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��s� <br /> � <br /> � `ti <br /> D��� ���O�D �U❑ ��a <br /> _ ._ _._ _ ._ _ __ . .--- - - - - — - _ _- <br />�--- t�ai_U-KLOPP&BARTLETT CO..Printine,LithograPhing arzd County SupyTiea;brn<zha. .� ~�� � _____—__�_ - - � <br /> _:.>-- _ _.._ �_.. _ - ---. , _.__.__ ._._.__ ._ __ _,;,.- _ <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrurnent zvas entered orc ��'umerical <br />� ----- - --- -- ---- - ---- --- -- - - - - <br /> ___ -------- ---- - --_. <br /> Index and filed for record this----------�.-�-------------dccy of_------�Tt1T1@---------------- <br /> .Fl. D., 19.�.�------, at-- --- -- - - �Q _ ---- ------o'elock------,A..M. <br /> -----Tr._e- R��s--Ix��.t8��8-�t -�4 . --- - -- ' Warranty <br /> TO Beed. , <br /> --- ---- ----- '��_'_�� <br /> - ----------- ----------------- - - <br /> Re ster of Deeds, <br /> ------�ierxaan.--�'-..__and---Fl-or-a- �.��i:b�r t---- <br /> ��- - ------------- ---- - <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t� : <br />'� --------T�-e--Ro�s___I_nve_str„�nt__Co.,---a -�o_��o_r_ati_on------------------------ <br /> ����-- ---------------------- --------------------�--------------- <br /> - --- ---_ __ <br /> ----------- --- -- - ---- ---- -------- - --- ------ -- ----- - ------- ------------- ---- ---- - ------------------------�------------- <br /> ----- ------------------------------ <br /> � � � <br /> of the County of-----------�`I�1_�__----------- ---ccrrd .St,atc� of---._--1�E':)�_?.Sk3-------------------------------------------------------------Granto�'----------, in consideration <br /> of the sum of---------- --Thx_Qe._�IIi�C�.�'�t� T_tNenty--Fiv-e--&--nQ��Q----------- -- ----------------- ------ ---------- ------------------ ------------------.DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, doL�_S__------laerebz� G1�.F�JV'T, �.gRG�lIJV', SELL, �1✓1�'D CO�N'VEY'unto------------------- ------------------------------------------- -- <br /> ---------------- --- ------- ----------r�erman____F_._Gi_l�ert ;and__Flora__�T_,_rilbert <br /> -- - -------------------------- -- -- �---------------- ---- ----- -------- -------- --------- - <br /> of the Count�J��----------- --H3ll -- -- - -----and,State of_- --- -1'18bra�k3 - - - - --- - -- --------- -- -- -- ------,Crantee,-------, the followin� <br /> the Git� of �rand Ialand <br />' described premises, situa ed ir�the Coacnt� of_._ _ ________ _ _ _H$11. ___.____ ._..___rzrc,d State of Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> __......,._�.u_t._.�Iura�er...Thix_t�esn--t�-1�-�---in_81o.c_k_.ivur�'�er---Fi-ue----1-5-}---in._I��...the----...---.�--..._ <br />,, --...------r�c.a�.de.d.--�laL---uhe-re�f- -nokv---on---file---in-.-4h8----�-f-fa.-c.e--of...�.�e..-Coun.t�-�-�C.�.e-�:.k---o-f----aa,�-c�---F�all---C�u�ty;-------- <br /> i�ebra�l:a. <br /> - -- _. - -- - --- - --- -- - ----- -- -------- - ---... ........... . ----_........... -- -- --- - - -_.__.....__.._.... ----..,......------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- <br /> i <br /> ------- ------------------------ - - --- ---- -- -- - - ---- - --- �------------ -�---...--------------------------- ----------- - -___...- - - ..--------- ----- -------------- -------------�-------------------------------------._.. <br />�', --- -- -------- ---- - - ------------ - -- --- -- ---...- ------- -..- ---- -- - - --- ------- ----- --__..- ---- ----------- --------- -----•--- ---- -- - -- ------------------ ----------------------------------- .. <br /> ._..-�---- ------- -.__.....- ------- .....__... - --..._- -- ---- - -- - --- . - - - -- - ---- --- -------------- ------- --------�--...---- -- -- -- ----�---...-----_.....---�------------....---_......---------------------------------- <br /> ------- -------------- - --- - - -- - - --- -- -- - - .. - --- --- -- .. _ - � - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarnents, ccnd appurterzarzces thereunto belon�in�, artd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest, , <br />�', ,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of the said Grantor______�$a�1tr���T�rr�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. '' <br /> I'� �0 ���1C �1�� t0 �OYb the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________and to______th61r______ heirs <br /> - said The Roas Investmenth Ca . , f <br /> I and assi�ras forever. �lrzd.__��g____�._hereby covenant_�3___wat the s�Cad Grantee______that_________�.'�___________________ hold__H_______said pTemises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that______.1_L___________________ha�_____�ood risht and Zawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------- ---- --- - - -- ------------ -- ------- - --- - - - - - -- -- -- ----- ----- -- ---- ----------------- -- --- ----- ----------- ----------------- --------- ----- <br /> - - --- ---- - ---- --- --- _- ------ -- ------ ------- -- -- ---- - ------ - --------------- ----- --- -----------------�-------- ------------ - ------- ------- - ----- -- <br /> I nve stmer�t C� ' <br /> ✓lnd___.___�he__S3i C�-_Th6--�988,� -- ---- - covenan warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoeUer-------In__;�I�_tne-�-s 7�i�er_ec�f,---._t��e----�:ai�i---T_ia�--B.a-s-s---Inv�a_�xuen�---�o...---.ha.�--caus.g.d_.�he�e--�x_e_s_ert�---t-fl- -�-e � <br /> ------si_�ned---by z-ts---_P__re�ici_a__nt---and---i_t.s.___c_o__r�orat_e._seal---attached,_ hers�o---------- ------------------------------------ <br /> ' '. .:: ----------t Iil�-- 1�t�----------da�J �f-- ----OC�Ub@_Y' -- ------ ----�4. D.,19-�Q------• <br /> W7T.NESS -----�he--��-�-�---�i�_Y_�8_�men�.--�O•---------- -- - - <br /> ---- ------- - -------T_��7_�H����n-------------- ------ ----- -- --- - cor�t <br /> --�3y---------Er_ecl__A1__..Asht_on------P_r�si_dc3nt------- ; <br /> seal <br /> At�-�-s-�-----�---�_RQ-s-s-- ---�e-cxEta-xy---- - ; <br /> ST�TE OF eN'EBR�SK�, <br /> ss. <br /> ^_ n y f �C__ . _ _ _ �. D., 19__l0_ -. , before me, <br /> ------------------Hall---------Count�, Un this----------1�-----------------dcc o --------------tober--------------------------- <br /> the urLdersi�ned, a✓Votary Public__.__________________.___________zvitlzin c�rzd for said County,personall�came___�'r�S�__�._A,ShtQYIy_____PT_�_8_1Sl�ri�____ ' <br /> ----------°-: T:.e_..�oss--Ir_v_es�nen�----�°--�---------------- ------------------------------------------ -- ---------------------------- <br /> SEAL -- - ------- -- ----- ----------- ------------ -- ---- ------- - -- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> t � the Pro�ident of said Company ar.d <br /> to me personally known to be�the identical persorc__.__..___whose naane__.______.________i$__________uf)ixed to the above <br /> , - . _ � . <br /> instrumerzt as �rantor______ and____________ __ ____ ____ sever,�lz�acic3zowled�ed the same to be.__._____hj,g__voluntary <br /> .. a�t anc� deed arc� t�e ;voluntary, aot and:.deecl_ of�th� said The Ross Investment <br /> �o`'." fbr" �h� `�3i:irpose� tYlereir� expressed. <br /> I✓1�'W'ITNESSWHEREDF,Ihavehereureto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�"'ieial seczl at__:_________._________ <br /> ________rrr3risl.__I_B.i.�T2dr_._���1_?�'_a��s'�}____.on the date last above wTitten. <br /> ---------------- -----------------T.J.Hansen----------------- <br /> v'otarr�Public. <br /> .Mz� commi.ssion expires------- - - -- ---- --- - - - - -- E�}�--12------------ ---- Z9--1-6-----• <br /> � <br /> , ii <br />