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<br />_�_T _ �da�U-KLOPP c�BARTLETT CO.,Printirg,Lilhoqraphtiyzg aiul County buPplies;Ornuha. ^. __!_�____. ,__.. .__..__�._�_ _
<br /> , _ _._ _._.. __._._,. s _ ;. . --.._--_ �
<br /> I�'RO.M I hereb� certify tlzat this instrument was entered orc .Numerical
<br /> Index arad filed for record this_____,__._____2'��_______daz�of_________JU119___
<br />' -i1f(illia� H.Foster_ &- �i_fe - -- ✓1. D., 19- 1-��-'---, at- ---- -1.1.5Q_-- - ------o'elock --A•_,Nl. ,
<br /> ______ i Warranty
<br />; r0 - Deed. �
<br /> .
<br /> ---- - - ������-__-
<br /> R istef� of Deeds,
<br /> I''� -- - - ------ -D�icC_�.e11eC1 ..-S_�.7.�.as�aY- - - - - ---
<br /> ��----- - --- - --- - -- -- _ ---------------------
<br /> — De ut
<br /> ------ ---- -- -- - - -- - ---- P �J•
<br /> �.r�o� �YY �en� �p �C�je�e �re�e�.t� :
<br /> ����--_-- -�ii_lli?.m---H_,Fo_ster._.and_I!;anc_y---�,Fost.e_r; Husband__and--wife----- --_- :
<br /> -- ----- ------- ---�---- -------- --- -
<br />� ------------- ------------- ---------------------------- ---- --------------- ---------- --------------------- --------- ----
<br /> " ______(�rantor._�_______., in consideratiora
<br /> of the Courcty of•--------------��Lll--------------cararl ,�State of'-------------N@br218k2�
<br /> --------------- -- --------- -- ----------------- -- --- -
<br />�i, of the sum of----------- --T�:Qz1ta?' TY�xe6 HuT�d�ed ��234Q.00�------ -------- ----- --- -- --- - -- - - - ----.DOLL.fIRS, :
<br /> in hand paid, do___________________h-er°ebz� GR�JV'T, B«4RG./IIN, SF,LL, ✓1.ND CON'VEY'unto___�CC18116ri Sall�.day
<br /> --------- ------- ------------------ - --- ---- --- --- -----------------
<br /> of the Count���---------- H311---- -- -- - ----and State o}�----- -------- - --N8'Or�LSka-- -- ---------- - -- --- ---- ----,Grarztee--------, the foi.lowin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_.__.__ __._________ _t�al.l.____________ ___.__and Stc�te of Nebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> -------------Lo�.._Nurni�e.�_.F7�_Y�..--05,�----9�__,��Ct�.4?�7.._Tvum'r�e�__�yvelve---..(12�----zn.._To�rns'�iip---Number__._Ten---(-10�----NortY�-----o�'--- -
<br /> ------------Ranga---Nu�;.'o.ex...i�ii.ns-----(9�---�es�---Qf...,t.hs---6t.h._�_..��_..--��?n.t_�ini ng._Thi.rt.y--Seven_..(37�....acr e s---accorcli-n�--------
<br /> �- --- --to- .t_l�e- Gc?verru�ent--.S�zx_vsy•---------�-�--�--- -------------------- ---- --- -__ - --__--._�.---�--�----�---------------�---------._._._
<br /> ... --- ----- --------...----------------- --....---
<br /> ------ ----� ---- ---- - ---- ---- -- -- -- - - -- - ----� -- -- ----�- -------------- -� ------- -----.._----�--�-------�---------------------�---�- -----� -...._..._..--- -...........------------------------------------�-----------�
<br /> _ _.- ----- --------------._.. --- -- --- ------ --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -�- ...... --- ----- ----------- ---- -- ----� - -- --- �--------------...------- -----------...-----------
<br /> ---- ------- --...-----� �- ---._....- - --- - ------ ------ -- -- ---_...__..... --�--- ............. .......---------------- -- ---�--� --------------._...-----...--� - ----�---- ---..._.._........--�--...----------------�---...---------
<br /> -- ---------- -- ----------------- - ----- ------ -- - - -- � - - -- _ . ._----------- ---------------�-------------------------------�------------�--
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, arzd all the Estate,Ri.�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er,
<br />' Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of tlie said Grantor_______,r�nd of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />, �0 ���le �1�� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurte,narcces,unto the said�rantee_____._and to__________hi 6_______ heirs
<br />' and assi�ns forever. .flnd___.�8______hereby covenant____._with the said Grantee________that___________�(6__________________ hold__________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that.____________`�!�__________ha__�@_�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz,+ to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lier�s
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever_______.__________
<br /> ,f1nd____ �e__________._______________________________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claim.s of all persorzs
<br /> whomsoeuer-------- - - ---- -- - - ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------- ------------•---- ------------------------------------------------------- ---
<br /> ------------------------- ------ - -- ------ --------- ------ --------- ----- -------- - - -- --- --- - ------------------ ---------- ---- --------- -- - --------------- --
<br /> Dated the--------11'�h_._. . •--'--'-'-'-'- daJ �f'-- - -JUriB . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' - -.g. D.,19�,�-->---•
<br /> W7Tdl�'ESS ----�j.a.���IIi__�,F'0��6�---- -- - ;- - - ------ -- - - !
<br /> �-i.E.Funk -----Yanc y-.�a_EQ_��ex-------------------------------------------------
<br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR.1 SK�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ----------------------Hall-------------._Couraty, Orz this------------11---------------daJ o�-------------.TU718------------=------------------•/1. D., 19_1�___ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public----------------------,------------withirz�cnd for said County, personally came------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> _._____,_�ill_iam_'Fi.Foster___and._1_;ancv___R.Foster�____hus�and and �vife
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_s________whose name_____c_'u"__�_._________________________czfj"ixed to the above
<br /> ��E�� instrumerLt as �rarctor__�____, artd______.th�y._________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____th87,r___voluntary
<br /> act arzd deed for the purpose the3•eirz expressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TNESSW'HEREOF,I have hereurato subseribed mz� name and afjixed my ofJicial seal at_______________._________
<br /> � '' _ _ on the date last aboae written.
<br /> ------------------ Zon��?ha�----l�ebr aska-------
<br /> ----------- ----�.E.Funk----------------
<br /> ---------------
<br /> �N'otarz�Public.
<br /> .Mr� commission expires------ ------ --- ----- ------ ----------------- -A�'r---17}_1913-----�----------•
<br />._ ;i
<br />