /> Dated the---------------------------- ----------- --da�J o/�- - - -- - <br />; WITNESS -----�L�.I 1�_Qm_���P 2���e r s---------------------------------- <br /> Joi�n---R_,_�'_hQra.�a�_Qn.--------------- - - ----- ----�ls�.e._L.�al_�ers---------- - --- <br /> ST,gTE OF NEBR✓1SIS�, <br /> �"iall y� ss. ' ' <br /> ----------------•--------------- ----------------Count Orz this---------- -----�"lth---------da�J �f--------------1��a�T----_----------------------------✓�. D. 19__1�.. before me, <br /> the urcdersi�ned, a Notary Publie____________________________________within and�or said County,personallz� came____________ � <br /> ------- --- ---- --- -- - -- -------- <br /> ._____..____�Villi_2.rn_R.�Palters.__and_._Elsi_e__L._�alters}__. husband___and__wife ______ <br /> to rne personally known to be the identical person__�._.__.whose r�ame_s.__ar8_________________.____afj"ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantoT__B___, arzd_____________Wg_________________severally acknowled�ed the sarrae to be___.��____________voluntary ' <br /> �SEAL� act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ' <br /> I✓V'W'ITNESS IVHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�"'ixed my official seal at.___._____________________ <br /> _____rrand_Island�____Ne'tJr _on the date last above written. ' <br /> ----- ------------------John_F,�Thomnson_---------------- ---- : <br /> ✓l�'otarz�Public. <br /> �ly commi,ssion expires----------------- ------------ -- - ------F61�y--�� ------ -------19--1�----• <br />