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,:m:�� �� <br /> .����E� D D ° 0 ° D G� o ��n <br /> D��U G��C�O�D o0 <br /> _ __ _ _ ____ __.= .___ ___ <br /> _:,� -___ __� _.--_ .,_ _ __ . _ _ _ _ __ <br /> uu�iU--KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithograp�iinp and L'ounty Supplies;ZSmaha. " -'� � �Mi� ��� _v' -�V -� <br /> �,._. <br /> __ _.._ _ _.._ __- ---- <br /> _ _. _ __ - - <br /> -. ,� __�,.. .__ _--- ----=__T _..._ ,_ _ __._ --,.._.. _ ._.�_ __ -_.�� __._M�___._, —,_._,_..>. _.,__..._____—__�._.�____--- _ _ -- �— <br /> _. , � <br /> F'��✓� I h,ereby certify that this ir�stru,m,ent �vas entered ora ✓l�acrn,erica,l �' <br /> Iszdex ar�d filed f'or r�ecord this.______1_7________________day of___.__�TLiriB______._._________ : <br /> ------ �_��_.R8�.1�'uY� �r yJl.�8 - - - --- - �arranty �. D., 19- --+u---, a,t--- --- -- - - 8.45 ------o'clock,---A.-.--�• <br /> ro Deed. <br /> - ---- --------- --- - - - -- -_<_-------- --------------- <br /> - - ---------- - - <br /> e�i,ster of De,eds, <br /> ------Frss�---N-=----ancl__Edi_th__x_a_adri�.h-------- <br />', B�-------- -- ------- - -- ----------- ---------------- ------- <br />' De ut <br /> ------ - ------- - ---- --------- <br /> --- - - - -- --- -- - p '�' <br /> -- ------ _ _ _ _ -------- ----- <br /> _ <br /> --- --- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- <br />� �.r�o� ��� �e� �b � e�e �e�e�c��: <br /> � <br /> p � <br /> � ��---- ---?�._���e 1_].o��r�_�n�3._Loui�a__�I_.B.�llo�rs -- ._hi�_--:�i.f_e -- --- ---- - ----- --- ----- -- -- --------- ---- - - ----- <br /> � � - _ --- - <br /> y ,- <br /> of the count� �f----- ---�ia�l. -- -- -��,yz�t ,Stzt.t<� of- ----- - ----------�-_e�rask? ----- -- ---------- --- <br /> ___.___Grantor�_S______, in consideratio�z <br /> of the sum of_--------- Tt�t8T1'�_X_FI��J.t-- �I1�T1C�8d_�l�t_Y - ---------------------------- ---- -- -- - ---- ----------------------- ----- ----- --------.DOLLJ1Rb�, <br /> in hand paid, do__.______.____.__T�ereby GR.l1NT, B�RG.f1I��, SELL, .F1ND CO✓Y'yEY'u.rzto.______F'_r_e(�__N_�_____ r <br /> �ncl__Edi_'�h--sUOarich---------- ------------------ <br /> of the Countz�of---------�i_3.11._------------------------arad Stat.e of-----------���b��F3�3------------------------------_ ------ ------._,Gran,tee---s---, the followin� <br />', described premises, situated in the Count� of_____ .____.._._F�all____ .____________._ .__.___..___af�d State of Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> ------------------Lot.---Fi ve--__(5_�_...�.n.._a�.o c�C_Ten -��Q)-.i_n-�he--o ri.��r�a�.._to�rn---0--#'---Ca�,�oi..__��.�'�:�c.a.�-�-�----�.�_�.a.xcii.x�g. .._t_Q_.---..---- <br /> - - -�-�- - ti�e....recorcic�-a--1��-at-- tl�o.r_eo�• ---- -- - -- --- -- -- - - -------- -- - <br /> ----- ------ - - -- --� - - -� --- --�------------------------------- -- ------ -... -------- <br />'� - ------------....-- ------_.___ ------ ----- - - - -- --- - - --- -- --- -- ---- -..-----��----- -----------�--� ---------.................................. .-- -- --� --�--- -- -....._....---.._. . <br /> --�-------------------- ---------.._. <br />� -� --- - -- ------ ------... - - - ----- - ---- ------- ----__. ---------------------------------------- ---------------- -....-------....--...._........_.------�------�----...- ---------------� -------------------------------------- <br /> . <br /> ..------------�- ----...... ------- - --- -- - --- - - --- - ---- ---�- ----- ._...- ----------.__..... ----- ----------- -�-�----�-�...................�- ------------ --- ---- ---------------�--�-- ---�---------...----------�------ <br />' ------------ --------- ---- ---- --- ------ -- - - -- - -�- --- -- -- - _.._ _ -- - � - -- -- -- - -- -- - _ ..--------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenernents, hereditaments, arcd a,vpurtenances thereunto belor��in�s, ancl all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of the said Grantor___$___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �, <br />', �0 �d�1Q �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises,wath the appurterLances, icnto the said�ratttee8______ar�d to___th6�r________ heirs <br /> I��, and assi�ns forever. .Flnd_____WB______hereby covenant__.____with the said Grantee_£____that______�t£_____________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> I'�i perfeet title; that___.______rY@___.___________h,cc_5t@__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell czr�d. eonvey the same; that they are free and elear of all lien,s <br /> I <br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever_________.________ <br /> ------ ------- ---------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> �nd_______________.______i/Q____.______________ __.___________ covenant________to warrunt and defend the said premises a�sairast the lawful claims of all persons ' <br /> whomsoever----------- - --- - --- - - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- ------- -- - --------------- -- -- <br /> ------------------------------- --- - - - - --- ------ ---- ------ ----------- - ----- ---- -------- --- -------- --------------- --- -- ----- ------------- -- ---- ---------------- <br /> Dated the---------10th------------------------da�J �f�--- - AI?=i-1-- -- - - -- ---- -�. D.,19--��-----• <br /> W'IT�V'ESS ------�.S.B@ 110W 6---------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----rlli_o_t t---Har_r_i_sUn---------- - - ------L°-u�sa--J,_Be 11o�!s-------------------------- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.gSK,�, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------'------------x-c��a---------------------County, On this-------------�-fl---------------daJ o}-------------����-1------------------------------.1. D., 19---1^ - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a JV'otarJ Public------ -----_--__-_____--within,and for said County, personall� camc-----,_-___-.-_-------_----_-----__-__--_._-_--___---_-_---_ <br /> 11 .S.£�lla�rs and Lol�i sa J.Bel lows . <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person___�3.._____whose rLame_$___��'ixed to the above <br /> �SEAL� irestrument as �Srantor_&____, and_____�h��t'_____________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____±�181T____.voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW7T.N'ESSWHEREOF,Ihc�vehereunto subscribed my name and af�Bxed mz� ofjicial seal at_________________________ <br /> _______.____CalxO_�___l�t�br3SKa ._orz the date last above written. <br /> Elliott �'arrison <br /> - ------------------------------------------- - <br /> Notaf•r�Public. <br /> .My commission expires------- -- ---- - ---- --- ---- --- ------NQV-----l�z . --------19---16---• " <br />