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�� <br /> a�.,.:_, D��U ���O�D �O❑ �oa <br />�- _--- __ _ _ _ _ __s . -� - - --- - . — <br /> _ _ ,_ __ __ _._ , ___ <br /> __,_ <br />� 5ti�iIN-KLOPP c@ BARTLETT CO.,Printi�ag,Lillcopraphing and Coumty Supplies;On aha vN �� <br /> �,__a. � . _. _ . ._. .� <br /> F����'1 I hereby certifz� that this irzstrzUmef2t ivas entered on ✓i�'umerical <br /> Index and filed for record this.______.____2 du�of._____.___Jun�______________ ' <br /> .g. D., 19_ 1�---, at-- - - - - -- �,�.- -----o'elock----,�_._.M. <br />, ---------Ber�ha--�7,UQ1��1--�_hus.�_2ind --------- Warranty <br /> I'' TO Deed. �GG��,-���-------- - -- - <br /> ------ - ---- --- - - - -- -------------- <br /> � Re�is r of Deeds, � <br /> -------- ------- Loua.-�--J_�G�ain- - - ---- ----- <br /> ��----- --- --- --- --- -- ------------ <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� ��r �e� �p �C�e�e ��e�e�t� : <br /> ����----- - - -�Pe, Ber��a_J.T�e��l_ ar�d--Lym�.n__�_.Ue'ae�.--�ex__hus��_r�.�.----- -------- - - - <br /> --------------------------------- -- - <br /> of the County of-----------�ia.11---------------ccrr.d St,ate uf----------NBb�s'���-�----------------------- - ---_Grantor---S---._, in eonsideratiorz <br /> of the sum of---------- - -�➢�0_.HLt�'1Clx_@d--�1 Xt_y___.QQ�1,Q�---- ---------------------- ---- ------ --- --------- -------- ------ ------- ----------- --------.DOLL�FIRS, , <br /> in hand paid, do-------------__herebz� GR�1NT, B�RG.qI.N, SELL, .F1ND CONVEY'unto---------LOLl�@---.T_,�GrQ�-?1----------------------------------- ---------------- <br /> of the Count�o}�-- ----- --- - -F3a11------ - ---- -.and State of--- -NBbTa�k�. - -- - --- --------- -- -----,Grczn,tee--------, the followin� <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of.__.___.__._____________H317_________________________.___._.___and State of Nebrsaka, to urit: <br /> .__...All__of.__Fract.ional__Block___�hixtQQn___(13a____of__Fairview_. Park.__Additi�n._to_...the_ci.�_y_.o.f_.�rand___I_sland._._ <br /> ----N�hr.aska, s.ur_vayed,- -�latted--and--r.�car.ded.t---- ----------- -- -----------�---- --- ---� ��--� -�--..........--- ---------------------------- ----...........------------- ---------- � <br /> ------------- ---- ---- ----------- ---- - -- - - - - -- --- - ----- ---- ----------� ----- ------- ----------- -----...- ------------- �----�------ ----- ---------------.._..--�---------------------...---------------- <br /> 1 <br /> ---------------------- - - - - - --- -- - ---- - - - - -- - - - --- - --- - - -- -- - -- - �----- --.. . _. . <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereclbtamercts, and appu,rtenances thereunto belon�sin�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dol.ver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demarzd whatsoever of the said Grantor__�___,e�rr�ef�e�i�eer��b7�re, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �CD ���1E �1�� t0 �OI� the above-described prem.ises, with the appurtena�ces, unto the said�rantee________and to__________�,3,�______ heirs. <br /> and assi�nsforever. .gnd_____W9______laereby coveraant_______with the said Grantee_______that_____________________VYS._______ hold___________said premises by sood and ' <br />', perfect title; that_________1tt_@______________---haYB___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all l,iens <br /> II�� and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br />� <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- ----- ----------------- -- ----- ---------- - -- <br /> --- --- - --- --- ----------- ----- ------ --------- - ----- -- ----- -------- <br /> ----- ------- - <br />�� - -- ---- - ---- - - - - --- --- -------- --- ---- --- --------- ---- -------- ' <br /> . --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- <br /> .gnd_________________________W_Q________._____ ______________ _. covenant________to warrarat and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--------- -- -- - - - - ... - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- ------------------------------------------- ------------�- -------------------- <br /> Dated the---------------2$��--- ------------ --da�J �� - - �1��1@ - ---- - -- -_�. D.,19-1�-----• <br /> W'ITNESS . -----B@r_th_�__J_�U4I3@�.----------------------------- <br /> ----- --- -- <br /> ------------- --------- JQ�n--�1_�an------------------------- --__._---- <br /> -----���a�__�_�rJeb�l----------------- --------------- --- -- <br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR.lSK�, <br /> ss. <br /> -----------------------xa11---------------Count�, On this-----------------�8�h------da�J �f--------------Jurie � � , <br /> -----------------------------------------�1. D. 19_.�2 ._ before me <br /> the undersi�sned, a Notary Public__________._________ _wit,hin arzd for said County, persorLally came_________.___________________________________________._.._______ <br /> --------------H�rtha_J_,�TI���-1--an,d---Lyxnan---l�_.�a��-�----.h.s�---l�usban� --------------�---------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally krcowrc to be the ideiztical person__S________whose name_B____�@_____________.____________c�fJ"ixed to the above <br /> (SEAL) instrument as�rantor__8_._, and____._____'�x1@�______________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be______��1�15___voluntar�y <br /> act and deed for the purpose therean expressed. <br /> I✓V'W'ITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name arid af)ixed my ofJ"icial seal at__:__________.___________ <br /> rrarid__I81�ri�_lri___�_?.�.d___CQ_LiSl'�y�_____on the date last above written. <br /> ------ -------------------------------------John__Allan.-------------- <br /> ✓l�'otarz�Public. ' <br /> .My commission expires----- - ------- ----------- ----- --- - - -J-��-----�y--- - 19--1-�-----• ' <br />