<br /> .��,.�.,.. D��D ����O�D �O❑ ��n
<br /> _ -- - -
<br /> _� ue�i}—KLO�1'&�.4R-?'T_F.'T'1'Cb.,Prinlin9,I,ilhoprapTiingnn�ZCounlgS'uppliea:Omr.ha.-�_ <. _ _ . __ ._. � — _.
<br />� _- . , _ :-- - .
<br /> - -.�_ � _ .:- —. , _ _" - - -- - ---_�v.._
<br /> �''R�� I hereby certifr� that this in,str�um,ent was erztered ora ,Numerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this____________22_________day of_______Ju?18____._____.___
<br />� ,. x .q. I�., 19_12-----, at----- - -_ - 3'4'5- -----o'elock---P-'--�•
<br /> ------- -- ------ Loui_e_� ,rrein__fx_�i�.e - ---�Warranty
<br /> TO
<br /> Deed. `
<br /> ---------- ---=----��z;2�- -- �-- ----- --------------- -
<br /> Re�is er of Deeds,
<br /> -------- ------Li_ll�.e--�icInto�h - ----- ---------
<br /> B�--------- ---- - - - ------ -------------- ---------
<br /> _ Deput�.
<br /> �.�o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�ct�:
<br /> ����---- -Lou�e__.L.!�rein___and_Laur�. A.r.�_r_ein__, hus'pand__and--�uif e---------- ----------- ------------------ -------------- -- - --
<br /> of the Count� of_-----------�I3_1----------.------�rjtc� �Cttatc� of-----------T�6'uT�Bka----_------------- __Grantor-f3-------, inconsideratiorr,
<br /> ul. �t��ien 11 _ "/ ��--..
<br /> of the sum of--------- --�-- --------------�Tic�i_eC1__F].f-�y- �_-TIO-�`------------ ---------- - _--�_=----- -- - --='-------DOLL�IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do------------h,ereby GR✓1NT, B�RG�F1I�', SELL, .g.N'D C,O.NVEY'unto--------�'_1_l_118---�C_I_Tltq Bh------------------------------ -------------
<br /> of the Count�J��- -------F�al1_ - - -- - __ ---and State o�- -----i�e.b��$ks'� - --- - -- - -----,Gra-n,t.ee--------, the followin�
<br /> --- -- ----- -- - -
<br /> deseribed premises, situated, in the County o%'___.__ _______��3_1_l_________________.__._.______________.__arzd State of JV'e,brsaka, to wit:
<br /> ------------L�-t-s---iltu,�ber--Gne-- �1�- T:�ro__.�N�- �'h�ceQ- --��) ��a--Fpu�'---C4�---�-n--n�,r�C'�---�1url:�es...�i.��it ---��-) --i-n---n�.�g.'..s_..and_
<br /> -- .._....._�ii.11!-e-.Adc�itio�-�a--�r�nci- �sl�nd -Ne�-�aska as---s_ur�rsy.ss.� --�l.ay.t-e.d...and -ra_car.cled-.-----------------------------� -------�--------
<br /> -- -_... -- --- ------- - -- -- - - --- --- ------ -- -----.._...---- -. . ............ - -- - --- -- - ------ ------------------ --------.._----_..------- ---.....------------------- -- ------------ ----�
<br /> _--- -�----- -- ----- --------- - - - --------- ----- ----- --- -----�--------------------------------- --- --.._�--------�- - --- ....--------- -------------._._..----- ---------- -------------------------------------.....------------
<br /> --------- ---- -- -�-------- --� -----... ------.._-- --- --.._.... - -- - - --- - --- --� ---�---- -------------- --------------�-----------------------------�-------------------- ----- - --- - --------...-------��-�-------�------
<br /> ---- ------- ---- ----- ----- - - - - - -- -- -- - -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenar�ces tyzereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doive�°, '
<br />, Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.__$____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or ar�z�part thereof. '
<br />' ZLCD ���1E AlY� t0 �O�b the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_____.__and to__.____h@T____________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .�4nd._____�`re______.hereby covercarzt._____.with the said Grantee_______that_____________1�JQ_______________ hold___________said premises by�ood ared
<br /> perfect title; that__.._._____�!8____________ha_Y_8___�ood risht and lawfaUl authority to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free ar�d clear of all Ziens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------e-XC_�S?�--��X�-B--f Q�__.t.I1S--'��-�---1�1?-------------------- -------------------�--------------------------------- ----------------------------
<br /> �nd__________________________4q�_________.___.__ __________________. covenan,t________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever--------����.��t a� aUQVS s�a�a_d.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -- ----------------------------- ------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------ -- --- -- -- --- -- ------ -- --- --- - ------ --- ------ - ----- ----- ------------- --------------------------�--- ------------------------------------------------ - -
<br /> Dated the-----------22TiC1-- --------da�J �/�--- -----.Tu118 - -- --- - -- -.Fl. D.,19----1�---•
<br /> w'zT�ESS -------Loui e--J ..�rei n-------------------------------------------
<br /> --- i�.�?.Brinin�er-------- -- -
<br /> -------L�.ur_�__.�_._�x_�i-�------ --- -- - ---- -----
<br /> ST.Fl TE OF NEBR.1 SIL'.g,
<br /> ------------Fiali---------------Count�, �ss. OrL this------------------ti211e1---------da�J �f--------June--------------------------------.�. D., 19_lu__. , before me,
<br /> the un,dersi�ned, a Notarz�Publie---_---_--_____-__-_----_-_-------within,and for• said County, Aersonally came---_-_--_-_--_----_--_-__---____-.-_._--_-_--__-_------------_
<br /> ----------- Lot.�i e--°7-,_r re_i n_ and__I,�ur a__A_,_r r�-�-n---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me persoraally known to be the iderctical person_$..._____whose namef�___�8__________________________afj�xed to the above
<br /> �5��+� instrument as�rantor__�____, and___.___________�h_��r___ _____severally acknowled�ed the same to be______�h�_i.r____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN W7TNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj'axed my of�'icial seal at_______________________
<br /> ________1_�3Tld___I813T1�____21ebT_ _ .on the date last above written.
<br /> --- -- -----------------------------L-.ft_,_Brining�r--------------- '
<br /> .Notary Public.
<br /> . . . - -�la_rch-------1�"-------------z9.14-----•
<br /> .My�ommrssaon expires-------._------------------.--
<br /> i,
<br />