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�� <br /> ��}.___ � o ° ��O�D �oo ��� <br />� <br /> DC��D � <br />; <br /> _��� _ _ __ __ <br /> __ _ _ti__._�__. <br /> „Co�U-7fT,07'Ys c�b'ffll'1'I,ETT CCJ.,Pri.nrinp,7 ilho�rapfiing hnd Coiivity;suppla`es;OmaFia.' "--� _._.,.. _ , _ _ _._ ___�_,.: _ _____,__ _�__ _ --- <br /> ���✓N i� <br /> I h,ereby certifz� that this irastru,ment wa� erztered on .Numerical <br /> I _ Index arzd filed for reeord this__._________18----_--_day of______J1171@------------------ <br />'� �. D., 19--�-�-----, at--- -_ ___ _ _$�4D .. _ - - -----o'cZock----�._,M. <br /> -- --- ----T�?t�nias--I��rr�.QdY - --- ---_- �Warranty ; <br /> i Z,p Deed. <br /> - ------- �����'0?�- <�---- ------------------------- - <br /> _ <br /> e�ister of.Deeds, <br />' -------- --------�ill�ara__J_,_�?����Q-cl�t------ - <br />' - ---- -- -- B�---------- --------- - -- - -- -----:- ---- ------------------- -------- <br /> --------- ------ ------- ------------- -- -- ---- - - Deputy. <br />'' — — -- _---- - — -- -- ---------- --------------—— <br /> --- _-- — — —-- -- -- — <br /> -------- -- ---- -- <br /> ��o�n ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ����---- -- I-,---Thomas- -I�srnlo_cly " Sin�l�"_ __- - ---- - - ------------- - --- ------------------- -------------------- --------------------- - --_ --- --- <br /> of the Courcty of_--- ---- ---13ci11-- ----- ---c<r�-cl St«,tc� uf--------- '�TeiJTcl6�c.----- --------- ------ --------._ -----.------Grantor�- -- ..----, in eonsideratiorr, <br /> o� the sum o�-----Si-�e D9_113r--azld �thez'--V_31u�b1Q --consida:�at i-Q-n- ------------------- ------------------------ --- -- - -------�oLL.�RS, <br />', in hand paid, do hereby GR�JV'T, BJ1RG�qIJV', SEI,L, �1�N'D Co,N'V��'unto____�illi_am__R7_._I�er�'iOdy__________________._________ _ <br />' of the CountJ��-------------�i3ll_.-- -- - ----and State of_- - - - -- - - -- i��k�r$�k�----------- - - -- ----_---,Gran,tee------, the followin� , <br />''� described premises, situated in the County o/'__._____ _____________F?�11.._____.____._______________________and State of dV'ebrsaka, to wit: <br /> --------.._�ou�h.__�es.t.__:�uar.t�r---nf--ti��_--��uth--�fast--�uarter---".5..�-•�---Qf----S..�l-•�-"----�e-�-�i-an-...Qr�s----�-�.)----Tc��r��h��----Tsn--- (TO} <br />' ------.....Ran�s -T�ve.�.-ue� l�2} - -�Pe�� Ft�- -P-ri�r�ci�aal- 2��eridsan; ---��a���- -Ca�n�.y.�...--P1ebr� -- �- �------------------------------- --------- - --------------- <br /> --- - --- - - Subj_e�t ��o�rszrer--t-�-Li�e---�.s.�.a-�e---�f---sai�l �r_an�Q_r....--._. - ....._..---------�-------------------- - -- -.......--------------------------------- <br /> ---------- - ---- ----- -- - - ---- - -- ----- - ----- --- -- - -- - - -- -...- ---......__--- - ------------- ��--------- -�--_....-�--�--- ---� - - ----- ------ - --- -------- ---------------._...------...------------ <br /> - -- - --------- - - ----------- ------------- - - ----- -------. ___..-----------------�------------------------------ ...._-- ----------- --------------- -----=- --- -- ------------------.._..--- �-------------------- <br /> ----- ---- ---------------�-----.-......... - - ----- --- ----- -- ---- ----- - -- ---- -----...........__. ------------ --_....-- ----------------------------------------------------------�-�-- ---....................-- --�-------------�---- <br /> --------- ----------------- - - -- ------ - - - --- -- - - - --- . . . - - --------------------------------- <br /> To�ethe,r with call the teneynertts, hereditamerzts, and appurtenances th,e�eunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri.�ht, Title,Inter•est,Do���er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Crantor_______,a����e�Ta�e�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �d�1E dl�� r0 �O�b the above-described premises, wit7z the appurtenances, unto the said�rar�tee________and to______h]._8._______.__ heirs <br /> and assi�ns foreveT. .Flnd______1______hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee______that____________ __________________ hold_.___._____said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that___.________I_________________ha_V@_�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever_________eXC@7Jt__�,�id_Y8__6t_�'�QC�_,_ <br /> �yzd__________________I__________-_____.___.__ -_-______.________. covenant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever----------- ._ .- -- - - . - - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------- -- <br /> , ---------------------------- -- -- - - --- - - - - ------------ ------ - - - - ---- -- - - --------------- ---- -- - -- ------------------- : <br /> Dated the---------------- --1�--------------------da�J ��--- -- -.TUTle--- -- --- - - ---.g. D.,19---1-��-'----• <br /> - hi s <br /> WZTNESS D.D.C'Kane -------Thomas X�--Dermody------------------------------ ` <br /> witness ta mark ---- �- ----M�r <br /> - --------n._D.Q'K ane------------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------- - <br /> ------------------------------------------ ----- -- - ------------------ <br /> Anna P�c rui re---- ------ - -- --- <br /> ST.qTE OF NEBR�SK.g, <br /> ss. <br /> -------------------------------$311-------County, Urz this----- -- ------1�------------------daJ of--•----------JLi11A------------------------------./1. D., 19_z?___ , before me, <br /> the urcdersi�ned, a Notary Publie---------__-_-__----_-_-__------_-witdzifa a,nd for said County, personally eame---_-----_-----------_--_--_----_--------_-_---_-_-----_---_----._--- <br /> -------- - -- -Tho�as -i?ermody--------------------------------- , <br /> to me personaldy knowrc to be the identical person____...__._whose name_______._________�1�_________________�f�xed to the above , <br /> instrument as�rantor________, and_______________h8_______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____ha�__________voluntary <br /> (�E AL} act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW7T✓V'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj'ieial seal at__________________________ <br /> ________�GOO Cl__R1 V8r__1 Tl___8�1 d__CO'1i27t yon the date last above written. <br /> , <br /> --------- ----------n-�D._0�Kane-------------------------- <br /> ✓V'otary Public. <br /> .My commission expires------------------- - •Tally_--19---.-------------19_�$------• <br /> - - -- - - --- --- --- - <br /> '� <br />� _ �; <br />