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<br /> � . DC�C�D C�C��O�D �oo ���
<br /> ��_ _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _.— _e — s_— __ �__ __._-. ___ __
<br /> s,_ _ _ __. . _ _ _�� _ ____ _ . __ ___.
<br /> �ba�J--SLOP�._ � �
<br /> P&B_AR --
<br /> TLETT CO.,PrtinEting,I,illenprap7aing and G'c�unty SupPties;Oni�sha _ _
<br /> I''R0� I hereby certify that this instrument zvas erctered orz .Numericab
<br /> Index arzd filed for� record, this----------�$---------day af------�Tung---------------
<br /> .1. D., 19-��'-- , at- - - - -_ - - - $-------o'clock -.�•--✓YL .
<br /> ----John �_._Co_o__per �--Nife_ --- __ - _ Warranty
<br /> - --- �,o
<br /> � Deed. �
<br /> -- ---- ---- -- - - - - ��--
<br /> -- _ ----------------------
<br /> Re ster of De,eds,
<br /> -----The-_Jarvi_s_-Ba�uc�er---Aut_o_ GQm�any...__
<br /> ��-------- - - -------- ---- --- - -- --------------------- ---
<br /> ---- Deputy.
<br /> �.r�o�n ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� :
<br /> �i���------�e, -John__R�_C9ovsr ar1._d_ Eli���s_t� -CQOper__hi,$---�!�.fe ------------ ---- ----------------- - ------------ - -
<br /> of the CountJ of_----F��il1�.tOri--- a.rz,d Stcztc �f------------1�1@�r�8_k�--------------------- -------------Grarctor-i3------, in consideratiorz
<br /> of the sum of--------- -0T19--T_Y1QU.�_aritl aT'..d--A4/QQ------------------------------------ ----- - -- -- - - -------------- --- ------------- --------.DOLL.IRS,
<br /> --- ----------
<br /> in harLd paid, do____ .________ir,er�eby CR.FI,NT, B✓�RG.qI�v", SELL, .�J1rD CO�N'V'EY�unto_______7�he_�?aTV�B_-Bauder__Auto___Company__.______________
<br /> ---------------------------- -- -- ---------- -- -- -- --------------------------------------- -- ---- - --- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------- -
<br /> f z� f and State of--------.T�@1�T8.S�i&_.--------------- -.----------,t�rari,t,ee,----$_, the followin�
<br /> o the Courct o --------- H8�11 ---- ---- --- - -- --- -- ------- --__ ..
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_.___ ___.________Nall___.___________.__.____.______________arr,d b'tate of JV'ebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> _........._Lo t s._.nur�be.r_..One----��.}----�nc�__--Two---�2-)----�,x�--��o�:1�_.nunlber...�i x---��?_)_.__o f._.�onni e_..Brae.---Addi.�i.9n.-.:�°-.--------.----.._._
<br /> --------�r:rand I.s1.�,n.d,. -t1e_braaka�-- - ------- - ----- ---- --.... - - - --- ----- ------ --- ---- -- -- -- - -- ----�
<br /> -- ----- --- - -- ---- -- - ------ - ---- --- -- -- ---- .- -�--- --- � --- -- -- --- - --- -- -- ------ - ------------------------------ ------------..._._.._..--- ._----- - --------- --- _
<br /> -- ------------ ----- - - ------ ---- -- --- --- - - -- -- ----- - --� - -- -- - ---�- ------ -- -----------�-- ---.._...------�----------•-�--��-------------------------- ------ --------�---------------------------------------
<br /> __._.....-- --- ----- ._.- ---- -- ---- -- -- - - - ----- - -___ .
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamerats, and appurtenances ther�eunto belon�in�, and all the F,state,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��ef•,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim ar�d Demafzd whatsoeuer of the said Grantot_�:____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �D �A�1C AIY� t0 �0�� the above-described premises,with, the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_8_____a�zd to____�1z.Bj,T----------- �zeirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �4nd_____iY8____.__hereby covenant.______with the said Grarztee__�__.that___._�!e___:_____________.__ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that._______.__Z!SI6____________ha._�g_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell arcd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever-------------------------- --- ------------------- -- --------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------- - =------------_ -- ------ - - -- .._ ..-- --- -- - - ------ - - - - ------- -------------------- -- ---- ---------------- -------------
<br /> ,Flnd_______._____�8__________.___________________________________ eovencznt___.__._to warrant and deferzd the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever----------- -- -. - - ------- - ---------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -
<br /> ------------------------ ..----- ---- - ---- - --- - - - ----- -- -- -------------- - - -- ---- ------- --- ----------- ------------ -------------------------------------------- -
<br /> Dated the-----------------------13�h _daJ �1�- _-- •7UT19---- ---- ------ -- _.g. D.,19--1-��-----• '
<br /> W'ITNESS ` ------Johri._R_._COOpeT--------- --
<br /> --- -- ----------------- -
<br /> r -------�li_�a�2_e�h---CQ.Qp_e�.-- ---- ------------ ------------ - _
<br /> ----------- __-- ---------�e�r-�e---Cowt_on-- ----------- - - -
<br /> - ---------------------------------------
<br /> ------ -------------------- -
<br /> �
<br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR,�SK�1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------�------------------�1a.�.-------------Courzty, On this.------------I.��-�----- -----da�J o�--------------4T�716-------------------------------�. D., 19.�-2___ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notar�y Public---__-__-- _-_---__--__--_---_--withirL arzd for said County, persortallz� came----_----_----_---_-__--___.----_-_-----_-__--_----_--__-_----
<br /> ---------------- _J__�hn__�._Co_o_»er--and__Eli�abeth---Cooner�-----hi_s._wife---------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical personB___.____whose name__�__�0_______________________uffixed to the above ,
<br /> �SEAL� instrument as �rarctor_S____, and________.__ha_Y_e______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____.t�?A�_r____voluntary �
<br /> act and deed for the purpose the�ein expressed.
<br /> Idl�'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed mr� ofj�eial seal at___________________________
<br /> _____.__rl^ct21d__I$.1d11d___I'1AbT38kA__________oy� the date last above written.
<br /> -----------------------_._�@4���---�_Q�iC'�Q11_----------------------
<br /> ✓1�'otarz�Public.
<br /> ,My commission expires------ - - -- - ---- - - ?''iAy -10� -1-�"-16-------------------�C-----------• !
<br />